Fire land

Every team was in their own location, waiting to get into the arena. Before them, there were massive gates before them. A massive digital clock located above the gates was counting down. 





Haiser's gait was resolute. As someone who had been deployed to a battlefield several times, he had experienced this feeling several times. His heart was steady. Behind him, he could see a few people loosing their nerves. He could tell that the massive pressure piled on them was overwhelming.

Turning around, he said, "Listen up! Whatever comes to us once we are out there, stay with me. Listen to my commands, and we'll get there. Hoo-ah" 

For a moment, Haiser had forgotten he was not dealing with soldiers. Still, the little speech had energized the team, and many had yelled in response. There's always something about letting out a loud yell right before a battle. It helped in relieving the stress and tension of the upcoming battle. 

Just as everyone was shouting, the clock reached 00.00.00, causing the gates to part. Suddenly, everyone caught a glimpse of the hell that awaited them. 

All around them, there were various trees and rocks, but many were on fire. The entire forest seemed to be covered in smoke. If they didn't know any better, Cate would have thought that they were on the path of a runaway forest fire. 

Everything in their sight was obscured by the smoke and trees. However, from a distance, the team could make out an area which seemed unaffected by the fire. It looked to be very far, and also in an elevated place. From what the team could make out, there were letters inscribed on it. 

"Safe Haven. Bring the flag here." These were the words written on the area. 

As the team was considering their options, the smoke from the forest began to seep in the location they were in. Clearly, inaction had consequences too. From a distance, Haiser could see a space that looked like a clearing. He immediately commanded his team into action, having them all dash towards the clearing. 

Luckily, the members were all trained fighters. They instantly responded, moving cohesively. Observing his people, Haiser nodded happily. While they were a far cry from a well trained team of elite soldiers, they could barely hold their own in a serious engagement. Even his teammates, Joel and Carlos, moved with expertise of experience and battle readiness. 

Luckily for the team, the clearing seemed to have some sort of force field enveloping it, forming a dome. The smoke did not penetrate the dome, giving the contestants a momentary refuge.

Just as the team got into the clearing, a different team came into place. They too seemed like potential contestants. While they were not openly aggressive, Haiser still had the team give the other a wide berth, keeping to themselves. 

Since Haiser did not know the team well, he had Cate order two people to go and check out the perimeter, seeking to find any clues on where to find a flag. This was the item that would guarantee a place for the contestant who delivered it to the safe zone. 

While the safe zone broadcasted its position, finding the flag was another matter. Quickly, the team of fifteen arranged themselves into groups of two. The group would go to the field, two at a time, seeking for any clues.

Haiser was the only constant who did not venture out, choosing to hold down their momentary fort. From the way the other team were eyeing them, they would sooner make a move, in a bid to remove the other team from occupying their stronghold. 

After several runs from the teammates, Haiser gathered that there was a safe haven that looked different from the others. From the reports of those that went ahead, they had a unique color enveloping the clearing. 

Any member that tried to get to the clearing found themselves barred from entry by the clearing's dome protection. Even now, the various teams had not found a way to open the clearing. 

From the stands, the crowd were on their feet. They had seen the various teams making their runs. They could see the unique safe zones, but like the teams, they had not uncovered how to to open the grounds. 

"This is the reason why the participants, especially the guys leading the teams, have to have fast reactions and above average intelligence. To uncover the secrets behind each trial, a team must have both cunning and intelligence." Henry Jackson expounded to the spectators. 

Everyone waited, eagerly curious on how to acquire the flags. On the stands, Alma was busy observing Haiser. From their viewpoint, they could see their team. They too were just as stymied as everyone else. 

"Is there anything else out there other than the safe zones?" 

"Well, other than the super freaky clouds of smoke, there's nothing else out there," Carlos said, exasperated. He had gone on multiple runs, not even he had any clue of what to expect. Upon hearing the reply, Haiser got an idea. However, upon close inspection of his team, it did not seem as though either one of them were up to the task. 

"My turn," Haiser announced. Not giving anyone a chance, he suddenly dashed out of the clearing. Everyone was momentarily shocked, but all they could do was wait. Haiser was the backbone of the group.

Given the many monster-level kind of humans, Haiser was their team's protector. Even those that had not seen the team in action, they had listened to Cate's narrative, and had heard the rumors flying around. They knew that whatever chance the team stood, it was thanks to the man. Loosing him at this stage was unacceptable. 

Strangely, while Haiser found the unique safe zones fast enough, he did not rush to them. Girding himself, Haiser made a mad rush at one of the bushes where the smoke was thickest. It could be said that these places were the source of most of the smoke in the area.