"Um, where are we?" A girl asked, looking around the weird, dark and creepy room.
"Welcome home." That was the only response she received.
His tone sounded deep, controlled and calm.
"What?" She asked in confusion, stepping in further.
She had meant to question him more earlier, but her curiosity had gotten the best of her and she still wanted to taken in everything. The minute she decided to finally question him was too late, a hard knock on her head silenced her. She dropped with a thud on the floor.
The sight of her unconscious body on the floor, caused a grin to take place on his face. It only grew bigger as he dragged her body to the next room.
The feeling of satisfaction overcame him after he'd placed her on the physicians table. Like the rest of his visitors, she was displayed beautifully, and this tempted him to touch and explore her.
'Not bad.' He thought outloud.
There was something quite appealing about his latest guest, he had to admit. Something told him that she might live just a little longer but who knew. Maybe he needed more presence around, the living and breathing kind, and not the dead and silent.
He needed to have better control over his emotions, maybe then, he'd be surrounded by living breathing people than be clouded by the voices In his head.
' She's intriguing, should I keep you breathing a little longer?' She wondered.
' If you keep her longer than expected, you might forget her.' He shook his head when that voice said its piece.
She was something but she did not compare to his beloved. How could she even, when his one and only was more than a prize, she served as his sense of freedom from the demons that imprisoned him.
He decided to get busy as a way to push back all those conflicting thoughts and feelings. With arms tied on each side, she looked like she fit well with the rest of his guests. He had to inject and keep her still, as he moved around alot, more so now that he couldn't resist seeing his beloved, the guest needed to be asleep as much as possible.
He wanted no mistakes while he was out, he didn't want anything to get him caught because all hell would break loose, if anything went wrong, before he got to his beloved. He would do more than what he was doing, he would have no sense of mercy for anyone, only his beloved.
{Hey Stace, I'm sorry for not returning any of your calls and texts,but Ive been busy and I don't get much service here, when I have time,I'll text you....Rachael}
'Atleast she sent a text,' Stacey thought.
The message had eased her concerns a bit, there was a response and that's all that mattered. She couldn't deny that she found all this a bit odd since she knew Rachel, to respond more through calls rather than texts.
"Stace, I need your help down here!" Her mom called out for her.
''Coming!" She responded.
Once she had joined her mother in the basement, she found her unpacking alot of unused things such as dishes, which she bought from a trip in Tokyo. Looking around, Stacey felt dread as she thought about how much work that needed to be done. It seemed like it would take forever to finish.
' Maybe I shouldn't have offered to help.' She thought.
Her mother glanced her way and said, " Hey, don't just stand there missy, get to work."
''Mom, I seriously think you need a man.'' Stacey said all of a sudden as she finally got started unpacking a box.
''Oh darling, I don't need a man. I love being single.'' Her mother said proudly.
''Yeah and I love my nails.'' Stacey mumbled to herself.
''Come on chop chop.''
Stacey groaned a bit, already feeling lazy before the real work got started.
The park had been too inviting for Max to pass up on the chance, to rest his feet there. Everything felt good as he chilled there all by himself, he loved sitting on the bench and letting his mind think freely. Everything seemed normal, with children playing, young couples enjoying each others company and birds chirping, while the sun shone so bright. He couldn't think of a better way to spend his day but then all of a sudden he saw her, Kate.
She wasn't aware that someone was watching her as she jogged towards his direction. Despite feeling like a creep watching her, he couldn't help it, she was too captivating to not gain eyes, well his ofcourse.
He watched as she slowed down her jog until she stopped completely. The reason became clear when a pained expression flashed on her face as she massaged her ankle. His reaction was immediate and before he knew it, he jumped to his feet and went over to her.
Right when he was near, their eyes met.
"Looks like you could use a hand." Max said.
"Oh, uh, thanks." She said in surprise, het tone so soft.
No more needed to be said for Max to jump in to assist, he wrapped her arm around his shoulder before picking her up in his arms. Kate, being taken by surprise, quickly held on to him. She felt slightly uncomfortable because the only one whom had done this was her boyfriend. Having this done by another male was something different.
When they reached where Max had been sitting, he placed her down but made sure to rest her foot on his lap before massaging her ankle. This didn't last long however, her uniqueness pushed for her to remove her foot quickly.
Max sensed it and didn't question her.
"Thanks for helping me," she said.
Max nodded.
His eyes were quick to notice her bracelet which made him rethink leaving so soon.
His heart skipped a bit as his mind began racing with thoughts. He didn't want to assume but couldn't deny his gut feeling. It was too strong in claiming that the bracelet she had on was similar to the one he had gifted Amileen before they separated.
" That's a nice bracelet," he commented or more like searching.
Kate glanced down to it and smiled.
" Oh this," she held up her hand. " It was a very special gift from an old special friend." She continued to say.
" That was cool of him to do that for you." The words left his mouth before he could correct himself.
Her expression change after what he'd said, made him slightly nervous.
"How do you know it's a male?"
"Lucky guess." She shrugged, accepting his answer.
" You're right." He relaxed when he heard this. " We were very close, him and I. Gosh, it was such a long time ago but I still remember. That boy was my first friend whom I thought....." She trailed off.
" You thought?" He quickly asked, feeling greedy for more information.
His chest warmed up at the thought of saying it out loud that he might be the boy she talked about, the one who gifted her that pretty bracelet.
She shook her head slightly, a sad smile taking over her face.
"We seperated. Well, I found put that nothing lasts forever when one day, he never showed up for one of our play dates. Those were out favourites, well atleast I assumed they were. You know, despite how dangerous it was to play in the forest, but the adventures were so much fun. I felt devasted that those ended without any warning."
Something twisted in his heart as he listed on, the news affected him greatly that tears pricked the corners of his eyes. He made sure to block any evidence of that from Kate's view.
"What did you do when you realised that he wasn't coming back?" He had to ask this question, it was clawing at his insides.
He had to find out because he'd wondered for too long. The made up scenarios of how she was at that moment, tortured him to no end all these years.
"Well after days of returning to the same place and waiting, I finally accepted my new reality. I lost a friend and there was no way I was getting him back. I had to get back to the life I was used to, before came into my life."
"I'm sorry." He couldnt help himself, the devastastion was too much.
He felt a lump in his throat due to the overwhelming emotions.
"It's okay." She waved it off. " I might have been more hurt than I thought, but it's normal for such a young age to experience all that. Any way, in some point in my life, I got over it." She said, admiring her bracelet, with her lips lifting into a smile.
"Kate...." Her cellphone rang at that moment, interrupting him.
She excused herself, unaware of a desperate Max, who needed to voice out something.
"Hey Julia." She answered.
"Hey I need your help. Are you close to home?"Julia asked.
"Yeah sure, I'll be there soon." Kate replied.
"Okay thanks."
After the call, Kate turned back around expecting to see Max there but he was long gone. It was like he hadn't been there in the first place.
She wondered where he'd disappeared to.
Knowing that she wouldn't receive an answer to that until they met next time, she left for home.
Meanwhile, Max had hid behind a tree not too far from where they had sat. The minute she was out of sight, he returned to the bench. Guilt overtook him as he replayed the conversation they just had. He wanted so badly to let her know that the one she was talking about, was him.
Something held him back however, a thought to be exact. He was curious about her reason for changing her name from Amileen to Kate.
A new purpose presented itself. He wanted to know this piece of information first before he decided on his next move. To open up to Kate was a big deal because this concerned their past, it concerned her life, a part of her life with no doubt she was hiding. He had to get his facts straight before anything else happened.