Chapter 2: Remnant Seal Of True Flame

Five minutes later.

Qiu Yuan shouted, "Group three."

Cheng Han was a member of that group, and the entire group lined up and entered the compartment.

Looking around, one could see a gray stone wall embedded with numerous marks from knives and axes, vaguely forming a blurry silhouette.

This was known as the "Mysterious Spirit Wall."

The patterns on it were called "Spirit Shadow Diagrams."

Next to the stone wall hung a clock used for timing.

Qiu Yuan set the hands to zero and said, "Let's begin."

Ten students all looked at the stone wall.

This object contained profound power. When the students first looked at it, they could only see blurry marks on the wall. They had to concentrate fully in order to see clearly.

Cheng Han was the same.

His vision blurred for a second before the scene became clear, but he was pleasantly surprised.

Even when his All-Knowing Eye was at level 2, it took at least two seconds to see the wall clearly. Now, the time had been halved.

There was no doubt that the 2 points of mental power he gained from leveling up yesterday played a crucial role.

After just thirty seconds.

The first student's body trembled a few times and lowered their head.

It wasn't that they didn't want to continue observing, but their spirit couldn't withstand the power of the wall any longer. It was difficult to concentrate, so they were forced to look away.

Qiu Yuan recorded the data and subtly shook his head.

He was one hundred percent certain that this student would never be able to form a seal in their lifetime.

Another ten seconds passed.

Cheng Han's mind reached its limit and had to stop observing.

He looked up at the clock.

Forty-two seconds!

Cheng Han was quite pleased. "Among all the students in the class, this result should be able to rank in the top ten."

He checked his mental power and found that it had decreased by 1.5 points, which made him even happier. "Last time, it consumed 1.6 points. Level 3 skills are indeed more powerful."

Cheng Han didn't notice that Qiu Yuan, standing in the corner, looked over with a gaze full of astonishment.

Before long, all the students finished observing.

Qiu Yuan shouted loudly, "During the two hours of observing the Mysterious Spirit Wall, meditation has the best effect. Everyone, meditate quickly."

Dozens of students spread out mats on the ground and sat cross-legged on them.

Cheng Han found a corner, closed his eyes, and began to meditate.

The so-called "meditation" was actually visualizing the Spirit Shadow Diagram in one's mind on a spiritual level.

In the first two or three years, most people could only recreate a vague image, which was the first stage. After long-term practice, about thirty percent of people could visualize clear patterns, which was the second stage.

In the final third stage, if someone with exceptional talent grasped a certain opportunity, they could make the Spirit Shadow Diagram undergo a miraculous transformation, known as the Source Sensing Seal.

Over ninety-five percent of the students in the class were currently in the first stage, and the remaining few hadn't even reached the first stage.

It took Cheng Han nearly ten minutes to complete the first visualization. About forty percent of the strokes were relatively clear, which was an increase compared to the clarity of less than thirty percent during the meditation class three days ago.

It had increased by a whole ten percent!

This was a leap in progress!

For most students, such a significant improvement was impossible without three months of effort. The powerful effect of a level 3 skill could be seen from this.


Half an hour later, Cheng Han completed three visualizations.

At this point, his mental power had decreased by 2.7 points, leaving only 7.2 points.

According to Qiu Yuan's guidance, the mental pressure would greatly increase after three consecutive visualizations. Continuing to visualize would only yield half the results, so the best practice was to use breathing techniques to calm the mental pressure.

Cheng Han thought for a moment and decided to use his Eye of Omniscience once, while also earning some proficiency.

He silently recited, "Deduce today..."

Speaking halfway, he suddenly had a whimsical thought: "No, deciphering the 'sun' of this space-time... Hmm, or rather, the mystery of day and night changes."

Cheng Han felt a strange chill on the top of his head, and his mind became ethereal.

Soon, the anomaly disappeared without a trace.

The Eye of Omniscience seemed to gain nothing.

Cheng Han smacked his lips and said, "The changes of day and night may involve the profound mysteries of this world. The Eye of Omniscience is only at level 3 now, so this is probably beyond its capabilities."

He gave up on further deduction and decided to practice breathing exercises. Suddenly, a brilliant halo appeared before his eyes.


This was not something his eyes "saw." The brightness descended directly into his mind. From the perspective of visualization, he observed an incredibly splendid light.

What was even more peculiar was that the halo seemed to contain many profound pieces of knowledge.

Cheng Han was immediately stunned.

After a moment, the light quickly contracted and condensed into a hazy sphere of light.

A piece of information flashed out of thin air: [Deciphered 'True Flame Remnant Seal']

Cheng Han was shocked and delighted once again.

What on earth was the True Flame Remnant Seal?

Another piece of information followed closely: "Proficiency +12, current proficiency is 16/1000, mental value is 1.6/13.2."

In the past, each deciphering only consumed 1-2 points of mental value, but this time it consumed a whopping 5.6 points, and the proficiency also refreshed the record.

Cheng Han hadn't had time to study the remnant when suddenly he felt an unusually burning sensation on his forehead, as if it had been branded by a hot iron. He couldn't help but cry out in pain, "Ah~"

As soon as the words left his mouth, he inwardly cursed, "Oh no."

There was an iron rule in meditation class that strictly prohibited disturbing others' meditation. Anyone who violated this rule would be punished by Qiu Yuan, who would use a ruler to strike their palms.

The ruler weighed one jin, and a strike would leave a blood mark that would take at least three days to fade.

In an instant, the burning sensation subsided.

Cheng Han opened his eyes and looked at Qiu Yuan with a worried expression.

As expected, the latter looked at him expressionlessly.

Many students stopped meditating and turned to look at Cheng Han.

Qiu Yuan stood with his hands behind his back and coldly asked, "Why did you make a fuss?"

Cheng Han honestly replied, "I don't know what happened just now, but I suddenly felt a severe headache."

Qian Qingqing's gaze was filled with deep sympathy.

In her heart, she felt that the excuse made by her desk mate was too fake. Qiu Laoshi would definitely pull him out and use the ruler to strike his palm harshly.

The other students had different expressions.

Cheng Han was a lone wolf in the class and didn't have much interaction with most of his classmates. Many of them had a look of anticipation, as if they were watching a good show.

There were even a few classmates who didn't like him and had a gloating expression on their faces.

However, what happened next surprised everyone.

Qiu Yuan looked at him carefully and asked, "Is your headache real?"

Cheng Han nodded.

Qiu Yuan cleared his throat and said, "Occasionally, under excessive mental consumption, there may be symptoms of severe brain pain. You should be experiencing this."

He paused and rarely added, "After school, make sure to rest well."

Cheng Han was stunned.

Did Qiu Laoshi just let him off like that?

Qian Qingqing showed a look of astonishment.

Oh my god, Qiu Laoshi, who always had a deadpan face, did he take the wrong medicine today? He actually took the initiative to excuse the student?

The other students were also greatly surprised.

Qiu Yuan looked around and sternly shouted, "What are you looking at? Continue meditating!"

He scolded, "After you graduate from high school, you can only go to the martial arts hall to observe the Mysterious Spirit Wall. It costs at least eighty copper coins each time, and the school doesn't charge any fees. Please cherish every opportunity."

A group of students quickly closed their eyes and put on a serious meditation appearance.

In this world, the average person's monthly income was mostly around eighteen to twenty silver coins.

In terms of purchasing power, one jin of potatoes cost two copper coins, and the salary level was roughly equivalent to a thousand yuan in the previous life. Going to the martial arts hall once was equivalent to spending forty yuan, which was definitely not cheap.