Chapter 202: Has Mr. Fool Been Exposed?

'Sasrir is the True Creator? And he's Lynn's guardian?!'

If not for the protection of the gray fog and the Clown's ability to control expressions, Klein might have revealed a look of shock. Despite his surprise, Mr. Fool's mind was clearly working at high speed.

'No, according to the diary, the True Creator doesn't seem to equal Sasrir. "Inherited Sasrir's memory and emotions, but with a completely different personality—a lunatic." Could this mean some sort of replication, cloning, or a new personality replacing the old one?'

Klein speculated in his heart and recalled the various targeted actions of the Angel of Secrets against the True Creator, finally understanding why the latter was so hostile towards the True Creator.

Although he didn't know what happened back then, to the Angel of Secrets, the True Creator, even if not the murderer of his guardian, was a fallen impostor with his guardian's memories and emotions.

'Some might confuse the impostor with the original, but Lynn would never make such a mistake. With Lynn's character, the better his relationship with the former Sasrir, the more he would despise the fallen "impostor" that the True Creator was.'

'And it seems Lynn foresaw Sasrir's fate long ago and even tried to change it, but he evidently failed. Sasrir still became the True Creator...'

Klein sighed at this. Although he didn't know Sasrir, as Lynn's friend, he couldn't help but feel sorrow and regret for Lynn's misfortune. He was also somewhat pensive.

He originally thought Lynn's prophetic ability was entirely beneficial, but now, after reading this diary, Klein realized that even Lynn, with his prophetic powers, couldn't fully control fate or save his loved ones.

Prophecy isn't omnipotent; knowing the future doesn't mean you can fully grasp fate. In fact, knowing your loved ones will die and being powerless to change it can be more cruel than ignorance.

'But wasn't Lynn's guardian supposed to be Mr. Door? How could it be the True...uh, Sasrir?' Klein suppressed his sigh and continued pondering,

'Although the time isn't clearly stated... Speaking of which, not writing the time is one thing, but what's with the '× year × month × day' notation? What kind of weird habit is this, Lynn?' Klein couldn't help but mentally complain.

'From the content of the diary, this is clearly a very old entry, possibly dating back to the legendary Second Epoch. After all, according to the 'Revelations of Evernight,' the Evernight Goddess only awakened at the Second Epoch.' Klein recalled Dunn Smith summarizing the 'Revelations of Evernight' and compared it with Lynn's diary, continuing to think.

'Although the records in the 'Revelations of Evernight' might differ from real history, it's probably true that the Evernight Goddess only became a deity around the end of the Second Epoch.' Klein felt a strange mixture of thoughts rising in his heart. 'So, Lynn had already transmigrated to this world in the Second Epoch?'

Honestly, this really caught Klein by surprise. On one hand, he couldn't imagine his somewhat goofy friend being a big shot who had lived for thousands of years. On the other hand, Klein was puzzled about Lynn's time of transmigration.

When exactly did Lynn transmigrate, and why was there such a big time gap between him and Roselle? Klein couldn't figure it out, so he set aside this doubt and turned to another question,

'This does explain why Lynn is so knowledgeable about transmigration. He has probably been studying this for a long time.'

'But then what about his identity as the son of Mr. Door in the Fourth Epoch? Was there a special reason to borrow this identity?'

As someone using a false identity himself, Klein naturally guessed the most plausible scenario. He then reviewed the diary contents and information he knew, finally forming a rough idea of Lynn's situation.

'Lynn's initial transmigration to this world probably happened in the Second Epoch. Unlike me, Lynn seemed to have transmigrated in a child form and also had a Sequence 2 brother. Given this, Lynn might have become an angel soon after transmigration and had prophetic abilities. Wow, is this the plot of an overpowered protagonist?'

Klein suddenly suspected that among the transmigrators, he was the only one without the protagonist's script. Just look at Lynn's descent as an angel with built-in prophecy powers, and then Roselle starting an industrial revolution, living a life akin to a Emperor. By comparison, Klein as an ordinary Sequence 7 seemed out of place.

—This was Klein being modest. If Lynn could see through the gray fog into someone's thoughts, he would seriously tell Klein that Klein had the true protagonist's script: "Three years to become a god, and an Great Old One on the same day."

But despite his thoughts, Klein continued to review:

'As for Sasrir being Lynn's guardian, using the term 'guardian' suggests Sasrir wasn't Lynn's father in this life. But Lynn and Sasrir clearly had a good relationship, so he tried to change Sasrir's future but failed.'

'From the fact that the True Creator, who inherited Sasrir's memory and emotions, is a genuine evil god, it's clear that Sasrir, even if not a true god at the time, was probably close to it.'

'Later, for unknown reasons, Lynn started acting as Mr. Door's son in the Fourth Epoch and met the former Mr. Azik.'

'Then, in the current Fifth Epoch, Lynn, due to some unknown reason, split into two parts: one being the Angel of Secrets, and the other the Lynn Sotos I know.'

After organizing the known experiences of his somewhat goofy friend's transmigration, Klein naturally discovered a blind spot,

'If Sasrir was replaced by the True Creator, then what about Medici?'

'Where did Lynn's brother go?'

Klein searched his mind for information related to the "War Angel" but found nothing. He decided to set this question aside and look for more information from the Church later.

'Medici has been around since the Second Epoch and was called an King of Angels. This title suggests he was a big figure. The Little Sun might know something about this, so I can ask for information using the World persona.'

With a plan in mind, Klein suddenly remembered another issue.

How was he going to inform Lynn about these findings?

'The Fool's identity can't be revealed yet, but my real-life identity already has the Fool's Follower tag...uh, wait, is it really not exposed?' Klein thought, glancing at the Roselle diary and Lynn's diary in his hand, and suddenly fell silent.

(End of Chapter)

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