Chapter Six- Melt a Heart

As the first light of dawn painted the sky with delicate hues of pink and gold, Duchess Amelia stirred from her slumber with a sense of purpose. Today was the day she would make another attempt to win over the heart of her husband's nephew, the shy and elusive boy who had thus far remained distant despite her best efforts.

Rising from her bed with a determined spirit, Amelia quickly dressed in a simple yet elegant gown, her thoughts focused on the task ahead. With a small smile playing at the corners of her lips, she made her way to the kitchen, where she prepared a tray adorned with a selection of delectable chocolates—the boy's favorite indulgence.

As she made her way through the quiet corridors of the castle, the Duchess's heart fluttered with anticipation. She was determined to make today different, to break through the walls the boy had erected around himself and show him the warmth and kindness she had to offer.

Arriving at the door to the nephew's chambers, Amelia took a deep breath to steady her nerves before knocking softly. When there was no answer, she gently pushed the door open and stepped inside, her gaze sweeping the room in search of the boy.

To her surprise, she found him sitting by the window, his gaze fixed on the world outside with a distant look in his eyes. Without a word, Amelia approached him, the tray of chocolates held out in offering.

"Good morning, my dear," she said, her voice warm and gentle. "I thought you might enjoy some chocolates to start your day."

But to her dismay, the boy merely shook his head, his expression guarded as he pulled away from her offering. Without a word, he rose from his seat and made to leave the room, leaving Amelia standing there, her heart heavy with disappointment.

For a moment, she considered giving up, retreating to the safety of her own chambers and abandoning her efforts to reach out to the boy. But then, with a steely resolve, she squared her shoulders and made a silent vow to try again.

Gathering her composure, Amelia followed the boy out of the room, her determination burning bright within her. She refused to let a single setback deter her from her goal of forging a connection with him, of showing him the kindness and affection he so desperately needed.

As she trailed after him through the corridors of the castle, Amelia couldn't help but feel a sense of determination coursing through her veins. She would try again, and again, and again if she had to, until she finally succeeded in breaking through the walls the boy had built around himself.

For the Duchess knew that true kindness and compassion had the power to melt even the coldest of hearts, and she was determined to prove it to the boy, one small gesture at a time. And so, with renewed determination, she set off to try once more, her heart filled with hope for the future.