203. Hawkeye and Venom.

On the other side, thousands of miles away, Alex and his group gathered in front of the remains of a Sentinel robot. After dealing with the last remaining member of the Thunderbolts, there was only one name left for old Barton: the mastermind behind all this—Baron Zemo.

"So, what's our next plan?"

Pietro asked, crossing his arms and looking around before fixing his gaze on Alex.

"I'm going to take down Zemo. He's the last person on my list. Of course, if I survive, I might add a few new names, like Red Skull, Doom, and those guys," old Barton said first.

The group wasn't particularly surprised by Barton's words. After a brief exchange, they had already learned what the still-sharp Hawkeye had been through on this journey.

It's hard to imagine how, as an ordinary human, Hawkeye managed to kill those superpowered individuals with his aging body, but judging by the results, he did it. Although time had taken his strength, he was still worthy of the Avengers' name.

"The black box from the Sentinel robot records Baron Zemo's hiding place, but such a slip-up from a super-criminal isn't wise. It's likely that Baron Zemo left this trap intentionally, just waiting for you to walk into it," Kara said after a moment of thought.

"Indeed, with Zemo's mind, he wouldn't leave such an obvious flaw," Songbird agreed.

"It doesn't matter."

Old Barton's expression remained unchanged. He looked at the group seriously and spoke deliberately.

"All these years, I've been under Zemo's surveillance. He knows everything about me. This is a fight I cannot avoid. I've been waiting forty-five years for this, just to avenge the woman I loved. So, I don't know what tricks Zemo has up his sleeve, but I'm ready to face all his traps."

Barton's words were powerful and resolute, and the group looked at him with complex emotions. Perhaps, except for Alex and Songbird, no one knew exactly what Barton had been through, but from an objective standpoint, Barton's determination and resilience to walk this path of death had earned their respect.

"I'll go with you."

Suddenly, Ashley, who had been silent, broke the silence. Her voice wasn't loud, but it quickly caught the attention of everyone, including Barton, who all turned their gaze to the shortest girl in the group.

Everyone's expressions were different as they looked at Ashley, but most of them showed surprise.

Especially old Hawkeye Barton. After countless failures over the decades, Barton had gradually lost everything. He wasn't a good captain, a good husband, or even a good father. His own daughter even despised him. But now, seeing Ashley stand firmly by his side, Barton's heart, long shrouded in darkness, felt sunlight for the first time.


Barton murmured softly, but perhaps feeling a bit uncomfortable with everyone watching, Ashley turned her head away.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not interested in your revenge, especially since the woman you mentioned isn't my mom. I'm going with you for one reason only: I want to take down Zemo and show everyone my power."

It was clear to everyone that Ashley wasn't being entirely truthful, but no one pointed it out. To be fair, Ashley had changed quite a bit during this time. At least, she wasn't as 'crazy' as before. Maybe the environment has a way of changing people. Being around Alex and the others, with their immense power, Ashley had become as docile as a harmless lamb.

As Barton quietly observed his daughter, his eyes grew a little misty. He could barely see Ashley clearly anymore; the once cute little girl now seemed shrouded in a layer of shadow, making her hard to discern.

But Ashley's actions brought Barton immense comfort. As an old father, he always believed Ashley would become a hero.

"Don't worry, kid. I'll be right there with you to take Zemo's head." Venom manifested a head, its long tongue licking its sharp teeth. "I have a score to settle with Zemo too."

Seeing Venom on Ashley's shoulder, Barton's good mood instantly evaporated. His once relieved expression fell as he coldly said, "This has nothing to do with you, parasite!"

"Still so arrogant, huh? No wonder you're the famous 'Hawkeye.' I'm really curious, how many more comrades have to die before you set aside your foolish pride and stubbornness?" Venom sneered.

"What did you say?" Hawkeye's eyes were now filled with murderous intent.

Venom, unfazed by Hawkeye's undisguised anger, continued, "I can deeply feel Ashley's hatred towards you. Your actions over the years hardly make you a good father. Your failures have cost your family, yet you still call yourself a 'hero.'

You know, archer, have you ever wondered why only you were left alive? If it were Peter Parker who survived, I bet he'd know better how to be a role model for his child..."

"That's enough, Venom."

Seeing that Barton was close to losing his temper, Alex intervened to stop Venom's taunts.

While Venom wasn't wrong—after all, in another universe where the heroes were wiped out, Peter Parker did a much better job raising his kid than old Barton—Alex didn't want these two to clash right now.

Hearing Alex's words, Venom quickly retracted, while Barton glanced at Alex with some displeasure before saying, "I know how much I've failed and how powerless I am, so this mission is mine alone. It's my penance."

"And mine too. I'll go with you," Songbird immediately stood by Barton's side.

Ashley didn't say anything more, but it was clear she intended to go with her father. Now, everyone turned their gaze to Alex, waiting for his response.

After a moment of contemplation, considering his next target, Alex finally exhaled and said, "As you mentioned earlier, Barton, Zemo has been monitoring your every move. With so many of us together, we'd be too big a target, and Zemo doesn't have anything I need. So, I have no reason to go with you."


📢30 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢

For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)

204. Splitting Up.

205. The New Sacred Timeline.

206. The Secret of the Sacred Timeline.

207. The X-Men's Final Resting Place.

208. The Shadow King.