
Chantless magic…

It's something only ascended mages can perform. At higher levels, they don't need words or gestures—their very intent bends the world to their will. And yet, here is Yumi, effortlessly casting spells as if the full Arcanum incantation had been spoken.

I gave Yumi a lot of tools to help her… but none of them can explain how she's pulling this off. She isn't even wielding the wand I meticulously crafted for her. Yumi had insisted it wouldn't be fair to rely on my enchanted items, only agreeing to wear the protective pendant for safety. And now, she's casting something beyond comprehension.

And to make things even more surreal—it's fire magic.

Ignis Vallum, a fire barrier that her three teammates struggled to maintain together, shouldn't be this powerful when conjured by just one person.

It defies everything I know.


How did Yumi do this?