Mean Queen

After finishing my meal, I felt a surge of determination. The stew had warmed me from the inside out, and now I needed to take action. The next step was to get some answers about the situation in the eastern province. With Nara by my side, I made my way to the queen's chambers, hoping to glean some insight into the challenges we faced.

The castle's hallways were long and winding, with tapestries depicting the province's history adorning the walls. Torches cast flickering light, creating shadows that danced across the stone floors. Despite the castle's age and the apparent wear, there was a certain grandeur to the place that couldn't be ignored.

When we reached the queen's chambers, two guards stood at attention by the door. They eyed us warily but stepped aside to allow us entry when they recognized who I was. The doors opened to reveal a lavishly decorated room, filled with rich fabrics, ornate furniture, and the unmistakable scent of incense.