Chapter 153: The Strongest Support, Little Bubble

"So, my fellow angel means that I will eventually become enemies with the Chained God? Well, that doesn't seem strange..." Klein thought for a moment about his own style and then about the attributes of the Chained God. He felt that such a development was not surprising at all.

Just as he would unhesitatingly sabotage the True Creator's various schemes, Klein was sure he would stop the Chained God from performing any bloody ritual in front of him. Naturally, this would lead to enmity.

'But does the term "number one enemy" mean that I will frequently have dealings with the Chained God and the Rose School of Thought in the future?' Klein speculated instinctively. At this moment, he did not know that the Chained God had already become the puppet and smurf account of the Mother Tree of Desire, which Lynn referred to as the Bitch Tree. Therefore, he did not understand who Lynn was referring to as his number one enemy.

Of course, in a certain sense, Klein's understanding wasn't wrong either. After all, the Chained God, as the smurf account of the Bitch Tree, also pointed to the Bitch Tree.

Lynn was naturally aware that Klein had not truly grasped the identity of his enemy, but he did not plan to explain it. After all, the existence of the Bitch Tree was too unsettling for a normal person. It was better to wait until Mr. Fool had experienced more storms and developed a strong enough heart before revealing it to him at the right time.

As long as the Bitch Tree was described as a powerful evil god without mentioning that it was an Outer Deity, it would not cause Corruption. Otherwise, in the original work, Klein would have been Corrupted long ago. When he learned the name of the Bitch Tree, he was only a Sequence 6.

"If that's the case, I'm willing to assist Miss Sharron and Mr. Maric in dealing with the Rose School of Thought's pursuers," Klein said solemnly after digesting the information Lynn had casually revealed. "However, if possible, I hope to set the action time to next week. I will be more confident then."

Klein wanted to wait a few more days because he planned to be promoted to Sequence 7 Magician first. Although he was well-equipped, with the Creeping Hunger for support and control, and the Devil Revolver for direct combat, Klein was still only a Sequence 8. His spirituality was not abundant enough, and using two Sequence 5 and Sequence 6 level Beyonder items at the same time was somewhat strenuous.

So Klein wanted to wait a bit longer. After all, he would submit his application report tomorrow. If the church approved it quickly, the promotion would only take a few days.

"No problem, as long as it's within this month," Sharron agreed without any objections. In their original plan, they hadn't intended to act immediately either.

Originally, Sharron and Maric planned to find a way to lure away the demigod pursuing them and then deal with the remaining pursuers, creating the illusion that they had fled Backlund to avoid the chase.

Although this was somewhat of a stopgap measure, it was the best result Sharron and Maric could achieve.

However, even if they managed to lure away the demigod of the Rose School of Thought, dealing with the remaining pursuers was not an easy task for Sharron and Maric. This was because the pursuers had a mystical item called the Crimson Moon Crown, which could create a full moon effect within a certain range.

For Beyonders of the Mutant Pathway, the full moon would place them under a constant curse, amplifying their inner malice and making them more prone to losing control.

While the full moon was a beneficial buff for members of the Indulgence Faction of the Rose School of Thought, making them crazier and stronger, it was a detrimental debuff for members of the Temperance Faction, who constantly restrained their inner malice and madness.

As long as they were within the influence range of the Crimson Moon Crown, Sharron and Maric would fall into a weakened state and lose combat ability if they did not abandon their rationality and restraint. To them, abandoning rationality and succumbing to their malice and madness was worse than death.

This was why Sharron and Maric needed someone to assist them in combat.

Rejecting Sherlock and seeking someone else's assistance?

Sharron and Maric glanced at the smiling angel drinking tea beside them and quickly looked away before he noticed.

From the beginning, Sharron and Maric knew they had no right to refuse in this negotiation. Sherlock might have the option to decide whether to participate, as he seemed to be familiar with the young angel, but Sharron and Maric knew they had no choice.

Two mid-sequence Beyonders had no right to refuse an angel's arrangement, especially a benign one.

— Sharron and Maric misunderstood Lynn. If they had a strong objection, Lynn wouldn't force them to follow the script.

After all, Sharron and Maric were not bad people. Lynn would not hesitate to deal with villains, but he would show some respect to generally good people.

"Wait, what about me? What do I do?" Lynn's main body raised his hand as if discovering a flaw in the plan. "Am I supposed to assist them against the Rose School of Thought's pursuers?"

"Do as you wish," his divine avatar said leisurely, taking a sip of tea. "If you feel idle, you can boost them with some buffs, but don't interfere excessively. It's not conducive to the child's growth."

Sharron and Maric were puzzled, but Klein's expression became subtle, recalling Lynn's money-spending tactic in previous battles.

Though it was a wealthy tactic, it undeniably changed the course of battles.

"Are you playing some weird nurturing game?" Lynn's main body said with a disdainful expression. The old actor then snorted and looked at Sharron, Maric, and Klein. "No excessive interference, right? Fine, just watch how I play the best support."

Despite his words, Lynn did not plan to repeat his previous money-spending tactic. The same move would become tiresome over time, and he had to give Mr. Fool some proper combat opportunities.

In previous battles, Lynn intervened because the disparity was too great. But this time, Klein would be promoted to Magician and had the Creeping Hunger and Devil Revolver. In theory, he could even take on a Sequence 5 alone, so there was no need for another money-spending tactic.

However, giving some buffs during the battle would not affect Mr. Fool's training.

With this in mind, Lynn solemnly patted Klein's shoulder. "Don't worry, I have plenty of buff scrolls! Just focus on your output! Even if something unexpected happens, as long as you're alive, I can heal you back up."

Klein couldn't help but laugh, but he did have some expectations for Lynn's support abilities.

His unreliable companion was indeed proficient in crafting supportive scrolls.

In this regard, he was a professional.