And then there were two

Elbaf and the other two rushed at Chiron, they put their all into it, as Elbaf seemed to become smaller and faster, while the swordsman had a projected purple aura around his body and the shorter rogue with the sais didn't change, but Chiron could see his veins bulg and the sais tremble for a couple seconds... Slowly.

They were all strong awakened with powerful abilities, but it looked like they were barely moving and reminded Chiron of helpless children. *What is going on?* He stared at the turtles, who rushed at him at the speed of smell.

It took them nearly 13 seconds to approach him and the first to do so was the short rogue. He ran up to Chiron, intending to repeat what he did, but his weapon seemed to be frozen in time, as he suddenly became even slower. All Chiron had to do was just step to the side and he kicked the hand with the sai to redirect the attack and take no damage.

*Okay, what's up? I know I haven't become faster and I know none of my physical stats have increased. Did I pull a Futurama Fry thing and overdose on caffeine so much I entered hyper speed? This most definitely isn't originating from my body, it's still stiff and clunky as ever and I don't feel any different.* Chiron couldn't understand what was going on, how could anyone?

His body was still stiff and he still moved as fast as a snail, like his body does and nothing changed, but the swordsman's swing at his neck and Chiron just easily ducked under the swing and kicked him over, feeling the prickly stabs of the man's aura.

*Okay, I know nothing about ME has changed, but what about them? Everybody else has slowed down and they are moving way slower than me.* They were moving at half, maybe even a quarter of their maximum speed and he could follow their movements with much greater ease *Is this what people mean when they say you perceive time slower moments before death?! Heh, no way. I'm not moments away from death!*

Elbaf swung his massive hammer at Chiron's head, but that didn't mean anything! Chiron ducked under Elbaf and dived left, so he lands in a squared position, as he decides to do something *FUN* before this unexplainable phenomenon ended for him. He smiles, as he looks at the gremlin rogue near him and stares deeply into his soul.

His spine tingled and his scalp went numb, as the shorter man felt like death itself had decided he had lived enough. He stared into Chiron's eyes and his instincts screamed one thing at him *RUN!*, but that didn't mean anything.

To Chiron, him running was the same as a casual walk. His body expanded to its maximum size to give him the edge in movement speed and he rushed at the little man. His grin widened up to his ears, as he easily caught up to the tiny man, who turned around fast and swung his wolverine arms at him, but why should Chiron care?

His blood pumped, as his body accelerated even more and he jumped straight at the gremlin. His body stretched back as much as it could when he jumped. He rotated in midair, until his body was diving towards the gremlin, before a sudden fierce caused his body to rivet backwards, but his perception was too strong for that to cause any problems.

Without any warning, as if he were a spring finally being let loose, his body instantly expanded to its original size and did a 360⁰ spin, as his gigantic sword came down on top of the short rogue's shoulder.

When he suddenly swung down the sword, the speedy gremlin of Elbaf's Cohort couldn't react. The only thing he managed to do was stab Chiron in the liver, as his body was split diagonally, starting from his left shoulder, going through his lungs, heart and coming out passing through the liver.

The 10 seconds between Chiron barely surviving imminent death and him dying were nowhere near enough for such a powerful human to accept this outcome. He died right then and there, trying to process how till his last moment.

Chiron's sword landed on the ground, and he felt something weird. His sword was stiffer than normal. It felt... Slower?! Slower to the point Chiron easily used it as a vaulting tool to flip himself and land back on his two legs, ready to fight!

He stared at the two, who had barely even moved. Elbaf was still just making a running motion, while the swordsman was fighting in lower case. Chiron's eyes lit up and his toothy grin stared at them, as he seemed to finally realize what was going on.

His eyes dilated, as his body condensed down at an unprecedented speed! Elbaf watched, as Chiron's expression warped into a demonic one and his eyes dilated to the point where they seemed like a black hole. He felt fear, as he stared into the abyss... But the abyss cared naught for him!

Chiron's face snapped over behind him and he saw the woman in cloak. *I'm feeling... HYPER!*

The rest of them watched as Chiron did that and suddenly snapped right back towards them with an even more demonic smile.

His lacerated left eye, several gaping wounds, that were torn open forcefully after being shut forcefully and the metal sticking out of where his ear used to be did nothing to hinder the dread the awakened felt at the sight of his smile.

Especially the female, who was stared down by said abyss a second ago. Her heart pounded, as she flinched and subconsciously turned away, looking backwards, only to see...