The rise of Dracon

The seperate dimension slowly started to disappear around Mairon Vysesa and Regan.

As the silence of the night returned so receded the tension in the air.

While Mairon didn't show it he was still a bit nervous interacting with a being on the scale of a Valar.

The other so called gods couldn't do a thing to him. But against a being on par with a Valar he still stood little change to win.

Especially when he had not created his one ring yet.

'I should look into this Devine kingdom of these nature spirits'

'if I could create my own dimension I might just make that final step and become a Valar.'

'i will first see the state of my newly acquired family before beginning the process of creating the new rings.'

'but I will look into that later it has been enough for tonight.'

"Vysesa it's time to sleep I know it's a lot to take in but sleep is vital for your growth."

"Hmmmm" she said while thinking.

"Okay daddy goodnight."

She said with a sleepy face.

Mairon picked her up before slowly putting her to bed.

Afterwards he sat down next to her while the campfire kept giving off its warmth to the ones sitting around.

Regan said nothing more for the night.

Meeting the gods of Valyria had left him in a state of shock and contemplation.

The night kept going peacefully, until it was time for the trio to get on Vernaron again and move to the freehold.

Gently waking up his daughter, Mairon moved to the dragon before getting on its back.

The dragon made a grumbling sound as he got on.

After Regan took the reins, Vernaron took of into the skies.

The flight took a couple of hours before the first structures could be seen.

They were outposts of the different dragon Lords.

Each housing at least one dragon rider and his family.

The posistions would be switched around in the family.

Each term generally during three years, while they make sure the interests of their different families are met.

As the dragon flies overhead he isn't stopped.

All the dragons belonging to a certain family fly different colours and Vernaron flies the colours of the Vyron Dragon Lords.

Also known as the Lord's of smithing.

Their emblem representing their craft, with even the seal containing a hammer.

The banner billowed trough the air bound to the dragons claw.

House Vyron was known for their power and wealth.

It was also their ancestors that got guidance of Vermithor the god of smithing in Valyria.

So they learned to create Valyrian steel from him.

Making them the second richest and powerful dragonlords around.

As they grew closer the city walls of Valyria came into view.

They were decorated with dragon statues and sphinxes.

Inlaid with white marble and stone darkened by vulcanic ash.

The Walls showed the story of Valyria and it's people.

It was created with a lair of gold and silver, giving it a feeling of wealth and might that these dragon Lords posessed.

Behind the wall topless spiralling towers could be seen.

They were 40 in total encircling the centre of the city where a grand palace was build.

Mixing both greek and Persian architecture.

Next to every tower was a dragon arena, and you could see dragons landing and taking off almost constantly.

And surrounding the towers was a palace, one tower and palace for each of the dragon Lords.

As they neared Valyria Vysesa grew exited, and couldn't wait to find her mother.

But Mairon was keenly aware, that it would do them no good if people knew of their arrival, so he turned to Regan.

"Regan, I will need you to land your dragon at a place where I and Vysesa would be able to easily reach house Dracon. And go unnoticed at the same time."

"Of course your highness."

Regan's way of addressing Mairon had radically changed, after the meeting with his gods.

He knew that if Mairon wasn't at least as strong as them they would have enslaved him without hesitation.

And if he wasn't as strong as them, he should at least be able to put up a good fight.

so he did as he was told without any questions.

Landing close to the city centre, in one of the giant open arena's used for landing and taking off with their dragons.

But this one wasn't owned by one of the families but by their government.

It was massive, making it able to land and take off ten's of dragons at the same time.

Of course this didn't count for the acient royal dragons that were too big for landing arena's.

Only one would be able to land here instead of the great numbers taking off now.

But as direct descendants of Balerion god of death and the underworld, they could not not be controlled by the Valyrians.

Not even the most noble of blood could interact with them.

But that is not important for now.

Vernaron slowed down his flight until he could safely land in the designated area.

As the dragon stroke down Regan got of his back, leaving Mairon and Vysesa alone.

Regan first made his way to the handler, who would bring the dragon to one of the waiting stations.

There the dragons get fed, and have a place to sleep while their riders finish business in the city.

It's like a giant stable but for dragons instead of horses.

As the dragon took his resting place Mairon got off the dragon, while taking his daughter down with him.

Afterwards he got up again to take his two chests of mithril.

He walked up to Regan to show the way to the Dracon estate.

"Regan, show the way."

"Yes your highness no problem."


Regan is leading both Vysesa and Mairon trough the streets of Valyria while lifting the two chests of mithril like a courier.

Mairon was taking in the sights, while Vysesa was sitting on his shoulder holding herself balanced by pulling on his head.

She could see everything around sticking head and shoulder above the rest.

As even in his human form Mairon was 2 meters high making him still about 30 cm or a head taller than most people living in Valyria.

While at least his looks didn't make him stand out having white hair and deep purple eyes, fashioned so that he may blend in among the people.

Eye colour and hair colour didn't hold any importance for a shapeshifter Afterall.

Luckly his wings could be hidden otherwise he would definitely stood out more than he already did.

"Here we are your highness."

Arriving at one of the 40 towers we made our way to the gate.

There in big letters House Dracon is carved.

At the gate two guards kept away unwanted visitors.

Regan walked up to the gate, starting a conversation.

"My name is Regan of house Vyron and we would like a audience with the head of house Dracon."

"Of course my lord the lady is in the dragon pit at the moment training her dragon follow me." Said the guard.

The other guard said nothing and just kept his post.

Mairon frowned hearing this.

Who would let strangers into the house they are tasked to protect.

Let alone bring them to their master without their consent.

'it seems house Dracon is really in a great pinch, as even the guards disregard the head of the house.'

'only for a change to get in the good books of another dragonlords family.'

'I will need to exterminate some vermin in this household before I can stabalize the situation it seems.'

As they follow the guard the gardens are beautiful, and it doesn't look like the Deacon family lacks in wealth.

'the status in Valyria is truely based on how much dragons you have and how big they are.'

So they walked past flower gardens, neatly trimmed gras and peaceful ponds filled with colourful fish.

Mairon had put down Vysesa, letting her run around on her short stocky legs.

She had put on some weight in the past months she spent with Mairon.

Her skinny and skeletal look was something of the past.

She was now chubby and with a healthy glow over her skin.

Her hair glowed like it used to before she was kidnapped.

"Daddy daddy look" Vysesa pointed her finger towards a flower holding a bee, busy with collecting pollen.

"I see, what a funny creature."

"Yes, yes but what is it called?"

"That would be a bee."

"Ah, okeyy, can we look for mommy now."

"Of course."

Right then, they hear a dragon roaring from a nearby building.

"Well it should be there."

"Yeahhh...." Vysesa said before running of towards the building.

Mairon worried about a unknown dragon coming close to his daughter, ran after her.

Before long they moved trough a arch and made their way into a open area.

In the pit they could see a giant purple dragon, and two woman arguing about something.
