(Another day begins with Zack waking up. Upon waking up he indulges in his normal routine of going downstairs and greeting Alvin and Payton and then making breakfast. He then makes his way back to his room and loads in Windwaker Odyssey)
Okay today's goal is to grind like crazy and reach Silver rank so that I can officially form the guild.
(Nightwalker loads into the area near the World Guild building and begins heading to the building. After entering he began browsing for a quest after a bit of time he found one)
A delivery quest, not the best option but then again I can see that it is harder for lower ranked players to find a quest that gives decent Ron and experience points so this is all I can get for now.
(Nightwalker begins heading towards the quest area. Upon arriving he picks up the materials that need to be delivered and begins his quest)
Hmm this is a peculiar route for a routine delivery but I'm not gonna question it besides I need to get to Silver rank as soon as possible.
(Nightwalker travels for a while until he reaches a dead end)
What a dead end!? That doesn't make sense I'm sure I followed the map to the letter. No something doesn't add up let me open the map and see what's going on.
(Nightwalker opens the system map and to his astonishment he sees that he has reached the edge of the map and even more surprising the route continues after the edge)
Woah woah woah woah just what is going on here I mean I I've reached the edge of the map!? And even more surprising the route continues!?
(Just then a portal appeared out of nowhere and the system notified Nightwalker that a gateway to another realm just opened)
Oh now it makes sense, the map continues because it's being delivered to another realm. Well damn that means that this is one ridiculously long delivery better continue.
(Nightwalker enters the portal and finds himself in a beautiful green large forest surrounded by many trees)
Sheesh that one big forest, so this is what realm travel feels like huh? This place is so different from the realm I'm used to that's for sure.
(Before Nightwalker could proceed he was approached by two Elven NPC's)
Hey are those guys coming to me if so what do they want.
You there halt! This area is not is not for regular travellers so turn around immediately!
I'm not a regular traveler in fact I'm here on a delivery mission. Truth be told I'm a little confused, I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go since this is my first time here.
A delivery mission eh? Well let's check what you have in the bag there. Alright looks like you're telling the truth, in that case we'll update your map so you can see where to go.
(After the interaction with the guards Nightwalker continues on his way. As he continued on his quest he realized that there were many elves in this area)
What's with all the elves, is this their designated area or something? Maybe there are other races further along the realm.
(Nightwalker continues until he reaches a small village. In the village he's called by an elderly elf)
Excuse me young man but might you be the player sent here to deliver a package.
Yes that would be me, I'm guessing that you're the one who'll receive the package.
(Nightwalker then gave the bag to the elderly elf and afterwards he began heading back. After a long walk he arrived at the world guild building. Upon arriving a voice called out to him)
Hey there stranger! Long time no see, it's been three days since we last met.
(Nightwalker turned around and to his excitement he saw Starfield)
Starfield it's you. Glad to see you I wanted to look for you yesterday but Hikari told me you were leveling up.
Yeah I have, the beating you gave me at the tournament showed me that I'm too weak so I decided to do something about it. But the you are now I'm more than certain that I can defeat you.
I can't argue with that, right now the only thing I can do is to complete quests and gain some experience. My aim is to at least reach Silver rank.
That's a high goal to reach especially since you've been AWOL for the past few days. Although I have a question why do you want to reach Silver rank anyways.
Well since you ask I'm planning on creating a guild but in order to be a guild leader I at least need to be strong. Speaking of which would you like to join.
Isn't it a bit too soon to be asking that question, I mean you haven't even formed the guild yet.
Well you can think of it as an early invitation. That way if you accept you'll already have a spot in the guild.
Well if that's the case then I gladly accept. While we're on the topic, since you're going to be my guild leader I feel it's my responsibility to help you get stronger. So I proposition for you to go on a quest with me, what do you say?
Thanks for the offer but aren't the quests you do way outside of my level. I'd essentially be a liability.
