Chapter Twenty-Six: Plans and Proposals

The morning had begun with an unusual sense of tranquility, but as the day progressed, the lingering effects of their intimate conversation hung between them like a fragile thread. Alister found himself in his study, absently flipping through documents while his thoughts drifted back to Amelia's words. He glanced up as a knock sounded at the door.

"Enter," he called, his voice steady despite the tumultuous thoughts swirling in his mind.

The butler stepped in, bowing respectfully. "Your Grace, the Duchess is here as you requested."

Alister nodded, a slight smile touching his lips. "Thank you. Send her in."

Amelia entered, her presence filling the room with an air of warmth. She looked around, taking in the richly appointed study with its dark wood and leather-bound books, before her eyes settled on Alister. There was a moment of silence, a pause that seemed to stretch as they both remembered the intimacy of the morning.

"Good morning, Duchess," Alister greeted, his tone formal but his eyes soft.

"Good morning, Your Grace," she replied, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

"Please, sit," he gestured to a chair opposite his desk. "I wanted to discuss something important with you."

Amelia took the offered seat, smoothing her skirts and meeting his gaze with curiosity. "What is it?"

Alister leaned back, intertwining his fingers as he spoke. "Ethan's birthday is approaching. I wanted to hear your thoughts on how we should celebrate it."

Amelia's eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh, we should definitely do something special for him! How about a party? But not just any party—a children's party. Something where he can truly enjoy himself with friends his own age."

Alister considered this, a thoughtful expression on his face. "A children's party... That could be wonderful for him. He hasn't had many opportunities to socialize with other children."

Amelia nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly! We could have games, sweets, and perhaps even a magician or some entertainment. It would be a day just for him, where he doesn't have to worry about the formalities of high society."

Alister smiled, the idea clearly appealing to him. "I think that's a splendid idea. Ethan deserves a day like that."

There was a moment of silence as they both seemed to reflect on the simplicity and joy such a day could bring. But underlying the conversation was the tension from earlier, a tension that neither of them could ignore.

"About this morning..." Amelia began, her voice tentative.

Alister shifted slightly, clearing his throat. "Yes, this morning. I've been thinking about it too."

They both looked at each other, a shared understanding passing between them. It was Alister who finally spoke, his usual composure giving way to a rare moment of vulnerability. "I think we should... try to make this work. Our relationship, I mean."

Amelia's heart skipped a beat at his words. "I agree. But how do we go about it?"

Alister took a deep breath, clearly choosing his words carefully. "Perhaps we should start by spending more time together. Getting to know each other better, outside of our duties."

Amelia nodded slowly, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness. "Like... going on a date?"

A faint blush crept up Alister's neck, but he maintained his composure. "Yes, something like that. A date."

The idea seemed both thrilling and daunting. Amelia felt her pulse quicken at the thought of spending time with Alister in a more personal, less formal setting. "I think that sounds wonderful."

Alister smiled, a genuine smile that reached his eyes. "Then it's settled. We'll arrange a day to spend together, just the two of us."

There was a sense of relief that washed over them, the tension easing slightly. They had taken a significant step toward bridging the gap between them, and while the road ahead was uncertain, there was a newfound sense of hope.

As they continued discussing the details of Ethan's party, Amelia couldn't help but steal glances at Alister. Each time she did, she found him already looking at her, their eyes meeting in a silent promise. The morning had been a turning point, and as they planned the celebration for Ethan, they both silently celebrated the possibility of something more for themselves.

"Thank you for this, Amelia," Alister said softly, his voice filled with gratitude.

She smiled, reaching out to place her hand over his. "We're in this together, Alister. For Ethan, and for us."

Their hands lingered for a moment longer, a silent agreement passing between them. They both knew that this journey would be filled with challenges, but for the first time, they were facing it together.

Just as they were about to continue, a knock interrupted their moment. The butler entered, bowing. "Your Grace, the arrangements for Master Ethan's party have been set in motion as per your instructions."

Alister nodded, his hand still over Amelia's. "Thank you. That will be all for now."

As the butler left, Amelia looked at Alister, a mix of determination and affection in her eyes. "We'll make this work, Alister. One step at a time."

He nodded, his expression reflecting the same resolve. "One step at a time."

And with that, they returned to their plans, their hearts a little lighter, and their future a little brighter.