Why Are You Worried?

"Is he in position?' He asked via the PASCOD (Paladins Special Communication Device).

"Yeah, he's in position. All of us are already dealing with the Atraxes right now. Miss Edifier, we need to cut our contacts right now, only turn it back on when necessary." Xander replied with his assault rifle already aiming for the creature's head.

From the CR (Communicative Room), both Kazuya and Ann are spectating the screen, that's showing the lives and location of the Paladins under their command. Unlike other Edifiers who go to the battlefield themselves and command everything there, these two are unable to do so, due to their circumstances as the Specter Unit's Edifiers.

As Ann was staring at the virtual map that's displayed on the screen, she noticed something was off about it, but she didn't know what it was. She mentioned it to Kazuya, to which he then looks right after. Again, even he didn't know the problem, although he knows something is off about the map.

Gunshots were fired rapidly across the battlefield. The raging roar from the bullets were heard from miles away. The spark that was lit up from each gunshot can be seen even if you're standing on top of the hill, indicating how many shots were fired just to defend themselves.

While knowing that their captain is alone in the center, the Paladins knew the risk of leaving him there by himself. However, the plan itself was agreed by him, so they can't do anything about it. All that they can do is to try their best and pray.

Finally reaching the center, Arashi moves his right hand and places it on the katana's grip with the weapon still in the scabbard. Standing there menacingly, his left hand touched his eye patch and dragged it down, making it hang on his neck, along with the scarf he's wearing.

Suddenly, he can feel sounds of stomping coming from a few directions. Carefully, he takes out the katana from the scabbard, and holds it using both of his hands. Right as he was to take a quick breather, he felt an unwanted presence lurking behind him. Immediately, he swings the katana to the right, slashing the creature.

He was right, it was an Atrax that was sneaking up on him. How odd… Atraxes aren't known to be intelligent enough to form such sneak attack. Ignoring the question that was lingering on his head, he went back to his stance, getting ready for another attack.

Both of his eyes then focused in one direction. He's deadlock looking at the incoming groups of Atraxes. He kneels on one leg, with the other slides to the back. An electrifying aura surrounds him intensely. Blue lightning made a static on Arashi's fingers. His blue right eye lights up softly, meaning that the element has been channeled to his weapon.

Looking from the screen, both Kazuya and Ann became confused. Thousands of questions immediately pop up in their mind.

"T- Thunder element? This wasn't mentioned in the logs. Ann?" Kazuya asked as he grabs the tablet that was placed on his left.

The girl shook his head in confusion. "Don't ask me, I don't know what's going on too…" Ann said.

Thunder element. The only element that can be possessed by Tarviants, specifically, the royal family. For generations, each descendant acquired the thunder element, and used them to fight on the battlefield, especially in war times.

However, that being the case, some mad scientists decided to make an experiment on how to transfer the thunder element to a Tarviant without royal blood. Though, it didn't last long, as each of the experimented subjects died on seven days' time. It was counted as a failure for them. Though, this didn't stop others from starting the same experiment.

After the subjects slowly increasing, along with the death rates in the country, the experiment in question was permanently banned across the globe, and if anyone does it will be given a penalty, which resulted in a death sentence.

So, it makes sense why the two of them are having such questions piling up inside their head. However, this isn't the time to dwell on such matters, since they have bigger issues on their hands.

"Now's not the time, we need to focus on the battle ahead. Ann, make sure to ask him about this later." Kazuya said.

Startled with the sudden phrase, Ann nods hesitantly. If she's being honest, she's quite afraid to ask Arashi regarding that matter, since she doesn't want to make him uncomfortable, after all they just met today.

Kazuya presses the PASCOD that was on his ear.

"Vice-captain, we're seeing a group of Atraxes coming your way." The male Edifier said as he's analyzing a counterattack that they can use.

Ann, who's been sitting next to Kazuya looks at him with an envy face. She admires him who's able to handle all of this despite meeting all of them for the first time. Especially how he handled a tight situation like this one, not to mention the fast pace figuring out how to form a counterattack against those creatures.

Grasping the situation by the Edifier, Xander nodded. He immediately changes the PASCOD channel to where Rika, Devon, Beetle and Carl are. As Kazuya mentioned, a group of Atraxes were coming their way, however, they'll be passing the place where Devon's team are stationed first.