Yeah I hear you but I there's a method to my madness. You see higher level quests are more dangerous but they give a higher yield of rewards and experience. And besides since we'll be going together so you'll have me to back you up, so you game?
If that's the case then I'm definitely game. So what quest will you pick? Hopefully you choose something fun.
You know me fun is where I'm at. Anyways I'm thinking of picking a high level subjugation quest. Oh and it looks like it'll yield the kinds of rewards we are looking for.
Subjugation huh, me and Hikari did a goblin subjugation quest just yesterday. So if you don't mind me asking, what kind of subjugation will we be doing today.
Well we'll be disposing of some ogres. Ogres are way more higher level than goblin and they are quite smarter too so this quest will really push you to the limit be prepared. Speaking of which is that all the equipment you've got?
Yeah it's the equipment I've been using thus far. What is it too weak or something?
Too weak is an understatement we need to go get you some better equipment otherwise you'll end up dying in this quest and get yourself another one day ban.
That's sounds nice and all but I'm currently lacking in the financial department which is why I'm wear such mediocre equipment. It's the best I could afford with my pay grade.
Well since I'm so nice I'll buy you the equipment you need but my services aren't free of charge. I expect you to pay me back in full anyways let's get going.
(Starfield and Nightwalker head towards a merchant to get the equipment. Upon arriving they buy upgrades for Nightwalker's sword as well as some high quality armor before departing for the quest)
Hey Starfield thanks for the equipment I really appreciate it. Hopefully it helps against the ogres.
Well that equipment wasn't cheap I'll tell you that so I'm certain that it'll at least do what it's supposed to. Anyways armor isn't really that much of an issue it's strategy that we need to focus on.
If that's the case then why did you spend so much Rob on this equipment, I mean you could've saved so much.
Okay let me rephrase what I just said. Armor and equipment have some importance in battle but they aren't everything especially in high level battles. The thing that matters most is a good strategy this applies way more when you're doing quests solo.
Since you're saying that I'm guessing that you have a strategy in mind. If so then what is I'm all ears.
First things first I need to tell you about an ogres weakness. You see ogres are very smart and strong so fighting them head on is suicide but they have on very crucial weakness a huge lack of stamina.
If that's the case doesn't that mean that we can tire them out quickly.
Exactly but as I mentioned before ogres are quite smart. In order to make up for their weakness the form separate groups that attack and rest in different times.
So they cover each other well enough for players to have difficulty taking advantage of their stamina issue.
Yep but my plan ensures that this won't be an issue. You see ogres may be smart but this doesn't apply if the ogre is angry. My plan is to aggravate the ogres and lead them away from their groups one by one after that it's just a matter of finishing the job. Although there will be a large number of them so it'll take a while to finish everything.
I've got no quarrels with that. Anyways this is a very solid strategy you devised, I'm guessing you learnt to think like that from doing solo quests.
You're not wrong about that. I'm just teaching you these basics so that you won't have difficulty dealing with your own solo quests. Anyways looks like we're close to the quest site.
A forest huh? Considering your plan trees will really be a new advantageous aspect we'd better make use of them.
(Nightwalker and Starfield begin climbing up the trees to gain a higher ground. They move around until they find the large groups of ogres near the center of the forest)
Woah those things are huge, so do we initiate the plan now?
Yep. Now watch this.
(Starfield jumps onto the nearest tree to the ogres, she the throws a stone straight into one of the ogres eyes. The ogre stomps the ground in pain until it sees Starfield it then becomes outraged and chases after Starfield)
Hey Nightwalker follow the ogre from behind and when I get to a safe enough distance strike it from behind.
Roger that.
(Starfield let's the ogre chase her until the reach a far distance from the rest of the ogre group she then turns around and faces the ogre. Whilst the ogre was focused on Starfield Nightwalker came in from behind and dealt a critical blow to the neck killing it instantly)
Woah that ogre skin is tough I almost didn't cut all the way through. Anyways it should be your turn to kill an ogre right?
