Chapter 4: Silver Coin and The Black Cat

The last period of the afternoon is usually a self-study class for students to do their homework.

By this time, the sky has already darkened quite a bit.

Several gray crystal lamps in the classroom have all been turned on.

Cheng Han squints his eyes and gazes at the elegantly shaped gray crystal lamp, his mind filled with thoughts.

The so-called "gray crystal lamp" is an illuminating device powered by "gray crystal," which is a special crystal that contains a small amount of energy.

In addition, the crystal-powered vehicles running on the roads and various machines operating in factories are also driven by gray crystal.

Cheng Han has given a name to these types of items - Crystal Energy Technology.

However, although gray crystal is useful, it is relatively expensive and only wealthy families can afford it.

The Qinglin City Council is particularly generous to the school and covers the lighting expenses, allowing students to enjoy the bright gray crystal lamps for free.

By the way, there is no electricity in this world at all.

There is no static electricity phenomenon in daily life, and the sky has never seen lightning and thunder.

Cheng Han once tried to make a hand-cranked generator, but unfortunately, he couldn't find any magnetic objects, and the people around him didn't even know what magnetism was.

At this moment, Qian Qingqing is sitting next to him, occasionally stealing glances at his profile.

Cheng Han notices the gaze of his desk mate and turns his head to ask, "Why do you keep looking at me?"

Qian Qingqing's tone is somewhat elusive, "I increasingly feel that you are completely different from the other boys in the class."

Cheng Han blinks his eyes, "How am I different?"

Qian Qingqing gives an example, "In yesterday's history class, the teacher talked about several terrifying disasters related to the 'Three Great Anomalies' and said that the anomalies are the source of all calamities.

"But you said that human desires are the fundamental reason, and even if there were no anomalies, as long as humans still have desires like greed, the world will never be without disasters.

"I didn't believe it at the time, but when I talked to my dad about what you said after dinner yesterday, he thought your words were right and even said that your insights surpass many adults."

Cheng Han smiles and doesn't say anything more.

In his previous life on Earth, where were there any anomalies?

But flipping through the history books, there were countless despots and rebels, and emperors with extravagant desires were everywhere, not to mention the countless tyrants and bullies who caused trouble.

Behind the collapse of every dynasty, fundamentally, there were major problems with the distribution of benefits, leading to financial collapse, and ultimately the collapse of the country.

*Ding Ling~*

The bell for the end of class rings.

The classroom immediately becomes lively.

Cheng Han quickly packs up his personal belongings and bids farewell to the little girl, "See you tomorrow!"

Qian Qingqing sends him a sweet smile, "See you tomorrow!"

Wen Jie, sitting in the back row, feels jealous once again.

For Cheng Han, saying "see you tomorrow" to each other every day is just a trivial matter, but for Wen Jie, it is an unattainable thing.

Cheng Han walks out of the teaching building, his right hand inserted into his pocket, holding a silver coin, silently reciting, "Calculate where I can find money."

This is his usual way of "earning" living expenses.

Based on experience, if he calculates directly, he succeeds five out of ten times.

But if he holds a coin, he can obtain useful information seven out of ten times.

Cheng Han calls this phenomenon "association." When calculating information, if he holds an item that is associated with it, the success rate can be greatly increased.

Soon, he sees a surreal image:

Underneath a shrub, buried in shallow soil, there is a coin, perhaps due to his skill level not being high, the image appears somewhat blurry, making it difficult to distinguish the type of coin.

The illusion changes a few times, indicating a rough route.

Spirit value has been depleted by 0.5 points, leaving only 0.6 points, but proficiency has not increased.

Cheng Han felt a slight dizziness.

This is the result of the spirit value dropping to a low level.

Cheng Han muttered softly, "Dongtai Road, need to take a detour."

The school gate was bustling at this time, with a large number of students and some parents who came to pick up their children.

There were several four-wheeled vehicles parked on the road, resembling cars from the 1930s in the previous world. These were the crystal energy vehicles of this world, priced at more than twenty gold coins, affordable only for the wealthy.

Qian Qingqing's family bought one, and this little girl was driven to and from school by her father every day.

On the other side, there was a group of beasts that were nearly 2.5 meters tall, with thick gray feathers covering their bodies, occasionally making a "roar" sound.

Any person from Earth who saw them would blurt out - dinosaurs.

Because the appearance of these beasts was very similar to the prehistoric Dinosaurs of Earth.

They were called "feathered beasts" and served as mounts, with a price of no less than eight gold coins. Families with better economic conditions would mostly purchase a feathered beast as a means of transportation.

Crystal energy vehicles were products of industrial civilization, while feathered beasts were full of primitive aura, yet the two were mixed together.

Cheng Han pushed an old bicycle and thought to himself, "Only transmigrators can see such magical scenes, right?"

The bicycle was one of the properties left behind by the previous owner, with a history of at least ten years. It creaked and groaned when ridden, as if it could fall apart at any moment.

The previous owner had planned to do a major overhaul, but due to financial constraints, it never happened.

After transmigrating, Cheng Han repeatedly used the "pick up money" method and found four silver coins in the first month. He bought a large number of parts, replaced severely worn-out components, and repainted it, restoring it to 80% new.

The previous owner's long-cherished wish was easily fulfilled like this.

Fifteen minutes later.

Cheng Han arrived at Dongtai Road riding his bicycle.

This was the factory area, and there were not many people on the road at this time. The buildings on both sides were brightly lit.

Factories in this world generally implemented an "889" work system, which meant starting work at eight in the morning and finishing at eight in the evening, working for nine days before getting a day off.

He looked at this scene and couldn't help muttering, "I will never go to a factory in the future, even if I'm beaten to death."

After walking for dozens of meters, Cheng Han found a large patch of shrubs near the wall. Comparing it to his memory, he nodded and said, "It should be here!"

Cheng Han parked his bicycle and walked to the side of the shrubs, taking out a small shovel and started digging in the mud.

After more than ten seconds, there was a "ding" sound as the shovel hit a hard object.

Cheng Han's face lit up, "Found it!"

He reached into the soil and touched it a few times, indeed feeling a coin-shaped object. He wiped off the dirt on the surface, revealing a silver metallic texture.

It was actually a silver coin!

With the cheat in hand, making money was so simple!

Cheng Han grinned, "The silver coin has been buried, it's probably lost here a long time ago."

If he could find the owner of the coin, he would return it voluntarily. But if it had been lost for too long and his current level of the Eye of Omniscience was not high enough to trace it, he could only accept it.

He lightly tossed the silver coin, "It's time to go home."


A cat's meow came from afar.

Cheng Han suddenly turned around and looked at the wall behind him. He saw a black cat squatting on the wall, its pair of green eyes staring straight at him.

After a moment of eye contact, the black cat leaped lightly into the wall and disappeared.

Cheng Han's heart skipped a beat, and a slight uneasiness arose.

He couldn't help but furrow his brows, "Is this an illusion? Or could it be a bad omen?"

Cheng Han pondered for a moment and made a decision, "For safety's sake, it's best to use the Eye of Omniscience to deduce it. But my spirit value is running low, so I should go home and replenish it first."

He hopped on his bicycle and quickly left.