Fighting begins

An unprecedented quiet settled over the arena grounds. From the VIP section to the stands, everyone held their breath as they watched the newly formed alliance move forward. 

All battle plans had been made, strategies laid out, and manpower deployed. It was now time for the two opposing factions to clash head on. 

Just as everyone was about to get into place, Haiser signaled Joel and Carlos. Once they were all together he gave a command, "Once the fighting starts, find a way to get near me as quickly as possible. Bring the others if you can but you must get to me."

"Gotcha," Carlos answered, Joel nodded. 


"Tell me again, what are these superior fighters you were talking about?" Lord Henry, the chancellor of Laventine corporation said. He was sitting on a beautifully embroidered couch overlooking the arena. 

"Lord, out here, the people call them fighting experts. In the military and other official capacities, we have another name for them. They are called pugilists," The man seated beside him answered. His first stance and monotone voice made him look every part like a soldier, which he was. One look at him and you could hear the bootcamp he came from.

"Isn't that the same thing," Lord Henry looked confused. That was like calling cars automobiles, they were synonyms. 

"To the public, they bear no difference. However, to certain circles, knowing what a pugilist is and what sets them apart shows how informed one is. When going into a fight, if one is facing a pugilist and they are not, they are as good as dead."

"And all this comes from mastering some combat techniques?" Lord Henry was skeptical. 

"Its not just about mastering a technique. For one to achieve this level of expertise, they must have pushed their body to the limits, and then some. This is where abundant resources and good training environments come into play. However, the individual must have the will and the talent to make it." The man explained. 

"Say someone has mastered a fist technique. To achieve that, one must push their control over their body to the limit. Normal people wouldn't even understand the level of sacrifice and persistence this requires, and this is only the beginning." 

"What next?" Lord Henry was mildly interested. 

After a gulp of water, the man continued: "You must know that techniques and mastering them is closely related to virtual reality. One needs to get immersed into the virtual environment. There, they can push their avatar to greater levels than is possible in the real world. Techniques are much easier to learn in virtual reality."

"The sublimation comes when the person is able exhibit a portion of the power they have in virtual reality in the real world. At that time, one can be said to be superhuman." 

"Why?" Lord Henry asked. 

"Because they have broken the limits of the physical body. By exerting themselves in such a manner, they can perform feats that were previously thought to be impossible. They may not necessarily fly, but there are some that can leap great distances. Some can achieve speeds that are beyond human achievement." 

"In essence, its an enhancement," Lord Henry asked, trying to simplify and demystify this amazing level. He could see the man was trying to oversell this achievement. 

"Yes, and no. Yes, its enhances ones basic attributes to a whole new level. Their senses are raised up a notch, and this includes the sixth sense. They are able to pull more out of their muscles and body, exerting more power than is possible. They can punch through walls, dent steel, snap bones with a slap. Do you get it now?" The man felt as though he was explaining to a child. Unless someone got to witness these people in action, they would not appreciate how capable they were. 

"You said these experts, sorry, pugilists, standout like a peacock among hens, right? Can you identify any?" Lord Henry posed the question, turning his attention to the arena grounds. 

"From just their movements, and with proper training and experience of course, one can identify the kind of people who are absolutely lethal. In the side of the super powers, the guys who've surrounded the safe haven, I can see several such characters, especially the leaders." 

"What about our side?" Lord Henry asked. 

"Unfortunately, the number is pitifully low. Even counting that new guy from Iresal, I do not see any chance of victory." 

"Are you saying he is one of such experts?" Lord Henry was mildly startled. 

"Not exactly. From his actions so far, it is hard to tell. However, once we see him in action, we can tell what kind of person he is. This is a perfect chance to watch his movements." The man said. He too was interested in this potential dark horse of the competition. 

Dallas had done a lot in his life, but he never expected to be an adviser to some stuck up noble who had sunk so far away from the kingdom's capital. However, after a dishonorable discharge and one bad decision after another, he had tumbled down to where he was now. But, it was either do this or become a full blown bandit, or space pirate. 

"I thought you said you can easily tell whether one is a pugilist with a look," Lord Henry mocked. 

"Well, the best I can say is, he hasn't done anything that qualifies or disqualifies him, which is what makes him so enigmatic." Dallas answered.

"Do you think your side could take him?" Lord Henry asked. 

"We don't have long until we find out. He is one of the few who has a flag, I don't think they will let him off that easily."

In the arena, the man being discussed was one of the few who would lead in the frontal assault.

He had intentionally chosen this path. As one of the leaders, Haiser did not have to go there himself, but then he would have to volunteer another one of his members. 

Since he was in the lead, he had taken the reigns. It was now time for the showdown to begin. 

With a shout, the invading group charged into the safe haven.