Chapter 219: Lynn: I'm Rich

Backlund, an alley behind the Bravehearts Bar at night.

When Lynn, wearing a specially made coat with many pockets filled with charms or scrolls, met up with Klein, dressed in a black double-breasted long coat and a matching top hat, he looked around and spotted Sharron and Maric in the corner.

Since he was certain that there was no one else around and no one was watching secretly, Lynn enthusiastically waved to Sharron and Maric, greeting them warmly, "Here, look here! Good evening, Miss Sharron, Mr. Maric!"

"Good evening, Miss Sharron, Mr. Maric," Klein also greeted politely.

Not far from them, a carriage was parked at the mouth of the alley. Through the glass window, Maric's brown eyes, always suppressing malice, could be seen. Sharron, not in her wraith form, was beside him.

Facing Lynn's enthusiastic attitude, Sharron and Maric were both a bit surprised. During this period, Klein had been the one interacting with them. In the brief meeting they had before, Lynn hadn't communicated much with them. They weren't familiar with his personality, so this sudden enthusiasm took them aback.

In the Beyonder world, except for novices, most people were quite cautious. People like Lynn, who were like enthusiastic puppies, were indeed rare.

Lynn didn't care about Sharron and Maric's thoughts. After greeting them warmly, he boarded the carriage with Klein and began rummaging through the many pockets of his coat. He first took out three scrolls, giving one to each person in the carriage.

"These are scrolls from the Apothecary pathway. Activating one releases a healing spell. As long as you're still breathing, it can save you. However, it can't regenerate limbs or heal completely destroyed hearts. The healing is neutral, so it won't cause secondary damage…"

As Lynn explained, he continued to pull out scrolls like handing out candy to children, distributing them to everyone in the carriage.

"These are for you, Mr. Maric. They are charms from the Sleepless pathway, acting like sedatives to suppress madness…"

"These are for you, Miss Sharron. They contain spells from the Spectator pathway for soothing, frenzy, and intimidation…"

"These are scrolls from the Sun pathway, for purification…"

For a moment, Sharron and Maric were stunned, except for Klein, who had anticipated Lynn's wealth. They had heard of Lynn being a great support, but they hadn't expected him to produce so many scrolls of various kinds.

This implied two possibilities: either Lynn was very wealthy, allowing him to easily acquire these scrolls, or he had the ability to make them himself. Considering a certain mysterious angel, Sharron and Maric thought it might be both.

'But what about that Angel of Secrets? Will He really show up in the upcoming battle?'

Maric communicated his worry through his eyes to Sharron.

It wasn't his fault for worrying. This time, due to the Angel of Secrets, Sharron and Maric hadn't drawn away the demigod chasing them as they did originally. This meant that if the Angel of Secrets didn't show up, they were doomed.

'He will come. Even if we are not important, for Sherlock and Lynn's sake, He will come. And at least regarding our teacher, He didn't lie to us.'

Sharron's expression didn't change much, but she reassured Maric with her eyes.

Since learning from the Angel of Secrets that her teacher, Reinette Tinekerr, hadn't completely fallen, Sharron had tried to contact her teacher and received a response. However, due to Reinette's current poor state, Sharron hadn't been able to meet her in person, only receiving a letter.

In the letter, Reinette assured Sharron of her safety and inability to meet due to her condition. She also expressed willingness to cooperate with the Angel of Secrets against the Rose School of Thought and the evil god behind it. However, she noted that their meeting might have to wait.

The letter, expressing thanks to the Angel of Secrets for helping Sharron and Maric, was now in Sharron's pocket. She intended to convey its content to the Angel of Secrets when He appeared, and if necessary, show Him the original letter.

Lynn noticed Sharron and Maric's subtle exchange but didn't mind. He continued distributing scrolls:

"These are from the Wheel of Fortune pathway. The black ones bring misfortune to enemies, while the white ones bring good luck to yourself. Although the effects are short-lived, they are sufficient for a battle…" As he spoke, Lynn suddenly recalled something and took back the luck scroll he had given to Klein.

"Right, Sherlock, you can't use this."

Klein: ?

At this moment, Klein, protected by the Grey Fog and immune to changes in luck, was puzzled. He looked at Lynn and asked, "Why can't I use this?"

Lynn was more surprised than Klein. He looked at Klein, then at Sharron and Maric, hesitated for a few seconds, and said, "Sherlock, you don't know? Others can't change your luck, neither positively nor negatively."

Lynn didn't worry about revealing Klein's unique trait in front of Sharron and Maric. Firstly, they were allies; secondly, Sharron, being the student of a future angel investor, might have noticed Klein's peculiarity. Revealing this to her might not be problematic and could even add a bit of mystery to Klein. Besides, Lynn enjoyed the idea of subtly tormenting the King of Yellow and Black in terms of luck.

"Ah?" Klein was deeply puzzled. He looked at Lynn, thinking, "Did the Angel of Secrets tell you?"

"Yes!" Lynn nodded naturally, explaining, "I initially planned to pile on luck to enhance your best support effect, but that guy told me it wouldn't work."

"You didn't know about this trait of yours, Sherlock?"

"How could I…" Klein frowned. He wouldn't suspect Lynn of lying about this, but he never expected to have such a unique Physique.

TN: Klein has the Certificate of a Protagonist, a Chinese Xianxia physique. Its name is the Eternal Unbound Destiny Physique of the Unfettered Lord of Mysteries Master of the Immutable Cosmic Space and Time.

(End of Chapter)

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