Chapter 319: Do You Blame Me?

"Yes, I can sell you the entire sequence of potion formulas, as long as you can afford the price," the Angel of Secrets smiled, looking at Klein like he was an empty wallet.

"No, ahem, I don't need the whole sequence for now," Klein nearly choked. He couldn't afford the entire sequence of potion formulas, and buying them all would be unnecessary.

So Klein said, "If my sister is willing to become a Beyonder, I want to buy the formulas for Sequence 9, Sequence 8, and Sequence 7 first."

The reason for purchasing these three sequences first was because Klein was short on money, and also because the promotion from Sequence 6 onwards would be much more challenging. He had to consider whether Melissa could handle the corresponding promotion risks and how long it would take to reach that stage. There was no need to buy them all now.

"Sure, if you need the corresponding materials, I can also provide them at market price," the Angel of Secrets smiled.

"Ahem, I'll purchase from you when I need them," Klein coughed again, calculating his wallet's balance. With his current savings, helping Benson and Melissa become Sequence 9 Beyonders wasn't a big problem.

However, Klein had to consider his own promotion. Although he already had the main material for Faceless, the auxiliary materials were also a considerable expense, not to mention the auxiliary materials for Marionettist, which made his poor wallet even emptier.

Once he finished digesting the Magician potion, Klein didn't plan to apply for the Faceless potion promotion from the church, because he didn't have enough merit to directly apply for a Sequence 6 potion. Waiting for the church's process would take a long time.

Klein already felt a sense of urgency and didn't want to waste too much time on this.

Fortunately, the Evernight Church was quite open in certain aspects. For field agents like Klein, who performed special tasks, as long as they reported and passed the review, the church wouldn't stop them from using their own money for potion promotions.

This was also evident in the original work. For example, if The Hanged Man Alger hadn't wanted to hide his mastery of the acting method from the church, he wouldn't have needed to conceal his promotion. After Alger obtained the main material for Sequence 4 and learned the corresponding formula, the Storm Church tacitly approved his promotion to Sequence 4.

However, most people wouldn't choose to use their own money for promotions—Beyonder characteristics weren't easy to come by. Unlike Klein, who could find them with ease, most church Beyonders relied on time to accumulate enough merit to apply for promotion potions before fully digesting their current potion. Cases like Klein's, where someone digests their potion quickly but has insufficient merit, were rare.

"If you need anything, you can contact me through Lynn," the Angel of Secrets smiled, looking at Klein. Suddenly curious, he asked, "Do you blame me? If I hadn't changed everything, your brother and sister would have been safe during the war without facing the risks of losing control."

"I did," Klein nodded at the Angel of Secrets' first sentence. Hearing the second, he looked at the Angel of Secrets seriously and asked, "If it weren't for you, would some of us, including Dunn, have died in the Tingen incident?"

"You and Dunn should have died at that time," Lynn didn't hide the truth. Through the Angel of Secrets' avatar, he looked at Klein and said calmly, "The difference is, you would have revived due to the power of the Sefirah Castle, while Dunn would have remained in the grave forever."

"Captain..." Despite being mentally prepared, Klein couldn't help but feel uneasy upon hearing this. However, recalling the happy life Dunn now had with his fiancée, Miss Daly, Klein felt at ease. He asked the Angel of Secrets, "The Sefirah Castle? The gray fog has a name? and more importantly, it can bring me back to life?"

"Yes, it indeed has a name, and It can indeed revive you, but there will be a price to pay," the Angel of Secrets didn't hide the truth, nor did he elaborate further.

Klein frowned, deep in thought. A few seconds later, he pushed aside these thoughts and looked at the Angel of Secrets, saying:

"Now, I don't blame you. You saved me and the captain, and many others. I will always be grateful to you. I do worry about Benson and Melissa's safety, but as a beneficiary of your change in fate, I neither have the right nor will I blame you..."

"I will do my best to prevent tragedies, like the butterfly effect. Since I benefit from the good brought by the butterfly effect, I must also bear the bad."

Clearly, Klein remained as rational and clear-headed as ever.

"However, Benson and Melissa are the ones affected. If they find out in the future and blame you... um, I will try to persuade them," Klein added.

He wouldn't blame the Angel of Secrets for future unknown risks, but he wouldn't forgive on behalf of others either.

"Heh," Lynn couldn't help but laugh. Although he had anticipated the answer, Klein's response still made him feel relieved.

Indeed, becoming the Fool's companion was a good choice.

As for whether Benson and Melissa would blame him?

Frankly, Lynn didn't care much. Based on their personalities in the original work, if they knew Klein would have died without him, resulting in their separation, they would only be grateful, not resentful.

"Now, let's talk about the second matter," a delighted Lynn controlled the Angel of Secrets to continue, "I have arranged a long-awaited reunion between a father and daughter tonight. I would like to invite you both to witness it."

"Ah?" Klein hadn't expected the topic to shift so quickly. He hesitated and asked, "A reunion? Do we know these people?"

"I don't recall knowing any long-separated fathers and daughters... Is it another old friend?" Lynn's main avatar also spoke up, curious and playfully acting as usual.

"In a way, you do know them," the Angel of Secrets nodded, smiling brightly. "The father is named Roselle, and the daughter is Bernadette."

(End of Chapter)

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