"De- Jackal. A group of Atraxes are heading our way, though they'll be making a detour to your team's place first. I'll send help if its needed." Xander said as he told Rose to stay close to him, so she won't be defenseless if any Atraxes charge her with a surprise attack.

Understand what her vice-captain says, she called Beetle to get his assault rifle ready. She also told Carl to get his sword out so he can instantly kill the Atrax if it suddenly shows up. Her eyes moved to a hill that's not far from where they're standing. Devon presses the PASCOD, "Eagle, are you ready? It seems like the manhunt will start in a few minutes." She said as she pulls out her dual sword from the scabbards that were hung on her belt.

"Ready when you are." Rika replied.

"Alright." Devon replied with a soft tone.

As he swiftly dodges the Atrax's attacks, Arashi managed to kill five Atraxes on his own, leaving only fifteen remaining on the scene. For an average Paladin, this would be labeled as a suicide tactic. However, it's a simple task for the unit's captain.

Not wasting any time, he immediately throws his katana to an Atrax that was quite far from where he's standing. As fast as lightning, the katana flew to the creature and instantly pierced its head, leaving a hole. Thanks to his thunder element, he's able to move his weapon faster than any other members, hence why he wasn't only labelled as "Ghost", but also the name "Blue Flash" which was thanks to his thunder being a blue color.

However, there's a flaw to his abilities. Every time he uses the "instant dash" that he often uses when to kill numbers of enemies in a single swoop, he won't be able to use it for another fifteen minutes. The first time he realized such a cooldown existed was when he used it for the first time, two years ago.

Though he can't use that ability, his katana is still channeled with the thunder element, means he can still kill the Atraxes while strike some lightning to them.

One by one, the creatures fell to Arashi's deadly attacks. The two Edifiers were still stunned to see how strong the captain was. No wonder the members treated him with respect, and worried for him at the same time. As Arashi swings his katana again, the Atrax dodged with ease. His eyes widened. Trying to protect himself, he distant the gap between him and the Atrax by kicking it in the face, making it fly a few feet away.

Confused, the captain crouched down and touched the ground. His eyes twitched as he felt a faint vibration that was slowly becoming louder and louder by the minute. Without wasting any time, he immediately stood up and pressed the PASCOD on his ear that connects to all channels, including the two Edifiers.

"… Aboard the mission." Arashi says.

Hearing those words coming out from the captain's mouth, every Paladin in the unit knows exactly the reason why such action must be made. Quickly, Xander tells Rose, Koi and Antho to pack things up and flee immediately. The same thing was done over on Devon's team.

Dumbfounded, Kazuya asks the reason for doing so.

"Captain, I know that I told you that the authority in the battlefield is yours. However, that doesn't give you the rights to aboard a mission." Said Kazuya.

"… I understand that Sir Edifier. Though, it seems like this is not a casual mission flow as last time. I was wondering why the Atraxes seemed kind of smart for some reason. It seems… their leader has come to take charge of the attack…" The captain said, unfazed with Kazuya's words.

Xander is currently heading back to the jeep with Rose, Antho and Koi, while defending themselves from the roaming Atraxes that were scattered around. Devon's team, however, went back slowly, since they were still fighting a group of Atraxes that was taking a detour to their spot. Rika's still laying on the hill with her sniper. She aims it at the Atrax and made sure it was right on the scope's aim mark. Her finger pulls the trigger, and the bullet immediately spit out of the barrel, dashing towards the aimed Atrax.

With ease, she controls the dashing bullet to kill not one, but three Atraxes after another. After doing so, she stands up since they were ordered by Arashi to board the mission, to which she knows why. Her face then moves to the right and looks down. From her eyes, she can see Carl, Devon and Bettle are heading their way back to the jeep. The female Paladin grabs her sniper rifle along with the bullet case, and instantly sprint towards them.

A pat was felt on her shoulder, Devon looks to her right. It was Rika, who was sprinting towards them earlier. "We're told to aboard the mission. It came back for another round huh?" Rika said as they were running back towards their vehicle.

"It's a pain in the ass. Every time that thing appear, no offense to the dead, but it literally took the lives of our friends in one swoop…" Carl said as he grits his teeth, with the feeling of unsatisfied on his chest.

"… Not at all, Carl. Though, I'm even worried for the captain than us if I'm being honest…" Spoke Devon with a worried face.

