research in middle earth

Mairon wanted to start his research into his space-time powers.

But the idea that he could disappear for extended periods of time, and suddenly get to hear his family died of old age did not sit well with him.

So he now started researching immortality first.

He could achieve it with his rings but they slowly consumed the wearers soul, turning them into his puppets.

That is not something he could change on a short notice.

So he turned his eyes to the immortality of the mortal races.

It sounds contradictory but it was not.

He was a true immortal himself a spiritual being, a god with a small g.

The mortal races who got immortality had only two options.

Immortality of the flesh and immortality of lifespan.

Sometimes they go hand in hand.

But spiritual immortality was the most important.

All souls were immortal, but most did not have permission to linger in the material world.

The ones with enough spiritual power, and a permit from God could call themselves gods.

And Mairon got all three immortal flesh, lifespan and spirit.

So now he was looking for a way to turn his family into being with infinite lifespan.

Even his power to consume sinful souls did not destroy them, they were merely purged by him leaving behind their energy before being sent to the creator for judgement.

This was unavoidable in the end all souls belong to God so his jurisdiction was limited.

But he was already grateful his father gave him a way to get stronger, and a outlet to enact his anger for the injustice he faced.

So it was time to go back to his hometown, and research some elves.

So he said goodbye to his soon to be wife daughter and his sister in law.

Standing up from his chair his large confidant form roze to his full height.

His armour spouted from his flesh.

He would enhance and optimize his armour later, but he would do that once the time was ripe for the one ring to be forged again.

Slowly his size was increasing until his body took up almost up the full room.

His true body was revealed, before he used his time space ability and found himself back in Moria.

As in his full power maiar form he stood at the same height as Goliath, a giant of great power, that could prevent a army from fighting.

Looking at the empty throne room Mairon spoke out.

"Abandon where are you?"

"Come greet your lord."

thunderd his voice.

But no orc came, instead from behind the throne a young lady came into view.

"Who are you?"

Mairon's burning amber eyes focused on the girl.

(POV Zabel)

She gave Mairon a defiant smile.

'haha this is exactly how I imagined the great big bad dark lord.'

'but the pressure he gives me is the greatest I have ever felt.'

'even when father is furious he doesn't come close.'

Getting out of her thoughts, she answers her lord with a Maniac like smile.

"Lord of Darkness my father has gone with a small army to capture a great number of dwarfs."

"He wants to restore Moria to its old glory with their labour."

"So that you may have a secure seat of power to conquer the surrounding lands."

"As for who I am, I am the only daughter of Abandon, my mother is Laziel a elven ranger from the mirkwood."

"Alright little lady I assume you know what want then."

"Of course my lord please follow me."

Bam, bam, bam Mairon's heavy armored boots hit the floor.

He was intrigued by this half elf.

He could smell something of her that normal half elves didn't have.

Immortality, normally half elves got to choose to either be immortal or life the life of the mortal counterpart.

In this case Abandon the Orc.

But not her, she did not have a choice she was born immortal and it was directly a part of her.

She could not choose to be mortal.

This was unheard of, not only being unable to give up immortality, as that was a gift from Eru Illuvatar and fully voluntary.

Their has never been a crossbreed between a Orc and elf before.

Their spirit was incapable of reproduction to form a new soul during conception both spirits have to be of the same nature.

And that only happend by races that are both biological compatibel, and either aligned with good or aligned with evil.

That is why humans can mate with both orcs and elves, because they are a neutral race unlike elves and orcs.

So a half Orc, half elf was impossible.

Yet she was walking right in front of him.

"Say how did you come to be, young woman?"

Zabel looked at him weirdly, her eyes showing genuine confusion.

"I thought you would know that already, but I will explain it if you don't know."

"When a man and woman really love each other the-"

"Are you stupid?"

"Hey that's not nice, first you ask a question, then you interrupt my awnswer and even insult me."

"I am asking how it is possible that a Orc and elf have offspring."

" Oh that is what you mean."

"That's because my father is no Orc."

"What do you mean he is no Orc."

"His father was my loyal servant, that is why I entrust so much to him."

"While his father ultimately failed me, he was competent as is Abandon."

"No I mean that he is half Orc the first one gaining free will from Morgoths grasp."

"Making him essentially a neutral race."

"I see that makes sense."

As Mairon said this he eyed Zabel with a strange look.

"Zabel I will need some of your blood, and your cooperation with some experiments."

Just as he was going to begin researching immortality, a perfect research subject presented itself.

Of course he would only research her samples as she and her father will be great generals for his army.

But this is truely, like searching for coal and finding a diamond.