Chapter 1

This is a crazy love story between a cold assassin and a very beautiful famous idol.

Kinda weird right?!

Well, let me tell you about the beginning of the story first,

On Japan, there's a secret organization filled with many deadly assassins who works in the shadows of the society.

This organization called,

"Kage No Shakai"

(in English means "The Shadow Society").

"Kage No Shakai" was made by our leader that we called, 'The Shadow Shogun'.

No one knows his face, his location and his true identity.

But usually we heard his voice from the announcement call from all the assassin's handphone.

It is very rare for him to make an announcement, usually if he did that, it means it is very important.

And as an assassin, we should never reveal our identity and we should never ever betray the organization.

If we betray the organization, you will be a fugitive of the organization, all assassins of Japan will hunted you down and your life will be never in peace until you got killed.

All people of Japan doesn't know about the existence of this organization.

Because we're living under their shadows.

On this organization, there's five most dangerous and infamous assassins.

They are the strongest and the most skilled assassin.

They are feared by all assassins of Japan.

The organization called them


Among these five, there's me.

Yep, me. Kage Ryunosuke is my name.

The cold, serious and professional assassin.

I always kill my targets without a noise.

Because a perfect assassination is when kill your target under their shadows.

That's why the organization gives me a codename called, "The Shadow Slayer".

And because of my "Silent Kill" skill, the Shadow Shogun chose me to become one of the five deadly shadows.

I'm the youngest among the other four of the five deadly shadows.

Their skill are much greater and stronger than me.

But I don't really care, I just want to live with sufficient needs with the high salary I got from my work as an assassin.

Since I was a child, I was raised by the organization on the "Kage No Shakai" orphanage.

Because most assassins are orphans.

I always been taught to kill, just that.

My mentor is very strict and he is also a great assassin.

He always told me that to be an assassin, I have to kill my feelings, so i could kill my target without mercy.

He told me that the world is cruel and no one will care about you, that's why you have to be strong.

And when I'm at the age of 15, I have to fight to the death with my mentor as a condition to graduate from the orphanage and become a true assassin.

That is a tradition that had been done for generations in the orphanage.

After a long bloody fight, I succeed to kill him.

Before he breathed his last breath, he smiles and said, "I'm proud of you."

I'm surprised, but I decided to walk away after that, because to be an assassin, I have to kill my feelings.

But somehow, I shed tears.

I cried at that night.

The next day, I tried to forget him to get rid of my feelings.

Since then, I decided to become a cold assassin without knowing the word 'feelings'.

I have no ambition and no worldly desire.

This is who I am.

A boring and a cold assassin with a menacing face and a long messed up hair like John Wick.

What I do in my life is just killing, killing and killing my target without mercy.

I feel that my life has no joy.

Sometimes I wish that I could change my life, but if I did that, I'll be hunted down.

I don't want to live like that.

So instead of me living with full awareness, I'd rather obey the organization by living my life becoming an assassin who did his job well without any issue.

Plus if I betray the organization, there's no way to run, I can't escape from Japan either.

Because the assassins are at every corner of Japan.

Even if I'm one of the five deadly shadows, I can't defeat all of them.


That is the principle of an assassin in the "Kage No Shakai" organization.

Because before becoming an assassin, we vowed to always obey the organization, give up all our desires and surrender your life to become a part of the shadows who lives and work below the world of the busy society of Japan.

And that's the reason why I decided to keep living like this, living like shit as a motherf**ker whose been tasked by a wealthy bastard to kill a bastard that the wealthy bastard hates.

I forced to be an immoral human and I have to do immoral things for money for me to live in this world.

Everytime I killed someone, I grown hatred towards myself.

And now here I am, a lonely cold bastard who keeps living a life full of blood and death of many people.


The timer of the phone rings.

Kage Ryunosuke surprised and immediately aims a gun towards a wall.

He holds a handgun in his right hand when he was sleeping to prepare himself from enemies attack at any time.

As he realized that the sound is coming from the timer from his phone, he immediately put his gun down and get out from his bed.

He takes a bath and brush his teeth.

After that, he turns on a jazz music from his iPad and start making a coffee and cook an omurice for breakfast.

Everyday he always stay cautious of everything, because he knew that one day, there will be consequences of all his killing actions.

That's why even when he sleeps, he still holds his gun.

Life is hard for an assassin, that's why he always turn on a jazz music to calm himself down.

After he finish drinking his coffee and eating his omurice, he wears his suit and put two handguns inside it.

Then he leaves his apartment, goes to the parking lot and get inside his expensive electric car.