That would be the case if you and I were on the same level but that's not the case. So you'll be killing all the ogres today and besides you need all the experience you can get.
All right no arguments there. Let's go get the next one already, I'm just raring to go for some action.
(Nightwalker and Starfield began repeating the process and defeating ogres one after another until only one was left)
Looks like this is the last one since that's the case we don't need to lure it out. So you ready Nightwalker?
Yeah but let's wait a minute, something about this one doesn't feel right.
What are you talking about let's just kill the beast and get it over with.
Yeah you're right.
(Starfield lands in front of the ogre and begins engaging it in combat. Whilst the ogre was distracted Nightwalker once again dealt the finishing blow)
Yep looks like we're done, man that took way longer than I would've liked but we're done anyways.
Well since we're done I just wanted to thank you for helping me out Starfield I really appreciate... Woah watch out!
(A much bigger ogre came from behind Starfield and before it could strike her Nightwalker came in and pushed her out of the way resulting in him taking the blow. After being hit he was sent flying and a major amount of his HP decreased)
Nightwalker! Dammit how didn't I see that ogre coming. Now is the not the time to be staggered, I need to deal with this thing.
(Starfield began engaging in combat with the ogre. She was striking a few solid blows but they were ineffective)
What the hell is going on? I've been attacking this ogre with everything I've got but it didn't even dent its HP. Wait now that I think about it this ogre kinda looks like... No it can't be not in a place like this.
(Nightwalker got up and began heading towards Starfield but as he walked he noticed that he was very sluggish. Starfield noticed this and began calling out to Nightwalker)
Nightwalker are you okay.
Yeah I'm fine but my avatar is moving very slowly and I can even lift my sword it's like my movements have become sluggish.
Yeah they have. The new update to the game makes damage intake more realistic. Since you got clubbed real hard by the ogre your avatar's body is feeling the effects.
Dammit that's not good news I'm guessing I need some healing.
Yeah hold on I'm coming.
(Starfield goes to Nightwalker and begins healing him until his HP was filled)
Looks like my movements are better now, thanks for that.
Yeah no problem. Now our biggest problem yet. Your earlier gut feeling was right, this isn't a regular ogre we're fighting, it's an ogre chief.
An ogre chief?
Yeah an ogre chief is a high level Platinum ranked monster.
A high level Platinum ranked monster!? Wait that doesn't make any sense, how's such a high level monster here isn't this a Silver ranked quest?
That's what I'm questioning too but right now we don't have time for questions. Here it comes.
(The ogre chief rushes upon Nightwalker and Starfield attacking with quick and powerful strikes, the two of them barely manage to dodge the attacks. Nightwalker and Starfield quickly leap away from the ogre)
We can't keep going like this, all this defending will eventually leave us vulnerable we need to go on the offensive.
I understand your frustration Nightwalker but we won't be able to do anything to the ogre chief, it's way too high level for us to deal with. I mean you're a Blue ranker and I'm a Silver ranker, there's nothing we can do against a Platinum ranked monster.
(As they were talking the ogre chief struck again and they barely managed to dodge the attack. While they were dodging Nightwalker noticed a scar on the back of the ogre chief)
Hey Starfield look at that on the ogre chief's back.
Huh, wait a minute is that a scar? How'd a ogre chief get a scar like that?
Don't know but that's not important right now. What I'm trying to say is that scar is looks like a weak spot. We should try attacking it and see what happens.
I don't know man, that sounds a bit too risky I mean if that scar isn't a weak spot we'll be in range of the ogre's attacks.
Yeah I see what you're saying but we can't keep dodging all day, we might as well try. I mean what else can we do?
Dammit you're right. Well we'll just have to hope it really is a weak spot.
Good no that you're on board I've got an idea. But first do you have enough mana to use that instant regeneration skill you used in the tournament
Yeah but why do you ask?
I gonna need you to be my human shield, cast the instant regeneration and engage the ogre while prepare my ultimate attack and land it on the scar.
