"Hey sleepy head, it's your anniversary!" Julie entered the room with excitement.
She found Kate chilling in bed as if it was a normal day.
"You make it sound like its something extravagant," Kate said in amusement.
" Well it's a special day, but you aren't showing it." Julie frowned a little.
" Show what?"
" Excitement duh?" Julie rolled her eyes playfully.
" I am excited. "
" Sure you are." Julie Saud sarcastically.
" I really am, especially knowing that we are okay." A smile lifted onto Kate's face as she reminisced about last night.
Julie sat down on Kate's bed and couldn't help but smile too. Seeing Kate in a good mood made her heart feel warm.
" I'm glad you guys are okay and you know what?" Julie leaned forward a bit, as if she was about to share the latest gossip.
" What?" Kate raised her brow.
" You two are like the hottest couple I know."
"Now, you are full of exaggeration." Kate shook her head.
" I don't think I am." Julie said in sing song tone.
All amusement left Kate when something came to mind
Julie noticed the sudden chanfe in Kate. " What is it?"
" Uh, I don't mean to sound weird or anything, but did you notice or feel something strange happen last night?"
" Like what?"
"I don't know, it's a feeling I have that's all. You know what, forget it, I'm sure it's nothing." Kate shook her head dismissing it.
Julie shrugged her shoulders, " okay, well get up because we have a lot to do today."
That good feeling took over Kate once again because of Julie's excitement.
The day was spent well with the girls pampering themselves and having a fun filled day. As time drew closer to when Kate would meet her boyfriend again, more excitement ignited in her.
Kate truly appreciated all the time she got to spend with her cousin, before she left home for college. After taking a year off to find herself and figure things out for herself, she could now go to college. Julie would work part time while studying and she loved that especially because she would keep busy.
By lunch time, Kate received a text from Nick, which brought out a smile from Kate.
" I don't think I even need to guess who that is from." Julie commented. " So what did he say?"
" Well he's been sending me a lot of anniversary messages, and he said he's inviting me to an evening of unforgettable memories. I should be ready by seven."
"Ooh, so romantic." Julie cooed, making Kate to blush.
While Kate responded to Nick's texts , Julie sneakily cut a puecs from Kate's cake.
" I saw that." Both girls laughed.
At Kate's workplace, her colleague Pamela tidied up the table that had been occupied. Today was one of those days where unfortunately Kate wouldn't be available. She truly adored Kate because she was so sweet, never complained and worked extra hard. Pamela admired how Kate was able to make people comfortable and always left a good impression, which created an impact for the diner.
At first Pamela had worried a little about how Kate would cope, since she was too shy but like a champion, Kate had done more than expected. Kate did too good and they all would be affected, once Kate set off to leave after graduation.
Thankfully the morning was not busy and she did miss Kate, she had a way about her that made work more fun.
As Pamela continued with work, she noticed a man walk in. He wore combat boots, dark jeans, a nice grey jersey that showed off a bit of his muscles while his hair was gelled with so much care.and showed a bit of muscle, he gelled his hair pretty nicely.
She watched as he approached the front desk.
"Hello," he greeted with his deep voice.
"Hi, can I help you?" She asked, bringing out a polite smile.
She tried to brush off the sudden weird feeling she got about the guy.
The man ordered his takeaway and after she was done with him, he went on to sit down while she went to the back to finish up.
When his order was ready, the man paid. Pamela noticed his knuckles were cut and looked like he had gotten into a fist fight.
' No, let me not think too much, it's none of my business.'
She felt a touch on her arm which made her hair to rise up. Her eyes glanced up to his face where she met his black, sharp eyes. Something about his eyes gave her chills down her spine.
"The other waitress who works here, I think her name is Kate?" He said.
"Oh yes, she is not available today, " Pamela responded.
" When will she be back? "
' Why did he want to know?'
It creeped her out even more when he grinned at her. Despite her feelings and not wanting to be rude, she let him know that Kate would be back by Monday. The Man seemed satisfied to hear that and he left just like that.
After he had gone, Pamela's demeanor changed, she frowned deeply when an unsettling feeling burned in her chest. There was something about that man that didn't seem right, she also felt like she had seen him before but couldn't place the exact time right. She thought maybe the first time she saw him, his hair had been more darker but couldn't be too sure.
