crafting of the rings.

Mairon was walking trough Valyria, following a priest of Vermithor god of crafts.

They were moving towards one of the fourteen volcanoes, where Vermithor resides.

After Mairon sorted out his new family, and introduced himself to his soon to be wife, it was time to forefill his part of the contract.

So he made his way towards the Vulcano of crafts.

On his way many people watched him covertly.

Some out of curiosity, others to relay the information back to their families.

The journey was a long one, he could have just flown there but since it was a holy site flying was prohibited.

The track took him trough narrow streets, and slave districts something he had a great distaste for.

But after a long time they made it out of the city Valyria.

On the Vulcano stood old temple structures and broken pillars of Greek architecture.

This brought a faint glimmer of interest in Mairon, so he decided to ask.

"Priest what are these structures around here for."

"These are remnants of a time long lost."

"A civilisation far older than our own."

"They had already returned to dust by the time our ancestors seltteld on this peninsula."

"A lot of our knowledge came from their old scrolls, and we learned much from their structures."


Mairon looked at the structures with strange eyes.

Ideas about what happens forming in his head.

Civilisation doesn't just disappear without reason.

And these false gods who the Valyrians worship don't appear out of nowhere either.

So his tought brought him deeper and deeper in his head.

Until they reached a cave entrance leading into the Vulcano.

The walls were carved with care, and ritualistic items stood on the sides.

Vermithor stood there waiting for Marion's arrival.

"Good you have come, how is your new family?"

"Haha all is well; it's time I forefill my part of the bargain." Mairon said with a smile.

"Yes is me and my siblings have been waiting for you."

"But we trusted your integrity."

"We knew you would start crafting the rings soon"

'ha of course you did.'

'you just trusted that I can't escape the abyssal contract.'

'which I can't, but you should have read the terms better.'

'i only offered immortality nothing more.'

'once I craft the master ring you will slowly become my slaves.'

'immortal as promised but bound as my dogs.'

Both gave each other smiles like the hypocrites they are.

The Valyrian pantheon had no intension to keep a foreign god on their turf.

They planned to give the Dracon family a fief far from the Valyrian freehold, once Mairon finished the rings.

Even if Mairon may live in the city of Valyria, he would naturally follow his family once they left.

By then the rings of immortality would have cost them nothing more than one dragon and a dying noble house.

So they moved again going towards the inside of the mountain.

There the chests of metal and other materials were ready, including the sacrifices.

This time no mere humans would do for their rings.

So the Valyrian gods gathered 14 old dragons.

They were the biggest and strongest dragons around.

But they were old and slowly reaching the end of their lifespan.

Most had at most ten years left to live.

This way they would get the strongest Valyrian rings around.

Build on the bones of dragons and the work of two craft gods.

Mairon was impressed by their efforts.

The only thing he brought for his work was his personal hammer scavanged from Mordor, some gold and a bit of mithril from middle earth.

This would allow him to control the rings more easily once he finished the master ring.

On a giant platform in the middle of the Vulcano the dragons lay bound, by giant chains.

Groves were carved at the edges for unknown purposes.

In the middle stood a anvil and next to it was a pit of magma, for melting the metals.

Here they would spent days crafting the new rings.

And so the two gods started crafting.

Mairon kept a eye on Vermithor stealing all his best crafting skills and the methods and the highest blood rituals for strengthening the metals.

Beside the dragon sacrifices there were humans too, but they were only base ingredients.

They only played a role in refining the base metals like steel and gold.

Mithril required a higher type of sacrifice to be refined.

While forging he started to think.

Mairon heard a story from continent of Westeros.

About a ancient hero, killing his wife to forge a sword capable of killing the Night King.

He found this Ludacris, who would sacrifice his loved ones for the greater good.

Either a madman, a true selfless man, or someone who loves the world so much that he would give his loved ones for them.

Mairon knew he never could do so, nor did he want to be able to.

if he would need to choose.

He would rather burn this world for his daughter, than see his daughter burn for this world.

But thinking back on the story one thing stood out.

Forging with emotions.

He did so before with the one ring, but he used anger hate and fear.

This time he would use other stronger emotions.

Love the opposite of hate.

The only emotion capable of devolving right into hate.

But the time was not ready yet, he would first finish these rings.

Even if these spirits felt something off they would still willingly put them on.

They should know immortality comes at a price.

Now it was waiting to see if they would willingly pay.

So days past hammering the gold together with the steel.

Creating a new metal combined with the mithril.

Now came the most important part the shaping.

"Vermithor do you have the hair."

"Yes right here"

Laying a lock of each spirit on a separate ring, the rings started to reshape into different forms.

More in likeness of the different spirits.

Some flowerd others grew spikes of formed weapons.

There was even one that looked like pure blood.

Mairon turned to Vermithor and gave a nod.

Vermithor didn't hesitate, and directly activated the magic lines forming the spells.

Dragon roars could be heard and bones snapped, the differend dragons collapsed turning into liquid puddy.

It fell into the groves around the platforms.

Slowly it made their way towards the different rings merging.

Until dragon scale patterns made themselves apparent.

Still the differences on the rings remained but the were now unified by the dragon scale patterns.