Beetle gave Devon a soft stare after listening to what she said. She replied with a gaze. He's unable to join in the conversation since he's too busy watching over their six.

The two Paladins became silent. It's true, the captain's condition after fighting it last time was quite bad than his normal injury. At one time, he was asleep for almost three days.

Kazuya who's sitting next to Ann became irritated with the captain's response. Rarely seeing her friend like this, she carefully pats him on the back, telling him 'Don't Mind' to the male Edifier with a fake smile. Her head tilts back to the screen. She's still trying to figure out the connection between that group of Atraxes specifically and the captain.

Though, her luck went out when the siren above the screen started blinking. Immediately, she ordered the Paladins to fall back, following the captain's earlier instructions.

"Captain, I need you to fall back as well." Spoke Ann.

"… It's alright, Miss Edifier. This is not the first time I faced them. I can-" His words were cut off.

"Well, it's not alright to me. I need you to return to base, that's an order." The Female Edifier spoke with a soft yet demanding tone. As much as he wanted to face the group of Atraxes, he couldn't disobey an order from an Edifier, since a penalty can be given to him, not that he cares about that, but he'll be worried if it's given to the others.

His eye then caught something in the corner. He moves his head to the right, while his hand holds the katana tightly. Loud stomping was coming from the east, where the group of Atraxes were coming from. Ignoring Ann's orders earlier, he slowly approaches the creatures with the same emotionless look.

Noticing that he was moving forward from the digital map, Ann spoke. "What are you doing, captain!? I thought I ordered you to return this instant!" The words were uttered with a tight tone, making it louder than earlier. As she was talking to Arashi, Kazuya turns to the side, and presses the PASCOD.

It brought him to the public Specter Unit channel. Currently, Ann is using a private channel between her and Arashi.

"Wolf, is this thing THAT dangerous, that even your captain told all of you to aboard the mission?" The male Edifier asked.

"It is. Last time he fought it one on one. It resulted in him blacking out for three whole days. Not to mention, the injuries he got from fighting it." Xander replied as he was still running towards the jeep, along with Rose, Antho and Koi.

Hearing that, Kazuya became silent. If it's that powerful, why is he so determined to fight it every time he has the chance? Also, he's also been wondering about his thunder element, how did he acquire it? So many questions were playing in his mind. For once, he's not sure what to do in this situation. Should he follow the captain's orders to retreat or continue to move forward?

"Sir Edifier." A female voice was heard over the PASCOD.

Hesitantly, Kazuya replied. "Yes, this is Yellow Jackal, right?"

"That's right. I know what you're thinking, 'Can he pull this off?', 'What if something worse happens?'. It's only natural for you to think so, after all, it's your first time with us, and something crazy is already happening. However, I believe in our captain. It's true that he got really injured last time, though, we also know that he's the only one that can handle the creature. So, I'm asking you, to let him do what he thinks is right." She said with a soft yet tight tone. Even just from the voice through the PASCOD's speaker, he can tell how much she trusts the captain.

The look on Kazuya's face after hearing her explanation just gave him even more questions. However, he knows now is not the right time to be asking them. His eyes slide to the digital screen, showing the positions of every Paladin that's under their command. It's shown the white dot, that refers to the Paladins retreating and heading back to their vehicle.

On the other hand, one white dot remains, with that being Arashi who was approaching "It" slowly. He turns to his right. He can see that Ann is still talking to Arashi and asking him to fall back. Though, despite the urge, Arashi didn't care and still advanced through the battlefield. Slowly, he pats her on the shoulder.

Startled, Ann looked to her left. Her eyes widened to what she was seeing.

It has been a while, but Kazuya rarely shows his vulnerable side. The last time he showed it was when they were told that Arashi died on the battlefield three years ago after he was taken by the Edifiers. Throughout the years in training, not once did he make that impression, even after he was given his own unit to handle. The fact that the only reason he's with Ann on taking care of the Specter Unit is because he's more experienced in the job than her…

… Now, he's showing the same face again. The same face he made after hearing his death. The confuse, unsure expression on what to do and say. Both Kazuya and Ann's eyes are locked on each other. Slowly, he shook his head to the left and right. He tells her to let the captain go of his own accord.

With a worried expression, she replied.

"What are you doing? He'll kill himself if he goes with it!" Spoke Ann.