As she continued with work, she wondered why that man showed deep interest in Kate.
' He must be a former local, who liked Kate.' She thought, now answering her own curiosity.
At the sight of Nick's car parked right outside their house, Julie hurried over to the bottom of the stairs.
"He's here! " Julie called out to Kate, who'd been in her room preparing for her date.
The doorbell rang and Julie answered. She smiled brightly at Nick, who looked very handsome in a black suit and tie.
This attire alone gave Julie a hint, that alot must have been prepared for the night.
"Hi, come in," she greeted enthusiastically, stepping aside to let him in.
" Thank you." He entered the house with a bouquet of pretty flowers in hand.
" Kate will be down in a minute." Julie reassured him before he could ask.
He nodded.
" Julie, I wanted to ask you something real quick." He said, catching her attention.
" What is it?"
He bit his lip nervously, before he asked, " How has she been today, you know with her mood and all? I wanted to know from someone more close to her."
Julie smiled, seeing the concern from Nick. " She good. She's nervous about tonight but excited. Nick, what I'm trying to say is that she's looking forward to the date."
Nick let out a sigh of relief. " Okay."
" You won her heart a long time ago, any day with you is special to her." Julie added, patting his shoulder.
His smile widened, hearing this.
" Let me me go check on her," Julie gestured upstairs, wanting to check on Kate.
Her jaw almost dropped to the floor at the sight of Kate, once she saw her. Kate looked so beautiful and was sure that Nick would fall even more inlove once he saw her.
" I don't know..." Kate said unsure as she looked herself over. " Do I look okay?"
"More than okay." Julie quickly said. " You look stunning and I know someone who will share the same thoughts, who has been waiting downstairs for you." She said on her way out, taking Kate's overnight bag along with her.
Julie used the time she went to put Kate's overnight bag in Nick's car, as a way to give them privacy.
Kate finally left her room, feeling quite nervous to see Nick. The moment she was in view at the top of the stairs, Nick's jaw almost hit the floor.
' Gosh, she looks breathtaking.' That ran through his mind as he looked at her.
Kate felt shy under his stare while Nick's eyes admired her whole being from head to toe. Kate was too beautiful for words in a black lace number with blood red heels. Her hair was pinned up with strips of hair framing her face.
"Is there something wrong, I could go and change," she was ready to change.
"No!" Nick protested, " you look beautiful." He continued to say.
Julie entered at that moment.
She gave back the keys to Nick before turning to Kate," You look really beautiful."
Kate let out a sigh and nodded, accepting that indeed she looked good. She came down the stairs and Nick gave her the flowers, to which she accepted with a smile.
" These are lovely, thank you." She said, making Nick smile and he couldn't help but kiss her cheek, making her blush.
This made Kate's face to warm up.
Not wanting time to be wasted, Julie offered to take the flowers so that she could place them in a vas while the couple was away.
On the way to their date, Kate tried to not let her worry about her cousin to overshadow her excitement for the night. Julie would be left alone and that didn't quite sit well with Kate, but knowing Julie, she would find someway to keep herself entertained.
The evening proved to be divine in Kate's eyes. Nick had thought out everything, every now and then, he would shower her with little gifts that touched Kate's heart. He'd taken her to a fancy restaurant and she felt so spoilt by him. To think that the night would end that way, but he took things further by taking them on a nice drive around town, in spots they normally they didn't visit. Kate felt her heart overflowing with love when at some point, they had taken a stop ontop of a hill that overlook the town, he kept her secured in his arms while showered her inncompliments, with intention to make the night the best one yet for her.
Kate took advantage of their time there, to gift him with something and made sure to express her love.
Seeing Kate so expressive and being so vocal, was heartmelting for for Nick, who didn't take any of that lightly. Given Kate's character, this was a big step for her and he appreciated her more than ever. Nick presented his last surprise for the evening, when he took them to his parents ranch, which was a bit out of town, so it was a bot of a drive. Kate didn't mind that, she had been enjoying her time with Nick too much and wanted more time spent with her boyfriend.
Kate noted how big it was and was well taken off.
The moment she stepped out of the car, small chills ran up and down her arms, making her to glance around abit.
" Is there something wrong?" When she heard Nick ask this, she realised that he'd been watching her.
