Chapter 313: The Chosen Tool

Artisan nodded confidently upon hearing the question, unaware of the overtime hell awaiting him. "I am indeed very skilled at creating various sealed artifacts and Beyonder weapons. The only limitation is the lack of Beyonder Characteristics. If you can provide the necessary Characteristics, I can craft the best sealed artifacts for you."

"How capable are you in handling administrative tasks? If I asked you to manage the paperwork of a church or oversee the logistics department, could you do it?" Lynn asked again.

Artisan thought for a moment, then nodded again. "I used to follow an ancient god and did similar work, so it shouldn't be a problem."

"If I gave you some blueprints, could you create the corresponding machinery or artifacts?" Lynn continued.

"That depends on the blueprints. If they only contain basic concepts, then no. But if they are detailed enough, I should be able to manage," Artisan said. Then, pausing curiously, he asked, "So, what exactly is machinery?"

"Machinery is a scientific concept and something that Savants will need to explore in the future. At least, that's the current trend. Whether this will change depends on technological advancements," Lynn explained simply, or rather, glossed over it.

After all, the definitions of steam and machinery were too complex to explain thoroughly. Lynn himself didn't fully understand them, so it was impossible to give a detailed explanation to Artisan.

"So, this is new knowledge, correct?" Artisan looked thoughtful. Although there hadn't been any significant technological breakthroughs in the past millennium to aid in potion digestion, he wasn't foolish. Clearly realizing something, he asked, "Is this knowledge necessary to digest the Illuminator potion?"

"It seems your progress in digesting the Illuminator potion isn't ideal," Lynn observed, smiling but not answering directly.

However, Lynn wasn't surprised. An Illuminator is supposed to enlighten civilization, and even if their technological innovation requirements aren't as high as those of a Paragon, they still exist. A Paragon might be required to guide a civilization towards a more perfect direction or even to transform themselves into a Cyborg.

This could explain why Artisan chose to ascend to Sequence 0 without fully digesting the Illuminator potion. It wasn't just luck; it was also because he had no clear direction for technological innovation to digest the Illuminator potion, resulting in poor progress and eventually relying on luck.

While others might fail with such luck, Artisan was exceptionally fortunate, managing to ascend despite limited potion digestion.

"No wonder I couldn't fully digest the Illuminator potion. I was going in the wrong direction..." Artisan sighed, visibly disappointed.

Despite his efforts, his progress in digesting the Illuminator potion was minimal.

However, Artisan quickly regained his spirits. "But if I can't digest it, so be it. It no longer concerns me now."

"That's not necessarily true. If you later become a King of Angels, it will still be necessary," Lynn said, glancing at Artisan. "Of course, if you plan to switch to a non-adjacent pathway, I don't mind helping you."

"No, no, I don't want to go half-mad. Sequence 2 is good enough for me..." Artisan quickly waved his hands. Then, hesitating, he asked, "Are you planning to teach me that knowledge?"

"Do you want to learn it?" Lynn asked, not confirming or denying, just smiling at him.

"I don't mind learning new knowledge, but aren't you afraid that once I've learned it and digested the Illuminator potion, I won't give you the Sequence 1 Characteristic?" Artisan asked curiously.

"If you can defeat me, then you can do as you wish," Lynn replied with a smile.

Artisan's body tensed up, and he quickly shook his head. "I was just joking. Since I promised to give you the Illuminator Characteristic, I won't go back on my word."

Lynn merely smiled at his assurance, not expressing belief or disbelief.

Lynn intended to teach Artisan some knowledge about steam and machinery, partly to see if it would help him digest the Knowledge Magister potion faster and partly to prepare for his role as an Illuminator.

Teaching a student like Artisan and spreading knowledge about steam and machinery with them to bring about technological change in the world—who could say that wasn't a way to digest the Illuminator potion in advance?

As for whether Artisan might develop thoughts of betrayal—so long as Lynn's strength remained sufficient, he would never betray him. And if Lynn's strength wasn't enough, Artisan would eventually turn against him. Lynn understood this clearly.

He wasn't some protagonist with a commanding presence that made high-sequence beings willingly bow down and follow him without resentment.

Lynn knew that there would always be a barrier between him and Artisan. While they might develop a good relationship in the future and become friends, he would never be as close as Lynn was with Sasrir, Klein, Medici, and others.

But just as Lynn didn't mind working with the Evernight Goddess despite her wariness of him, he didn't care as long as the other party was willing to work for him.

Lynn wasn't trying to make friends with everyone.

"I trust you!" Lynn smiled, looking at Artisan with the satisfaction of a capitalist admiring a useful tool. He patted Artisan's shoulder again and said, "But all this can wait until after our trip to the Trunsoest Empire. Your primary task is to help me lure out the Eternal Blazing Sun for a beating. Don't worry, even if he attacks, I won't let you die."

Although Artisan couldn't fight, he could serve as support and help manage the church. Despite his lack of knowledge about steam and machinery, he was willing to learn and could learn effectively. To Lynn, that made him the perfect tool.

Therefore, Lynn didn't mind providing Artisan with some protection before any thoughts of betrayal arose.

"Thank you..." Artisan nodded with some difficulty. It wasn't the task itself that bothered him but a sudden chill he felt, as if something dreadful awaited him.

Why did he feel this way?

Artisan was puzzled but decided to chalk it up to a mistake.

Yes, it was probably just a mistake.

(End of Chapter)

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