Alright let's hope this works.
(Starfield starts casting her instant regeneration skill. After casting it she begins fighting the ogre chief. Nightwalker quickly finds a spot to concentrate he then begins focusing his mana onto his sword until the sword turns red he then heads towards the ogre's backside and lunges his sword into the scar)
Take this! This is my ultimate skill infernal blade.
(The ogre screeched in pain as half of its HP was drained)
Nice work looks that really did the trick. It seems you were right about the scar good job Nightwalker.
Thanks but I was hoping that the attack would finish the job cause I'm outta mana so I can't repeat that skill.
Wait are you serious!? Dammit what are we going to do now.
(The ogre chief quickly got up in an angry state and attacked Nightwalker from the back injuring him gravely)
Nightwalker! Dammit I hoped it wouldn't come to this but I have no choice.
(Starfield began initiating a strange spell then soon after her body began changing as a brilliant light enveloped around her. After a while she came out in a true fairy form. She then casted a large magic field surrounding the entire forest)
(Nightwalker quickly got up and looked at the magic field afterwards he realized that his HP was growing rapidly. He then turned his attention to Starfield and upon looking at her he noticed her transformation)
Hey Starfield is that you? What's going on what is this?
Don't question it just go with it.
(The ogre chief became drawn by the light emanating from Starfield and went to strike her, before it could land a hit she quickly counter its attack and landed a blow of her own. After hitting the ogre Starfield noticed that it was taking damage)
Hey Nightwalker did you see that? My hits just now damaged the ogre. It seems like the that ultimate attack you landed on its scar made it vulnerable so now's the time to strike.
Alright then let's go for the last push.
(Nightwalker and Starfield begin to unleash multiple attacks on the ogre whilst dodging it)
Dammit we aren't dealing enough damage to kill it. Starfield got any ideas?
None unfortunately.
(They begin their attack once more and this time Starfield greatly increases her speed to deal multiple attacks more quickly)
Wait you can increase your speed? Well that gives me an idea. Look we need to kill this thing immediately and here's how we're going to do it. I'll distract the ogre while you come in with a killer blow.
One problem I don't have anything like that in my arsenal.
Here take my sword use your speed and those newly formed wings of yours and go for the head. I'm sure not even a Platinum ranked monster would be able to take that.
Alright then I hope you're right.
(Nightwalker gives his sword to Starfield and then engages the ogre. While Nightwalker was fighting the ogre Starfield soared high up in the sky and once she reached a high altitude she began diving towards the ogre at full speed with Nightwalker's sword in her hand. At full speed she arrived at the ogre's location and swung the sword quickly in the next second she swiftly decapitated the ogre)
That was awesome you really cut its clean. No matter how powerful it is there's definitely no way of coming back from that.
Yeah he's dead for sure. Anyways that's the second strike now.
Second strike? What are you talking about?
I'm saying that this is your second plan that got us out of a sticky situation you're two for two today. Anyways let's get out of here.
Yeah I'm on board with that.
(Nightwalker and Starfield head back to the World Guild building and being talking)
That was wierd huh? I mean fighting an ogre chief on a Silver ranked mission, it's just unheard of.
Yeah speaking of which on our way back here I reviewed the quest once more and I noticed that our quest suddenly changed its rank.
Must have been a glitch or something anyways I'm just glad that it yielded more Ron and experience this makes me more confident that I'll reach Silver rank soon.
Well after what I saw today I'm sure you will. To tell you the truth when you first told me that you wanted to form a guild I thought you just talking crazy but now I think you can really do it.
What you didn't believe in me? Dang you really sounded convincing too.
Yeah sorry but at least you have my real support now.
Yeah. Anyways looks like it's time for me to log off. I'll see you next time when I'm a Silver rank.
I'll be waiting then captain. I just wanted to be the first to call you that anyways see you later.
(Zack logs off of Windwaker Odyssey and prepares himself for sleep. He heads to bed thinking about the guild he wants to build)