"Hmm," she nodded. " I'm just taking in everything, tonight has truly been the best night." She said with an appreciative smile, which Nick accepted.
She preffered to not ruin their night with unceratin feelings and wanting the night to end on a good note.
" Lets go in, I don't want you to catch a cold."
Kate nodded, though she frowned a little when his back was turned to her. She realised that the feeling she had experienced was similar to the one from the morning. It was like someone was watching.
' No, tonight is about us, I can't ruin it with silly thoughts.' she scolded herself as she followed Nick.
Once inside, her jaw dropped as she took in the sight of the place. Nick had led her to the living room, where his last surprise for the night had been. Kate read the big sign on the wall that said, ' Happy Anniversary.' It was so pretty, that she felt tears prick the corners of her eyes.
"Well I should get the bags," Nick left her to take in his little surprise, wanting her to have a moment.
In the middle of the living room, Nick had created an indoor romantic picnic, with cute pillows around the edges of the blanket, where pink and red rose pattels had been romantically splattered on it. She took note of the many treats that made her crave to indulge in. Two tables by the fire place had her walking over for a closer look. One was filled with many of their picures and it felt like she was taken back into memory lane.
She realised that they had both been through so much together and that her love for Nick, grew as the years passed by.
Nick returned just in time, when she had started to become curious about the second table, which had been empty. After he'd placed their bags down, he went over to her.
"Like what you see?" He finally asked.
"I love everything." She breathed out, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. " Nick----"
" Oh, one more thing," He quickly said, reemembering something.
Kate curiously frowned, wondering what Nick was up to when he made a short trip to the kitchen, She had noticed it as she looked around.
She got her answer when he returned with a deliviously looking cake.
" Happy Anniversary baby."
Her face lit up.
" Thank you." She said, placing a kiss on his cheek.
The moment he placed the cake on the empty table and returned infront of her, she closed the distance and held his face inetween her soft hands. " Nick Walker, you are the best boyfriend any girl could ever dream to have. I don't know what I did to deserve you but thank you, thank you." With that, she kissed him.
His response was immediate, kissing her back and wrapping his arms around her middle, making sure there was nothing such as space between them.
Their need for air was the only thing that finally convinced them to break the kiss.
" The things you do to me," Nick said against her lips, shaking his head slightly.
She found herself blushing when she heard this, feeling her heart beat faster.
" The night is not over yet and all I want is to end it with you in my arms. "
'Same,' Kate's eyes expressed.
" Let me take care of our bags before we continue, okay?"
" Okay." She nodded.
" Help yourself in the mean time. "
Kate, wanting to be useful, took off her shoes first and placed them aside before going to the kitchen to wash her hands. She returned with two plates after a minute's search and began cutting the cake for both of them.
" Thank you." Nick said after he'd also returned and Kate offered the cake full of cake.
He gestured for her to take a seat on the blanket first before joining her.
Light conversation flowed between them as they talked about memories together. Kate felt giddy, she felt like the most important person in the world tonight, Nick loved her too much that it overwhelmed her, but in a good way. Nick felt like this night was just right, Kate was so expressive and receptive, like never before. There was change in Kate that he could not put a finger on, something about tonight felt like it would be the most important in their relationship. For weeks now, he had inetntion to show her how much he loved and appreciated her, and he felt like he was succeeding in everything. He could not deny that he also felt the same way, from the way Kate loved him.
At some point, while the two were cuddling and enjoying warmth from the fire place, Kate turned to Nick. Something about her expression made Nick to straighten up.
" Kate?"
"You know, everything has been perfect. You have given me a beautiful memory, one I will cherish for years to come." She took a breath before she continued. " I know that things have not been okay between us for some timenow and most of it is my fault."
She was quick to place a finger against his lips when he began to shake his head.
" I am owning up to this, because we have been good for so long. Despite how I can be, you remained patient with me and have continued to love and appreciate me and I am thankful for that."
" To me you are just right for me. " He said, planting a soft kiss on her nose.
A small smile touched her lips before her nerves took over again.
" I feel the same way, believe me I do."
He nodded.
Her eyes dropped to her lap as nerves shot up her body once again. " I feel like tonight is the right time for me to share with you, what I've held back for so long."