sacrificial slaves

In a rare moment of gentleness Sauron smiled and sat down beside her.

You may call me Mairon little one.

(Pov the child)

Darkness and despair that is all I have ever known.

I don't have many memories but all the memories I have are scary.

We slaves are treated as lesser than dirt and they remind us we are every day.

The men are beaten Along the way and only when we get close to a city are they fed well to fatten them up before selling them.

The grown woman are sometimes dragged away while screaming, I don't see them again after they are taken.

Sometimes they return but their eyes are not the same.

They are scary too looking into the distance, they don't react anymore even when I talk to them.

Anytime one of the woman disappeared the soldiers went to raid a village, taking the men and woman while killing most of the children.

Something about taking too long to grow up.

Only the good looking children are taken with us, they are taken to the tent of the merchant leader.

They disappear after a few nights, I asked myself why this never happened too me but I was to scared to ask.

But when I accidentally heard the guards speak about it, it became clear it was anything but benevolence.

Apparently my blood contains magic and I am a great casting material for wizards.

After months of travel we made it to qohor where I would be sold for the highest bidder.

Most likely a wizard who would either use me in a blood ritual of a sacrifice to the black goat.

Sitting in the cage we were transported towards the gates.

The same old feelings of dread and hopelessness I got used to.

Merchants looking at us with interest and disgust.

My last journey,I miss my mother.

I don't remember much about her but the only warmth I remember is her voice.

Now I will never see her again, I don't have long left before we make it to qohor.

Waiting for my eventuall auction, I saw the man that would forever change how I view the world.

He was tall unnaturally so almost twice as tall as the average man around.

He came to our cages like a giant storm, nothing in his way could stop him.

The guards tried to stop the natural disaster of a man but none could.

He cut trough them like butter,I should be scared but I am not.

I have no hope left so why fear death when all it can do is take you into its sweet embrace.

I just hope that I will be allowed into heaven.

I have been good and tried helping others.

But most gods here are cruel so I don't have much hope for that.

But the pain he inflicted upon my tormentors gave me a feeling of peace and happiness.

When he finally made it to my cage he effortlessly broke the steel cage.

Before he sat dawn beside me.

Giving me a feeling of warmth and love I hadn't felt since I got taken from my mother.

"Hello little one you may call me Mairon."

The strange man told me.

I didn't know him, but I knew I had to follow him if I wanted to find my mother.

(General pov)

"Hello my name is Vysesa Va Dracon."

"Well that is a beautiful name Vysesa."

"Would you like to follow me?"

"Can you find mommy for me?"

"Hmm it should be possible."

"You want me to find her for you?"

"Yess please I missed her lots!!"

Sauron now taking back his old name of Mairon, was ready to take the small child under his wing.


(It's time I take back on my old name the name Sauron has only brought pain and suffering, I will take back the name giving to me by Eru lluvatar, for this second chance was giving by him.)

(Maybe I should make my own family something to care about and keep me grounded.)

(But I would have to make them immortal like me can't be having them die on me for old age or battle.)

Looking down at the small human Mairon couldn't help but dote on her a little.

(What a cute child, I am almost disgusted with myself that I wanted to enslave the free folk of middle earth.)

(I should care for her until I find her family, she has the same magic bloodline as the knight I found.)

(So when I contact them with the letter I may also find her family.)

"Haha I bet you did kid come let's move into town, we need to find a way to search for your mother."

Bending down Mairon picked up the dirty little girl, she was still cloth in sac cloth with dirt and grime covering her face.

Without looking back he made his way to the gates of town, the other slaves had already been set free by his puppets no need to look after them they were adults after all.

But before Mairon got far, a grimy and slimy voice called out to him from behind.

"And where do you think you are going with my sacrifice?"

A old, emesiated and barely cloth man said.

He had a dirty beard and pig eyes.

Next to him stood the slave merchant he had ran to the gates the moment he saw his guards losing, to call for the sorcerer that he struck a deal with.

Mairon looked at them with disgust, the smell of sin wafting of them.

Lust for the merchant and greed from the sorcerer.

Mairon knitted his brows he felt magic coming from the old man letting him know this is one of the wizards in this city.

But the merchant he did not recognise.

The sorcerer was already silently weaving a spell to kill Mairon.

"And why do tell how you see yourself winning against me."

"Because if you are even a half-baked wizard you should feel the magic power I posses, how would you ever plan to overpower me?."

This rilled up the wizard, with a red head he shouted back at Mairon.

"Shut up you monster I will let you feel the power of human sorcerers."

(Guess he can at least tell that I am not human.)

(Bummer, who would have thought a man of 2,8m wasn't human.)

"Well I am not gonna lie you are a lost cause."


A giant fireball hits Mairon on his chest but a magic spell ingraved on the armour kept Vysesa save from the flames.

After the smoke cleared they could hear Mairon calling out:

"You should have gone for the head."

The sorcerer was starting to panic now, he had never seen somebody survive his fireball.

He never tried it on royalty of the Valyrian freehold, he was not suicidal.

But anybody but them should have died in his flames.

Mairon looked at them like they were clowns.

"Capture them."

He orderd calmly to his shadow puppets.

The ten puppets moved as one surrounding the sorcerer and merchant.

Their spears were pointed towards the two, giving a heavy pressure to the two men.

Feeling like he still stood a chance to escape, the sorcerer threw another fire ball towards the shadow guard at the back. Hoping to escape his encirclement, with the distraction.

Throwing the merchant towards the puppets at the front he darted back towards the burning shadow puppet.

With agility unkurt for his aged body, he darted towards the opening in the encirclement.

But when he passed the burning heap of flesh and bones, a skeletal hand reached out and clamped his leg.

A skull made his way out of the fire it's burning vocal cords making a screeching sound.


It was like taking a nail and taking it over a school board.

Scrill and full of pain.

The old sorcerer fell face first into the ground smearing his face with mud and shit.

"NOOO leave me alone you abomination!!!"


The boney fingers sinking into his flesh, drawing blood and tearing flesh of his leg.

But before the skeleton could rip him to pieces, the other shadow puppets took the old sorcerer.

Taking one of his arms both two shadow puppets restraint him while a third broke his hands and legs.


The old sorcerer screamed out when his bones broke under the merciless hands of the puppets.

A last one speared his fallen comrade trough the skull they couldn't just leave a rogue undead.

The fire clad undead stopped moving after releasing the crippled leg of the sorcerer.

Dragging him together with the merchant before Mairon, they bowed the moment they got close.

Pressing the prisoners, two heads into the sand and mud.

"Hmm you did well too bad shadow puppets only function for 6 hours, otherwise I wouldn't even need to build up a army."

Well let's trek the last bit towards qohor,I now got two prime sacrificial slaves to use for my apprenticeship in smithing.