The crash

The soft ding of the med bay continued to sound, gently waking up the beautiful young lady laying in it. She looked so carefree and at peace, but this was just the effect of the med bay.

As she opened her eyes, Alma felt a slight headache coming over, and some aches in her body. She could tell she'd been badly injured, but, as always, the med bay had done its work beautifully. The aches would be over soon, just a minor reminder of what she had to endure. 

Suddenly, it came back to her. The guns, the violence, the betrayal. Instantly, she sat up, hitting the glass container of the med bay. She'd forgotten to open it up. However, that was not her concern at the moment. 

Looking around, she first saw blood. A pool of it. Following the trail, she saw him, lying just a few steps away from her med bay. Her mind was on overdrive. She suddenly realized what had happened. 

After she passed out, he had somehow overcome insurmountable odds and made it to the ship they were on. He had placed her in the med bay, but had been too weak to do anything else. After placing her in the med bay, his willpower seems to have given up. 

"Oh no!" frantically, Alma struggled to get off her med bay to get to where he lay. His lips were turning blue. Upon closer inspection, she realized that he wasn't even breathing. All evidence seemed to suggest that he'd given up his ghost. 

"No! Don't you dare do this to me!" She shouted as she got to her feet. Mustering up whatever strength and willpower she could, Alma lifted the passed out man and placed him on the med bay. Given his well toned muscular body, this was no small feat. 

She then rushed to the med bay's control panel, crazily inputting commands. Two mechanical arms sprang into action. At their ends, there were metal plates. A moment later, Alma found out they were the defibrillators, shocking Heiser's heart back to rhythm. 

Deep down, she desperately prayed that it was not too late. He had to make it, he had to be alive no matter what. 

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The sound of his heart beating again was a godsend. She almost fell down with relief. Stretching, she bent down to kiss his lips, which had been blue some moments ago. She could see his chest rising and falling. 

"Initial command: Resuscitate, was a success. However, patient is in critical condition. Listing issues: 

Multiple open wounds and laceration, Several broken bones and severe internal hemorrhage.

Estimated time needed to fully heal target: 16 hours 32 minutes. Please check list of materials needed and ensure all supplies are at required amounts."

The mechanic voice of the med bay AI was both comforting and disturbing at the same time. However, to Alma, her man had been restored. While he was still in critical condition, she was confident he would recover. 

Checking the levels, she realized that her initial optimism had been wrong. The med bay had consumed a lot of resources, presumably to heal her. She did not have enough to give Haiser a clean bill of health. Luckily, the med bay was programmed to focus on healing the most important areas first. 

Watching the little mechanical arms shoot laser beams at him, she felt satisfied. She had done all she could, she just hoped that it was enough. Moreover, he was a fighter. He would make it through, he had to. 

She could still remember the first time they met. With his fierce gaze and that regal look he had, anyone could tell that he was extraordinary. He was strong, powerful, and had that dependable vibe.

Alma herself was not ordinary. As the daughter of one of the most prosperous families, and the one poised to inherit the family wealth and leadership position, she had seen all kinds of people. She prided herself to stand at the very top. 

She could still remember that day. Her younger sister was bickering with some boy. They were at a ball, her mother being the host. The younger kids, being kids, were making a ruckus chasing and playing. 

Anyone who had received an invite to such a gathering had to be somebody. This was where the social elites would gather, bring their children to mingle and come out with suitable spouses. If one nabbed someone from such a gathering, they were almost always a suitable match. 

She had noticed her younger sister being bullied by a slighter older boy. The two had even managed to attract a small crowd, and not just limited to children their age. The boy was holding on to her sister's hand a little too roughly. Based on the angle the had was being held at, she could tell, her sister was hurting, she had to intervene. 

"Hey! stop that!" she shouted as she approached the boy. With her friends, or rather frenemies, flanking her, she approached the kid. She had on a stern elder sister look. 

"Hey no fair! She started it!" The kid retorted, not giving ground. 

"I said let go!" she shot back. Now that she was before the two, she forcefully grabbed her sister's hand and removed it from the boy's grasp. 

"That's not fair! Make her give back what she stole then!" The kid shouted. He clearly was not giving up. 

"Who do you think you are! The Myrtil family does not steal!" The little girl shot back, angry that the boy would dare tarnish her reputation like that. She forgot she had "borrowed" the boy's miniaturized ArchLight Nutrino ship a few minutes ago. 

"Ha! Look at you, little thief, being all loud and pompous. Don't you have any shame? I bet your family only knows how breed thieves." The boy was undaunted, however, he was still young, and he took things too far. 

"What did you say?" Even Alma had been incensed. How could the little fool dare say such things about her family? With her frost aura, even the little boy cowed down. "Which family did you come from, where they don't teach you any manners?" 

"He's from my family," A deep, confident voice had floated in from the side. Turning around with her still frowning face, she beheld the most handsome and regal face she had ever seen in her life.