He drives towards his destination, which is the "Kage No Shakai" administration base.

On its way there, he turns on a radio in his car.

The radio says,

"Ohayou minna-san, today will be a very good day, you know why?!!

Because the 'Sakura Ai no Hana' idol group is going to have a live concert tonight in the huge stadium at Tokyo!!"

Then Ryunosuke says, "A concert?"

The radio says again,

"The "Sakura Ai no Hana" idol group announced that they will be singing a new song that been made originally by the main star of the "Sakura Ai no Hana" idol group, Sakura Aihara!!

WOW!!, she made a song of her own and her original song for the first time will be sing by Sakura Aihara herself tonight!!

So for all of the fans out there, order your tickets right away for the concert, because the seats are limited!!"

Then Ryunosuke says, "A concert of an idol group, hmm."

He listens to the radio while driving until he arrives to his destination.

As he arrives in front of the gate, he turns off the radio and get out of the car.

He goes to the scanner and scan his eyes to open access of the gate.

After he scan his eyes, the scanner says, "Access granted, welcome Ryunosuke-sama."

Then the gate opens automatically, the gate is fully controlled by a computer that is designed for security.

After the gate opens, he returns to the car and drive.

As he get inside, he parks his car in the parking lot.

Ryunosuke sees a lot of car in the parking lot and he says, "Many assassins are coming today, hmm."

Then he goes to the stairs.

As he reaches the most top of the stairs, he goes inside the mansion.

The mansion is so huge, long and fully surrounded by grasses.

This mansion is the "Kage No Shakai" administration base.

Two men open the door for him.

As he gets inside the mansion, he sees a lot of assassins are waiting in turn to be served by the administration.

Then a woman from the administration approaches him and says,

"Good Afternoon, Sir. How may I help you?"

Ryunosuke replies, "I came here to submit my mission assignment."

After that, the woman says, "Alright for that matter, have a seat and wait in turn like the others."

Ryunosuke replies, "Wakarimashita."

The woman bows and replies, "Arigatou Gozaimasu."

Then he goes to the seat and join the wait.

As he waits, he opens his phone and watch about guns in YouTube.

He doesn't notices that everyone looks at him and says,

"Hey is that the Shadow Slayer?"

"You mean one of the Five Deadly Shadows?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's him."

Suddenly, a young man approaches him and says, "Yo, Ryunosuke-san."

Ryunosuke looks towards the man and replies, "Oh, Kaze-senpai."

The young man is Kazuo Kaze, one of the Five Deadly Shadows, his codename is

"The Bomberboy", because he is known to be an assassin who always uses a bomb to kill his target.

He likes to make chaos everywhere like the Joker from "The Dark Knight" movie.

He's also known to be very cunning and full of tricks.

And he's also good at martial arts.

Extra info : Because of his good-looking face like a freaking K-Drama actor, a lot of women loves him.

Then Kazuo sits beside him and says, "Its been a while, Ryunosuke. How are you, my kouhai?"

Ryunosuke replies calmly,

"I'm fine as always, senpai."

He speaks normally in front of him, but actually in his mind, he says, "Ah, f**k!!, please just leave me alone!!, I don't want to hear all your talk about your bomb creation, please just leave me alone!!"

Kazuo says, "So how's about your mission nowadays?"

Ryunosuke replies, "As usual, done without an issue."

Then Kazuo slaps his shoulder and says, "Well done, my kouhai!!"

In his mind, he says again, "Just f**k off, you f**king bomb psychopath!!"

After that, Kazuo says, "Hey, I had just created a new bomb, do you want to hear it?"

In his mind, he says, "NO!!"

Suddenly, the administration says, "Next."

Ryunosuke immediately stands and says, "Oh, its my turn now, my apologizes, senpai."

Then he leaves.

Kazuo says loudly, "Alright, I'll tell you about my new bomb creation next time!!"

Ryunosuke says in a low voice, "Like hell I'm going to hear his nonsense."

After that, he goes towards the administration and submit his mission assignment.

As he submitted the assignment, the administration immediately gives him the payment through his e-bank account.

Then as he's on the way to leave the mansion, he sees Kazuo is surrounded by female assassins and he enjoys it.

Meanwhile, Ryunosuke feels disgust with it and immediately leaves.

And then, suddenly a cold purple-haired young woman who wears a silver jacket walk pass through him.

After that woman walks pass through him, Ryunosuke look back and glared at her for a moment.

