You're not human

The night was dark, but I could feel the eyes of the village on me, even as I slipped into the shadowed alleys, trying to disappear.

My heart pounded in my chest, each beat reverberating in my skull, drowning out the thoughts that clawed at the edges of my mind. I had to keep moving no time to think, no time to process, just move. 

The smell of blood was still in my nostrils, metallic and thick, clinging to my clothes like a shroud. I could taste it, bitter on my tongue, and I swallowed hard, forcing down the bile that threatened to rise.

The adrenaline from the fight still coursed through my veins, my body humming with an energy that felt foreign and uncontrollable.

I stumbled down a narrow, twisting street, the cobblestones slick with recent rain. The air was cold, biting at my skin as I ran, my breath coming in ragged gasps that echoed in the empty spaces around me.