the gods of essos.

In the temple of the black goat, a seperate dimension was anchored to the stone altar.

Various sacrifices had been done on this very platform.

Soaked in the blood of both animal prisoner and the innocent.

Above in a seperate dimension filled with black smoke, a man with a goathead and legs sat.

He had leather bat wings on his back too small to lift him of the ground.

Qohor was his territory, where he had influence of both the people and land.

But like most gods in planetos, he was unable to directly walk among the mortals.

The only one he knew of was the others, the pale walkers.

Minions of the god of death and ice.

But he like many others needed anchors to even be able to attach himself to this world, without their dimensions drifting away into the void of space.

Finding another world to attach themselves to.

But now he saw something unprecedented.

A god walikg among his city.

He was stronger than him, but without a domain and dimension for himself.

So if he could lure him into his dimension, he would probably be able to defeat him.

For here he dictates the rules of reality.

But his plan spiralled out of control really fast.

The thugs he commanded to kidnap his daughter found it a good idea, to offer the child to their pedo cannibalistic boss.

Well this was found out by said god and he burned down one fifth of his domain before stopping.

This hurt his powers greatly, weakening his grasp over reality, and almost breaking his anchor.

"What order of being is this?!!"

"To be able to wreak such destruction upon the material world."

"And his energy didn't lessen no it grew ever stronger."

"He almost gives off the same feeling as R'hollor."

"But he is not yet there."

"I should inform mother that another outsider wishes to partake in this reality, besides herself."

"But I should try to catch him, that way I may find a way that mother can enter this reality consume it, to birth more of my offspring."

Looking down at the city he was spinning his plans and schemes, hoping to bring down this foreign god.


Mairon was still in a bad mood from his earlier encounter.

He knew that humans were corrupt and evil, but he thought they would keep children out of their dirty workings.

Apparently not, but that had been proven by now.

He held Vysesa in his arms while making his way to the inn, where he kept the two chests of mithril.

After settling in qohor for a month, he flew back to the cave to got his two chests of mystical metal.

After mastering the new magic he found, and metal working technique.

He had been patiently waiting, for a word back form the Valyrian freehold.

Now it finally arrived but not at a great time.

He destroyed whomever put their hands on his daughter, he was sure of that no one survives the flame of the abyss.

But he had to make sure nothing like this happens again.

While her magical power has grown greatly, he had to take on a more direct approach.

He would teach her himself.

From hand to hand combat, to magic.

He already taught her basic magical manipulation, something they weirdly lack greatly in this world.

But that was not enough he would make sure she was strong enough to survive in this world.

Making his way down the streets of qohor, he swiftly entered the inn.

Making his way up the stairs, he finds his room.

There he lays down Vysesa on the bed.

While he moves to the chair in the corner.

Mairon sat down not taking his eyes of her while she slept.

He would not lose her to stupidity and arrogance like he almost did before.

No longer would he blindly trust in human decency.

This world was different from where he came from.

There were two main factors good and evil.

And if you don't align with good you are by default evil.

Mostly because of Melkors influence in that world.

Where his very essence was seeped into creation.

But even there, humans were the most neutral of races.

So call it arrogance or ignorance, Mairon make a error in his judgement.

Thinking this world was the same he came from.

Because it was not, he could even feel himself changing into something new, something better.

But he was not yet so far.

So for now he would wait, wait and see what this world had to offer.

Wait and see how he could evolve and better himself.

Either in power or in emotion, because he could feel both growing.

Originally he adopted Vysesa, because he wanted to experiment with his emotions.

Would he become happy, sad, angry, with her different ups and downs in her life, would he stay uncaring about her as he did before.

Would it stay as just curiousity about these mortals, or would he build lasting attachments?

Well now he had an awnser for his question.

"It seems I am more mortal than I would like to admit."

Looking at the small sleeping nugget of chaos in his life, a warm smile edged on his face.

Then it changed to serious small embers started to fire up in his eyes again.

"This will not happen again, from now on you will be safe."

And so he stayed by her side the entire night.


In the city hall of qohor.

The messenger from house Renalgal moved trough the halls.

One of the servants led the way for him towards qohors mayor.

The mayor, was a descendant of his own house.

Hence why the information about the letter ended up at their house without other houses knowing.

He even left for qohor in the dark of the night, hoping no other nobles spotted him.

Most Valyrians stay in the Valyrian Freehold.

Only Basterds and exile's are outside.

The same was true here.

But because of the mayor's great skills he was able to rise to the position.

Arriving at the office he entered without knocking.

Inside a chair stood opposite the mayor's.

"Well hello cousin what can I mean for you?"

The mayor spoke.

"I have been quite busy after the happings of today."

"But do take a seat."

He spoke with nongelance.

Regan moved forth sitting down opposite his cousin.

His hands were clenched, his brows furrowed and veins were visible like tree roots.

"Who was that man today!?"

He demanded from his cousin.

He had been composed when he met with Sauron, but he had only put up a front.

He had felt death when he stared into those eyes.

Not the normal kind but one where he would never reach his gods.

He would never reach his paradise if he crossed that man.

A monster hidden in the most exquisite shell ever crafted.

Perfect both in looks and warrior capabilities.

But that was it, it was a shell Afterall.

He could feel the power underneath.

His bloodline warning him of this man.

A beast stronger than even dragons.

So he was on his best behaviour.

Until he heard they were of Dracon.

Like a curse he couldn't help but laugh and ridicule them.

Something born of his superiority complex together with a great ego.

Overshadowing his fear.

He regretted it right after but he had to keep up the act.

He could not falter, that would spell certain doom.

Now he could play it of as ignorance, acting arrogant because he thought his dragon was capable of the same.

Destroying a city was not hard afterall.

But the moment he showed fear or falterd he would show not ignorance but pure unbridled arrogance.

Disregarding a being of such power.

And he had seen how those things ended.

Most powerfull being didn't mind arrogance based on ignorance.

At least for a short while.

But they almost all hated arrogance based on a false sense of superiority even after knowing what they were, or how powerful they were.

So he tried his luck and it worked out.

But he needed information about this man that claimed to be part of Dracon, because he would stir up a storm in Valyria no matter if he had a dragon or not.

So he went to his cousin mayor of this city, who should hold information about him.

Regan looked right into his cousin's eyes.

Waiting for a reply.

Because he needed information to be able to apologise.

For if he did not have a source of information, he could only keep up his act of ignorance.

So he waited with anticipation for what was to come.

The mayor took on a heavy expression.

One of the reasons he wasn't afraid of his cousin even when he was a dragon lord, came from the fact that he had the backing of the black goat.

A god even if minor was still stronger than a dragon.

The only demerit was that they were bound to one place.

And expanding their sphere of influence was extremely hard.

Needing both totems and territory wars with other deity's.

So when the black goat demanded he kidnapped the daughter of a new sorcerer he didn't hesitate.

He delegated the task to a gang proficient in kidnapping children.

He wasn't afraid of the sorcerers retribution.

Who could stand up against a god after all.

He didn't need to fear other mortals.

But he was wrong this man was no mortal.

Far from it, he was a god.

One walking among the mortals.

Unpresidented since the age of heroes.

And it would spell the doom of qohor if it would go on like this.

After his display of power and destruction of the market.

He learned a truth.

He was played by the black goat his one pillar of support.

"That man dear cousin is no man."

"That is a god walking among mortals."