201. Bullseye and the Blood Baron.

Original Osborn City.

Blood Nest—

After dealing with countless Doombots, Blood Baron John was exhausted and headed toward his "nest."

His current residence was in the high tower at the entrance of the Blood Nest, which was formerly the place where the Green Goblin Osborn and his Sinister Six resided. From this tower, he could monitor the entire city through more than fifty large screens, making it impossible for anyone to escape his sight.

The tower was filled with technological devices, and even some magical artifacts left by Lorelei. However, Blood Baron didn't understand those, nor did he care. After several exhausting days, all he wanted was to get some rest before the sun rose.

The outer walls and battlefield were now under the control of Doctor Doom's Doombots. Blood Baron couldn't afford to offend either Doom or Red Skull, so he wisely stepped aside, letting them negotiate among themselves.

However, Blood Baron knew that simply staying neutral wouldn't be enough. If he wanted to fully control this place and avoid becoming a target for both Red Skull and Doctor Doom, he had to choose a side when the time came.

On the surface, Blood Baron showed great respect for Doctor Doom. He allowed the Doombots to take over the battlefield surrounding the Blood Nest and even granted them unrestricted access to the city's internal data.

Privately, though, Blood Baron hoarded some useful information, waiting for Hydra's forces to arrive before secretly handing it over, hoping that the Hydra higher-ups would speak favorably of him to Red Skull.

Blood Baron never imagined that he, once a hunted dog, would now become a lord. He cherished this opportunity and took Alex's entrusted task seriously.

Thanks to his smooth handling of the situation, Doctor Doom didn't cause any trouble. After gathering substantial information about the "Justice League," Doom left, only his Doombots remained, continuing to scan the battlefield bit by bit. Perhaps Doom left in such a hurry because he wanted to avoid facing Hydra, Blood Baron wasn't sure.

As for Hydra, Blood Baron's private stash appeased their initial anger. Their goal was similar to Doom's, and no one would be pleased to see the other side get ahead. Fortunately, Blood Baron was prepared and managed to satisfy those Hydra operatives.

Blood Baron didn't know which direction the next events would take, but he knew that his initial task was complete. After gaining Red Skull's approval, he was now officially in control of Osborn's city, becoming a local lord. However, Alex's warning still echoed in his mind. Although he knew that the so-called Justice League was a fabrication created by Alex, there truly were beings from other universes in this world.

If that person heard that heroes from the Justice League had appeared here, they would undoubtedly come looking for clues, which was the source of Blood Baron's constant anxiety.

He didn't know how powerful the heroes from other universes were, but based on Alex and his companions, he suspected that the unknown entity wouldn't be weak.

If that person was reasonable, it wouldn't be an issue, but if they came with the intent to kill, things could get difficult.

Shaking his head, Blood Baron sighed softly, pushing these chaotic thoughts aside. At this moment, all he wanted was to return to his coffin and sleep well. It had been a long time since he had interacted with so many people.

Returning to his room, he opened the door and was greeted by a breeze. Looking up, he saw that the window was wide open, with the curtains gently swaying in the night wind.

He paused for a moment, wondering if he had forgotten to close the window. But he didn't think much of it, only hesitating for a second before continuing inside to close the wide-open window. Suddenly, a cold voice spoke from behind him.

"Have you become this incompetent? You should know that if I wanted to, I could have killed you countless times by now, Blood Baron."

Hearing the voice, Blood Baron's body trembled, but he quickly regained his composure. He didn't turn around, instead closing the window and speaking.

"What's the point? Not everyone can make it through Hydra's and Doom's blockade to get here. If you have such ability, then if you wanted to kill me, I wouldn't be able to stop you."

With that, Blood Baron slowly turned his head.

"Isn't that right, Bullseye?"

In the dim light, Bullseye lay elegantly on the bed, his right foot resting on his left, playing with a silver-glinting card in his hand.

"Heh, heh, you're regressing." Bullseye sneered.

"Let's get to the point, Bullseye. I doubt you risked being surrounded by Hydra to come here just to catch up with your 'old friend,'" Blood Baron said calmly. "Yes, I know your current situation. The Hydra operatives told me about your defection."

"We're hardly 'friends,' John, but you're right, I'm not one for idle talk. So, let's get to the point. Tell me about those three superheroes!"

Blood Baron wasn't surprised.

Everyone who had come here recently was after the Justice League, and considering that Bullseye's defection happened around the same time Hawkeye resurfaced, it wasn't hard to deduce Bullseye's purpose.

"I've handed the videos over to Doom and Red Skull, but if you want to see them, I have backups. However, you can only view them here," Blood Baron said, pulling a phone from his suit pocket.

"That'll do."

Bullseye didn't hesitate, getting up immediately to take the phone.

Watching the fervor on Bullseye's face and the urgency in his eyes as he focused on the screen, Blood Baron looked away, knowing that the man before him had lost his mind, heading down a path of no return.

"Bullseye, you didn't need to come all the way here. I'm sure I uploaded the videos to Hydra's channels. With your skills, it shouldn't be difficult to hack into Hydra to find the information."

"It's true, it wouldn't be hard. But this is too important to me; I can't afford any mistakes. I've been tracking these three for some time now. I must catch up to them before Red Skull or anyone else. They are my prey!"

Bullseye replied absentmindedly, his eyes fixated on the screen, engrossed in the images.

On the screen, three figures appeared—two men and one woman.

He had found them!


📢30 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢

For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)

202. Bullseye's Judgment.

203. Hawkeye and Venom.

204. Splitting Up.

205. The New Sacred Timeline.

206. The Secret of the Sacred Timeline.