Is it the start of something?

The birds chirped as the sun rose, there was a light breeze outside, it was neither cold nor too warm; it was nice and Emrald left the windows open at night thus fresh morning air oozed in her room, smelling as fresh as waterfalls or forests, the breeze gently brushing the white long curtains of her room. It was all so peaceful until she found herself waking up next to Hyungwon again...

"What..what the?.. " muttered Emrald, "finally awake huh? Good morning sleeping beauty, did you sleep well?" Asked Hyungwon with a cheeky yet gentle smile.Emrald's face went blank, she did not have the energy to argue with him since he always has an answer to everything. She found him annoying but she also enjoys his company. Emrald got up without saying anything and when she was about to leave the futon Hyungwon grabbed her arm and gave her a light kiss on her forehead, she didn't resist, she somehow accepted it as it felt warm and was too sudden. She blushed to her ears, still not saying anything. "Oh come on, you're going to keep staying quiet? Oh could it be that you already fell for me?" Asked Hyungwon, that comment disturbed Emrald so much that she slapped him while whispering in an angry tone "Are you crazy? I'm someone who will never fall in love no matter what! I don't need men!" She then dashed out of the room while her face was still as red as a tomato. "Tut, she's way too adorable and it's driving me crazy." Said Hyungwon to himself while brushing his hand over his slapped cheek, "that hurts though... Adorable and knows how to throw hands, a tsundere maybe.. or could she be a sociopath? Impossible, yet could she? I wonder what's her MBTI..."

They both got ready, ate breakfast and headed to school. "Hey don't walk in the same direction as me!" Exclaimed Emrald, "are you being serious? We go to the same school so my school is that way too. Oh and news flash we're in the same class too so I'm going to have to take the same direction miss Kaizen." said Hyungwon trying hard to smile. "Y-you!" Snapped Emrald who could not refute the statement, Hyungwon then grabbed her hand and made her face him, and said "you make me mad too." As Emrald looked into his eyes, she blushed again; his voice sounded like a soft lullaby to her, she wondered why she was having those thoughts about him and why does her heart feel so fluttery and beats ever faster and louder whenever it concerns him. Hyungwon leaned forward and drew his face close to hers, then whispered in her ear "let's walk to school together from now on, it'll be a peaceful win-win solution for both of us, remember?" Emrald just nodded to say yes as she was feeling slightly dizzy since she felt heat rising to her head; then Hyungwon moved away from her to let her breathe and thought 'She might be into me?Or maybe not? maybe it's her first time being close to a gentleman like myself and that is why she has no idea how to respond or react? That's what makes the prospect even more endearing...Well I'll let her cool down and breathe for now but...'

That day Hyungwon did not approach her at school, he had decided to give her some space while allowing himself to breathe and collect his thoughts as well. After school, Hyungwon followed Emrald to the library, they were both studying, they did not see the time pass and none of them exchanged a word all the while, only kept on studying, it was already 7:30 pm. They packed their belongings and went to put the books they borrowed back to their respective shelves. It was a rather peaceful moment when Emrald found herself alone between two massive book shelves when someone suddenly pushed her against one of the shelves. It was Hyungwon, she was shocked. His eyes looked fierce like that of a hungry wolf 'wow why does he look so becoming despite his eyes looking as sharp as a blade?' thought Emrald who then cursed herself for thinking that. She finally managed to ask "w...wha...what do you need? You're scaring me...", Hyungwon then said "I'm tired, exhausted is the right word, just how long will you make me suffer like this until you're satisfied?"

"What? What have I done so wrong to you?" Asked Emrald confused, "as if you don't know...Emrald I'm reaching my limits please forgive me, I...." Replied Hyungwon, he did not finish his sentence and leaned forward, resting his head on her shoulders. Emrald was very confused and did not know what to do. "Th... I'm really thirsty and hungry, let's go get something to drink, I want water...Oh how many hours has it been since we came here, I'm parched, do you happen to have any water with you? And some biscuits too? Chocolate ones?" Confessed Hyungwon. Emrald sighed and was gently tapping his wide ahoulders to comfort him, and then said "you could've told me sooner, or gone buy a bottle of water at the school cafeteria, oh yes, it is closed, sadly I have finished my water much earlier and now that you mention it, I too would fancy a nice Refresh glass of water. Let us go to a nearby grocery store then, fear not Hyungwon sir, I will get us both some water."

" That was refreshing" exclaimed Hyungwon after finishing a litre of cold water.

"Happy now? Aiya, what to do with you" chuckled Emrald who just finished a litre of watet as well. "Thank you good lady, my words cannot express the gratitude I am humbly feeling." said Hyungwon with a wide grin, that made Emrald chuckle again, " oh but you jest good sir. Oh you what are you? A seven year old child or something, what's there to be so happy about some cold water?" Asked Emrald.

"On the contrary my dear Emrald, the answer is elementary. Water is the source of life and I was rather parched; water is so refreshing, many thanks good lady!" Explained Hyungwon, Emrald chuckled again and they kept talking in this light hearted tone while heading home.

Back at home Hyungwon drank more and more water, ' I felt heat rising when she's near, or do I have a cold? Hah, anyway I couldn't give a hoot about having a cold right now!' thought Hyungwon, he then went to shower and went back to the room he's sharing with Emrald. He stayed there on his futon, still with his bathrobe on, reading a book while the fan was on.

"What on earth? Are you perhaps out of your mind? Do you wish to get yourself sick? I'm turning off the fan and stepping out so you get dressed in your pyjamas already." Said Emrald a little taken aback as not only did he drink cold water when it is still autumn but now even turning the fan on? Hyungwon slightly annoyed got up and walked closer to her and said "I already told you this, but this isn't the first time you see me chilling here with a book like this after a shower so your reaction is a bit overboard don't you think?"

"What mosquito bit you? It's rather cold and you say you are feeling hot so you turned the fan on? Sure you did chill with a book before but not with the fan on... Eh? Your face is red, could you be having a fever?" Asked Emrald who then felt the temperature of his forehead and campared it to hers. "My lord! You are boiling, it is a fever, wear your pyjamas and sleep on the bed today. The floor is too cold for you to keep using the futon when you are having such a fever, I will go down and get you a warm cup of tea and some medicines." Said the panicked Emrald.

Hyungwon sighed after she hurried down the stairs to the kitchen and got into his comfortable pyjamas then finally laid himself on the bed, also rolling himself like and omlet in the quilt. 'as expected a bed is much better than a futon, I am suddenly grateful for the fever... I wonder when my room will be ready... Though I feel a little bad for staying here but Emrald's parents insisted and I am earning my keep from my part time job anyway...How could I forget that the readers may be confused right now... Taht is right I used to work as a teenage model when I just came to Japan, then I quit and work at an orphanage, I'm basically only going there to give lessons and I must say it pays rather well, I'm so sleepy...' thought Hyungwon and just as he was about to fall asleep, Emrald came in holding a tray in her hands. She had brought him a cup of tea, some biscuits as well as some cold medicines and warm water. "You would make a good wife" mumbled Hyungwon upon taking a few sips of his tea.

"I did not catch that, mind repeating it again?" Asked Emrald who had most definitely heard what he mumbled.

" Nothing, just thanking you..." Said Hyungwon quickly, hoping she really did not hear.