Chapter 187: Lynn Meets Will for the First Time

Yes, the notebook Lynn handed out was indeed Lynn's own diary, the revised Chinese version. It contained real entries from Lynn's diary as well as various gossip he had gathered during this period. Being in the Abraham family, collecting such information was incredibly easy.

Stories like the pre-marriage and post-marriage love tales of the Night Emperor and Night Empress, the years Little Antigo and his sister relied on each other, and the love-hate relationships among Solomon, Tudor, and Trunsoest…

The gossip of high-sequence individuals was endless. Some were true, some were false, and some were half-truths. While enjoying this gossip, Lynn meticulously recorded all of it in his "diary."

Of course, Lynn noted the origins of these gossips, striving to make the entire diary seem authentic and reliable, without containing anything socially fatal, meaning, nothing that could socially harm Lynn himself.

As for whether others would be socially harmed by this diary, what did it matter to Lynn? He was merely recording the gossip he had heard.

Today, besides modifying the Abraham family's history, Lynn was also leaving this diary to further test his abilities.

Lynn wanted to see if these modified entries and his diary could smoothly pass down through the ages, and how future descendants of the Abraham family would be affected.

Would they, like Medici, notice the discrepancies after being reminded, or would they accept these as original history without realizing anything had changed?

"Moreover, this diary is something I personally created. If it could indeed be passed down to future generations, how would the gaps in history be filled? Would it remain blank like Medici's case, or would history automatically fill it in?" Lynn thought, his smile widening.

This diary, specially written in Chinese, was a "gift" for Roselle and Klein. Lynn was curious if Emperor Roselle would find this diary and if Klein in the Fifth Epoch would discover its remnants.

This was also why he had Butler spread rumors about the diary. Valuable things were easier to pass down, just like the Cards of Blasphemy. Besides, Lynn wasn't lying; he did write down a complete sequence of a god's potion formula and planned to prepare some treasures.

Whether future generations could obtain these things depended on their capabilities.

Lynn was merely conducting an experiment and indulging in some mischief.

"What are you planning to do?" Bethel, who had been observing all along, was puzzled. At their level, possessing a complete god's pathway potion formula was nothing special. Bethel couldn't understand the significance of Lynn's actions.

Even if it was to fish for something, the bait seemed insufficient.

"Just an experiment, nothing important," Lynn said with a smile, avoiding the topic. He then turned to Bethel, smiling, "Speaking of the diary, Bethel, when are we leaving to meet Will?"

"We can go now." Bethel, seeing Lynn's clear intention to avoid further discussion about the diary, wisely chose not to pursue it. When Lynn mentioned a certain Snake of Mercury, Bethel's conscience ached slightly, but he decisively chose to sell out the snake.

"We can go to Will's previous residence first. If he's not there, I know a few areas he frequents, and we can find him gradually," Bethel said, pressing his aching chest but remaining calm and composed.

"Thank you, Bethel," Lynn's eyes brightened instantly.

Meanwhile, at a certain Snake of Mercury's residence.

Will, who had been enjoying his handmade cream ice cream, suddenly sensed something, looking in a particular direction with a darkened expression.

"They're coming already?"

"Should I run away…"

Will hesitated. He could roughly sense his fate and knew that whether he ran or not, the outcome wouldn't be great.

But it wouldn't be terrible either.

From the feedback of his fate, it seemed he would only be teased.

"So, who exactly has set their sights on me…" Will muttered, appearing to stare at his ice cream but with unfocused eyes, clearly deep in thought.

Finally, Will sighed.

"Forget it, I won't run. They'll find me sooner or later anyway."

He said, puffing his cheeks, making him look very childish and cute—Will had recently restarted and looked about seven or eight years old, a tender child.

"I can't believe anyone would shamelessly bully a child…" Will muttered, as if trying to boost his confidence or deliberately say it for someone to hear.

"To be honest, if it were a normal child, I wouldn't bully them. I'm not that petty…"

As Will's words fell, a voice unexpectedly sounded nearby.

Unnoticed, Lynn had arrived at Will's residence with Mr. Door, emerging from the corner and walking up to Will with a smile, then pinching Will's cheek.

"But you're not really a child, are you? You're thousands of years old, pretending to be a kid. Isn't it you who's more shameless?" Lynn said with a smile, his expression genuinely puzzled, as if truly questioning Will's audacity.

"Frankly, you might be better suited for the Hunter pathway," Will said seriously. The next second, he began to wail, like a genuinely bullied child, "Waaa…"

—The crying was so realistic, indistinguishable from a real child.

Lynn: …

Damn, why do I suddenly feel guilty?

Although he had bullied young Medici and young Amon before, it was well known that Medici would bleed but not cry, even if beaten, still taunting, and Amon…

Ha, who would soften their heart at Amon's tears?

So, despite knowing Will wasn't truly a child, watching him cry so earnestly made Lynn feel rare guilt.

He silently retracted his hand, coughed lightly, and said, "If you keep crying, I'll call Ouroboros over!"

The crying stopped instantly.

Lynn smiled victoriously.

Yes, guilt aside, he was still the same sly Lynn.

(End of Chapter)

TN: Check out the new translated fanfic: Life of a Villain Starting from The Naruto World.

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