Enchantment Guild

Enchanting is the art of imbuing objects with specific characteristics. This process can enhance an object's existing physical abilities or grant it entirely new capabilities. For example, applying a Sharpness enhancement to a knife can improve its cutting efficiency, or adding Durability to armor can strengthen its defense. More complex enchantments include using space-attribute magic on doors, turning them into dimensional portals similar to the black market entrance, or crafting chameleon earrings that can change one's appearance with a single thought.

My body is already at the limit of how physically strong a human on Earth can be. It is incredibly hard to get stronger than this. I can't just rely on my guns and Sapphire alone. I need to improve myself, learning and mastering new things, acquiring skills and powers beyond Earth's limitations.

This is why I turn to enchanting.

But why enchanting specifically, instead of learning to cast magical spells?

The first reason is that making enchanted equipment is a great way to make money instead of selling my platinum bullets. Sure, they could be sold for a fortune, but I would rather not since they will be needed in the future. 

And the second reason is very simple: I cannot use mana with my Common Rank blood talent. Even though I already have magic theories and all the related knowledge stored inside Sapphire, there's no way I can use magic directly.

Enchanting, however, offers an alternative route. It allows anyone, regardless of their magic affinity, to use magic, cast spells, and enhance their combat abilities. For instance, I don't need to learn the Fireball spell; I can use a staff enchanted to cast it. This requires no mana from me, as the enchantment on the staff performs all the necessary magical work by itself, using mana gathered either from the environment or from a specific source like a magical gem.

But the art itself is not without its flaws. One of the biggest challenges lies in its complexity. It isn't a skill easily mastered and is typically reserved for those with a natural gift. But for someone like me, it is absolutely perfect. Because in essence, enchanting is literally coding. But instead of using code languages like Python or Java on a computer, it uses the language of gods - Arcanum.

And guess who was one of the best coders on Earth?

Me of course!

With that in mind, Sophia and I now stand in front of the Enchantment Guild of Vera. 

Looking from the outside, it is a tall and imposing building with a giant mahogany door nestled beside a majestic tree, its leaves many shades of red. While lacking the shimmering luxury of the Library, the guild buzzes with a liveliness and vibrancy all its own. It is like a beehive with people coming in and out constantly.

Stepping inside, we are immediately swept into a crowd almost as bustling as a market at its peak. Here, those learning the art of enchantment are known as enchanters. The guild serves as a sanctuary for them, a place where they can hone their craft and push the boundaries of their abilities. Most of the people milling about aren't enchanters themselves, though. They are either merchants showcasing an array of enchanting equipment and supplies, or buyers looking for enchanted items. The air is filled with a cacophony of haggling voices and the clinking of gold coins. Meanwhile, enchanters are a rare breed, and they are highly revered for their skills because of that exact reason. If made by some famous top enchanters, some items could even be tagged at millions of crowns, making them treasures coveted by the elite!

No sooner have I fully entered than I am beset by eager merchants.

"Sir, are you interested in our enchanted swords?" one pitches enthusiastically, "These are the works of Master Kresx, capable of slicing through Salamander skin with ease!"

"Hi! Do check out our latest fire-resistant cloaks! They can withstand even tier 4 fire magic!" another beckons.

"Please have a glance at these self-cleaning clothes! We can also enchant your favorite garments to stay perpetually clean!"

"And don't miss out on these swords!"

"And these bows!"

"And these axes!"

Of course, they all see me as a potential customer since I am wearing expensive clothes. I, however, stride past them, paying little heed to their sales pitches. My priority lies elsewhere. I am here to find a vital component for my first dive into the world of enchantment – the Enchanting Ink, readily available in the supply section.

"Jack, this is the place I was telling you about," Sophia says, pointing towards a specific vendor. The merchant, a short, stout man with a long beard that marks him as a typical dwarf, stands behind a stall adorned with a sign reading 'Lucas Ink.'

Approaching his stall, I take in the array of containers on the table. Each is filled with what looks like clear water. To an untrained eye, these containers would seem indistinguishable, mere colorless liquids, yet their price tags tell a different story. They range from a few hundred crowns for a large bottle to hundreds of thousand crowns for a tiny tube.

"So this is what enchantment ink looks like…" I murmur.

Indeed. The enchantment ink, with each container holding a different type of ink, is invisible to the human eye.

For me, though, discerning them has become a simple task, as my conversation with Mirabelle has already revealed the secret to seeing enchantments.

I momentarily close my eyes, adjusting my vision settings…

"Sapphire, activate augmented vision. Expand perceivable light wavelengths! Ultraviolet range."

As I open my eyes, the world is stripped of color. There is only black and white. 

However, amidst this monochrome landscape, the ink comes to life, glowing vibrantly.