The woman just now is also one of the Five Deadly Shadows, her codename is "The Hammergirl" and her real name is Maiya Kogane, known to be very merciless on killing her target with two silver hammers as her weapon. She rarely speaks and very talented, because she became one of the five deadly shadows when she was 17 years old. She is a type of woman whose destroy your face with her hammer when somebody make a problem with her, so


After that, he leaves the mansion and returns to his car.

And as he's on the way to his apartment, he sees many poster of the

"Sakura Ai no Hana" idol group, especially the main idol, Sakura Aihara.

Suddenly, he gets stuck in a traffic jam, it is all because everyone is on their way to the audition.

The stadium is near that location.

Ryunosuke says, "Shit."

He stucks in the traffic jam for two hours.

Two hours later, he finally returns to his apartment.

He takes a bath and then cook for dinner.

After he done cooking, he prepares himself for dinner.

As he about to eat, he opens his phone.

Suddenly, there's a notification from YouTube that says,


As he sees that notification, he decides to watch the video just for an entertainment.

He connects his phone to his TV with his Bluetooth.

Then he starts watching and eats his dinner.

In the video shows that the stadium is very crowded.

The crowds can't wait for the idol group's performance.

And as the idol group appears in the stage, everyone cheers.

Then finally, the idol group's main star, Sakura Aihara appears towards the crowds.

Sakura Aihara is very beautiful.

She has a red hair and have a very beautiful bright skin.

Usually she wears a red dress to matches her hair colour.

She's very popular among men.

After that, they start to sing their iconic song, "Love & Sakura Flowers".

As they sing their iconic song, everyone in the stadium also sing along with them.

Ryunosuke says, "Not bad."

After they finished their iconic song, Sakura Aihara says towards all her fans, "HELLO, EVERYONE!!"

The fans replies,


Then she says, "As you all know that tonight, I'm going to sing my original song for the first time."

The fans cheers.

She continues his words, "I made this song when I was just 15 years old. I create this song, because I wish I could met the man of my dreams, the love of my life. In all my life, I've never fallen in love. And I wish this song could guide me to meet the man of my dreams one day. This song is called,

'THE MAN OF MY DREAMS', I hope you all enjoy."

Everyone cheers.

After that, she starts to sing her original song.

The Lyrics :

(Verse 1)

In the quiet of the night, I close my eyes and dream,

Of a man so true and strong, like a sunbeam.

With eyes that sparkle like the stars above,

And a heart so full of kindness and love.


He's the man of my dreams, the one I've waited for,

With him, I feel complete, I couldn't ask for more.

In his arms, I find solace, in his eyes, I see my world,

He's the man of my dreams, my love unfurled.

(Verse 2)

He's a gentle breeze on a summer's day,

Guiding me through life, showing me the way.

With every word, he speaks, my heart skips a beat,

In his embrace, I find my retreat.


He's the man of my dreams, the one I've waited for,

With him, I feel complete, I couldn't ask for more.

In his arms, I find solace, in his eyes, I see my world,

He's the man of my dreams, my love unfurled.


Together we'll walk hand in hand,

Facing life's challenges, together we'll stand.

In his love, I find my strength,

In his smile, I find my joy, my heart's full length.


He's the man of my dreams, the one I've waited for,

With him, I feel complete, I couldn't ask for more.

In his arms, I find solace, in his eyes, I see my world,

He's the man of my dreams, my love unfurled.


So I'll cherish him forevermore,

The man of my dreams, whom I adore.

In his love, I've found my home,

With him, I'm never alone.

She sings the song beautifully with her wonderful voice.

When she sings, Ryunosuke surprised.

He raised the volume higher to hear her wonderful voice.

He enjoys and he feels touched with her singing through the lyrics of the song.

After she finished singing her song, Sakura Aihara says, "Do you like my song?"

Everyone in the stadium replies, "YEAH!!!!!"

Ryunosuke also shouts, "Yeah!!"

Then Sakura Aihara says, "I wish this song could guide me to find the man of my dreams and I also wish this song could guide all of you here to find the person that you love!!"

Everyone cheers, "WE LOVE YOU!!"

The fan says comment of the video,

"I wish that I am the man of her dreams!!"

"ME TOO!!"

"I love her so much!!!!!"

"That's my future wife."

"No, she's mine!!"


"I had been her fan since her first debut, I'm the one whose worthy to be the man of her dreams."

And etc...….

Ryunosuke is stunned by her performance and he feels that her song and her voice is truly wonderful.

His heart is pounding hard.

Then he says, "Sakura Aihara."

For the first time, he felt there's a wonder and happiness in his life.

And also for the first time in life, he falls in love with a person, which is Sakura Aihara herself.