Decisions (2)

"Come on, there's just no way such dignitaries could have traveled all this way for just a couple of missing fugitives," Kai said, raising one eyebrow at the guy standing behind the two. "So how about this, you tell me what you're really after, and I will help you the best I can." 

"We have already stated our requirements, are you going to comply?" The elderly gentleman standing behind the young lord spoke, glaring at Kai. 

"Look, my hands are tied. There's just no way I can give you information about all the people that have come in and out of Planet Tres," Dream on, This was what he said in his heart. "Your request is a little overboard, so how about this, I give you a record of those that came in without official travel documents." 

Kai was flabbergasted when they asked all the details about anyone who's come and gone from the planet. Not even the King would demand that, and even if he did, he, Kai, was under no obligation to abide. Yet these wannabe high lords thought they can intimidate him into giving up such crucial information, and without even paying for it. Who did they think they were? 

Just as the man was about to retort, the captain raised his hand, indicating the man to be silent. With a deep stare at Kai's eyes, he said, "that is acceptable. When can we have this information?"

"Naturally, it will take some time to compile, so how about I have it delivered to you tomorrow afternoon," Kai stated, knowing full well he'd have it within the hour. 

"Is there no way to make it happen sooner?" The captain asked. A merchant would know, Kai thought to himself. There are somethings that should not be said.

"There will be a lot of overtime and coercion used, but I will try and make it by the morning," Kai smiled bitterly, indicating there was nothing more he could do. 

"What if we helped out with the overtime," The captain asked. 

Oh, so you do know how to behave? Kai nodded and said, "it depends on your sincerity,"


As the cryptic negotiations came to an end, Kai agreed to send over the information by the evening. He refused to go any higher, indicating that it really was too difficult. He later sent his guest off and made his way back to his office. 

That's when he found Maya, his assistant, waiting for him. She had a folder. By now, Kai had already passed down the command, so he expected her to be busy and hands on in the compilation process. Seeing her here, there must have been something strange. 

"Something for you to consider. It happened this morning," she said handing the folder over. Upon closer inspection, Kai got a knowing smile. He was beginning to put two and two together, but he could tell there was so much he could not see yet. Now that he had a chance, it would a waste to such a golden opportunity. 

"This is good. When compiling the list, make sure to leave this out of dossier," Kai said. While Maya was surprised, she did not question Kai, only following his orders. 

"Why did you agree to his terms that easily?" Meanwhile, a very incised Lord Aidan demanded from the captain. In response, the latter raised an eyebrow, indicating that he was not the type of person to speak that to.

"Why offer a bribe," spoken in a much softer tone, as way of apology perhaps. 

"Simple. He demonstrated himself to be greedy, and it seemed the more money we offered, the faster he'd work. So why spare some money, are you lacking." Captain explained patiently. Despite disliking this imperial dog, he still had to condone him as a guest, orders were orders. As such, he had to show a certain amount of subservience, just like Kai. 

"Then why not offer him more?" 

"We need some time in planet to have a little look ourselves. I already have men conducting their own investigation. Let's just wait and see," Captain Edwin said as he sat back and closed his eyes, indicating the conversation was over. All Aidan could do was walk away, muttering to himself. 

Unlike Aidan, Captain Edwin could understand Kai's position. While people closer to home were much easier to deal with, Kai was on the fringe, and there was practically no benefit, save pampering one's ego, to taking action against such a company.

Also, unlike the Empire, in the Kingdom, civilians and commoners had more rights and protection. Therefore, they were more courageous and less intimidated by nobility, something not common in the Empire. Of course, there was nothing like nobility in the Republic, which made their people all the more carefree. 

* * *

The folky music, the bountiful feast, the warm company and the ale made for a lively event. Even Tim and Hannah, after the initial awkward moment, got to enjoy themselves. 

The two had been crowded since the moment the ale started taking effect, and by the late night, Tim was surrounded by the menfolk, drinking and making merry. He would tell the most riveting war stories. 

Even without his admittance, just his temperament, his straight gait, and sinew muscles, they had surmised that he was or had been a soldier. They couldn't guess that they were in the presence of a prince.

Alma was amazed by the simplicity of the people. The usual sass, the gossips and the who run of emotions that make up a girl's world was all there. She felt at peace. This was a place she could live out her days. 

With this, a decision was made. As the caught each other's eyes, they both knew it. At least for the moment, they would stick around.