Chiron was as unbothered as a man could be. He was relaxed, ready to answer everything and the ascended woman was unrelenting and started with the most relevant question "First question, you said you had enough energy to last months, could you explain how exactly, as such anything should not be possible?"
Chiron shrugged his head and pointed towards his former general even "I used my ability to store food in my stomach, the sir over there can confirm, as he was the general I suggested this plan to." The man in question nods in confirmation and raises his head in pride of having Chiron be in his garrison.
Xerxes nodded along and continued "Alright, next question. You said you killed their awakened, how many Aranai awakened have you killed? Do you have any proof of this? Do you know their names or where they used to live or which house they serve?"
Chiron's brows stiffened. He had no idea how to answer this question, so he just said the first thing to come to his mind. "A total of 9, maybe? An assassin I found in Assai, he was extraordinarily powerful, 3 of Elbaf's Cohort during the battle for assai and 5 when I stormed Assai and killed In the process of getting revenge for our fallen city! *Or is Assai a town? Never really learned the difference.*"
She nodded her head once again and continued "okay, then let's move in to the main point of contention. You claim to have fought for months on end and only recovered for, even in the most generous time frame, 2 months. How did you recover so soon after no food, water or nutrition during several months of none stop combat and injury?"
Chiron shrugged "I wouldn't call my current form 'recovered' myself, but, to answer your question, I don't really know. Kinda just did after resting. I used my ability to help reconstruct my body bit by bit and it kinda worked. I don't really get how, tho and I can't grow back to my original size anymore and am stuck looking like a 40 year old toddler."
The woman's hawk eye twitches somewhat before she continued her questioning "*Who is this guy? He doesn't have a single thought in his head! I know I can read his thoughts from before, but the moment the thought comes, he just says it, no deliberation, as if he is remembering while talking, rather than thinking it over and answering. Is he truly Chiron the hero and not an assassin in disguise?* How many Aranai soldiers have you killed?"
Chiron frowned a bit and looked to be in deep thought "*How many of those scum HAVE I killed. I fought for a few months. I think I killed a thousand in the first month? So maybe 5 thousand total?* About 5 thousand and a couple civilians caught in the Crossfire. I don't know the exact number, though I wish I could give a better report, I can't exactly keep count when my life and death are on the line."
The watchwoman nodded her head and finally delivered the last question, that no single spy, no matter how well trained or competent has been able to get past. "Okay, one last question from me as a special favour. What is your full name!"
At that moment, Chiron went somewhat quiet and his thoughts raced at the speed of 10 thoughts per second "*Am I Chiron something? Never been called anything besides Chiron as far as I remember. * I don't know actually. Ever since I remember, I have been called just Chiron. I don't even think that's my actual name, just that it's what I've been called for so long I got used to it."
That answer was as definitive as it could be. Most would instantly assume he was a spy, sentence him to death, arrest him for interrogation, something. But all Xerxes did was she sat down next to the judges and promptly raised her left hand, signifying her defiance of the unanimous 'not guilty' verdict.
Chiron stared blankly at her *That's a bit rude. What did I even do, I answered her questions and to say guilty because I'm not the nicest of people. She isn't to be trusted! Jealous c"nt's trying to make shit difficult for me on purpose!* Even at such blatant accusation, Chiron showed no signs of being a traitor or frustration at his identity being exposed.
The others looked at her and said "Miss Xerxes, did you identify any 'miscellaneous' thoughts?" She promptly shook her head and said "unless our own ascended have leaked my ability, then this man is Chiron and I can confidently say he isn't a spy. We can disperse, he is our own hero!"
Chiron smiled at that, as Xerxes finally relented and rose her right hand, as did the rest of them, signifying the trial being over and Chiron being welcomed back as a hero.
The count stood up as soon as miss Xerxes confirmed and walked over to Chiron with his hand extended. Chiron extended the gesture and they shook hands. "My name is Hans Müller, let me formally welcome you back home and extend an invitation to become my knight. I may be a count now, but once we are rid of these Aranai scum, I am almost guaranteed to be promoted to a Duke and I'll be more than happy to host sir Chiron."
*Oh la-la! Fancy pants man Sponsor! Though, why is he trying to buy an ascended?* Chiron nodded his head and asked "I would be happy to serve this sir. Can I ask count for a couple species of poisonous plants as a favour or payment for my services? I want to see what happens when I ingest poison and try to see if using poison as medicine can heal my body and see if I can build up an immunity!"
The bigwigs of the entire country unhinged their jaws at the ridiculous statement they just heard and, at that moment, they all looked back towards Xerxes for an explanation on how she could possibly approve this man's stay. She shook her head and shrugged, telling them he has literally no thoughts in his mind and genuinely just wants to eat poison. And at that moment they all looked back at Chiron and all came to the same conclusion, *He is just an idiot!*