"… He's already decided to do so. We must respect his decision." Kazuya pats her shoulder, while making a tight expression.

Not satisfied with his words, the female Edifier grits her teeth.

The bickering between the two of them can be heard through the PASCOD, means that Arashi was hearing all this the whole time. It's not that he wants to disobey her orders, but he knows the kind of threat that creature would give to not only the Paladins, but to the whole country if it ever breaks out.

"You're… A major right, Miss Edifier?" the captain asked.

What's with the sudden question? That's most likely what the two Edifiers were thinking. As it stands, both Kazuya and Ann were ranked majors not long ago. Though, Kazuya earned the spot due to his works as an Edifier for the past three years. However, Ann was given the position due to her status as the soon to be Queen of Liberadity.

"I am…" Ann replied.

"Then, why are you worried? A major like you can easily find new members for this unit when we all die. It's a battlefield after all, death is something common." Arashi's not saying this as himself, but as the captain of Specter Unit, as the unit's 'Ghost'.

Angrily, Ann raised her voice.

"How can you say that!? Everyone is an equal, either you're an Edifier or a Paladin, either you're in the battlefield or living in the city! For you to say such thing…" She stops for a second.

Not able to help, Kazuya stood there like a log with no words. Even he's wondering what's the right thing to do in this situation.

Her eyes were locked to the digital map that's being displayed in front of her. She can still see the white dot moving towards the creature, slowly but surely. Both of her hands grip the skirt tightly, while making a defeated face expression.

"… I don't know what you went through, captain Ghost. But I do know that your life is just as equal as the others. This goes the same for the other members, their lives are also precious. So please… don't throw it away like it's some replaceable object." She whispered softly but was loud enough for Arashi to hear through the PASCOD.

Listening to her voice slowly breaking, all because she doesn't want him to die, Arashi became silent.

The captain stares into the distance, at the creature that's slowly approaching him. As the katana that was on his hand slides back into the scabbard, he spoke. "Alright, I'll retreat for now, Miss Edifier." he said as he turned back and started to sprint to where the others were heading.

Her eyes widened as she became shocked.

"W- What changed your mind, captain?" She asked.

"… It was an order, wasn't it?" Arashi replied as he continued to run back towards their vehicle.

Stunned by his reply, Ann's body fell onto the chair that was behind her. She took a deep breath, after the intense bickering between her and the captain earlier. A feeling of relief was filling her heart. Sitting next to her, Kazuya's eyes are still locked on the screen, looking at the one white dot slowly coming back to where the other Paladins are.

As he was approaching the jeep, he could see a few groups of Paladin standing near the vehicle that they'd be riding. The vice-captain, who was leaning on the jeep trunk walked to Arashi, with his assault rifle hanging on his shoulder.

His hand immediately pats his captain's shoulder, along with a soft grin carved on his face. Seeing Xander's reaction, Arashi looks down.

"Alright, the captain has returned. Let's return home and call it a day!" Xander shouted as he called for Devon to bring Arashi to their vehicle.

"Get the captain in the jeep, it's obvious that his fatigue from earlier is catching up to him." He said as he sprints towards his jeep, where Rose, Antho and Koi are.

In an instant, Devon brought Arashi inside the jeep, along with Beetle, Rika and Carl, with Beetle as the driver. The three Paladins who were sitting at the back leaned to the seat while letting out a big sigh.

The captain looks outside, with the same emotionless face. His right hand is acting like a crane, holding his chin up.

"… There's a lot to report now huh…" He whispered.

The dark skies finally caught up on their day. The Paladins are now having dinner in the cafeteria. However, the officers, along with Arashi are sitting in the main room. Unlike other Paladins who live in dormitories, the Specter Unit members live in an abandoned building that has multiple facilities, with the warehouse next to them, acting as a garage for their vehicle.

As they were munching down their food, the captain was reading a book with his plate placed on his left side.

Out of the blue, the PASCOD on his ear started to blink. He then puts the book he was reading on his lap, while his right hand moves and presses the device, answering the call.

"Good evening, captain Ghost." Spoke Ann.

"… Good evening, Miss Edifier. How can I help you?" He asked.

The call was silent for a while. On the other hand, Xander, Rika, Devon and Carl who were sitting near him only listened to the conversation. The female Edifier called Arashi through the private channel, meaning the other Paladins won't be able to hear it from their PASCOD device.

A deep breath can be heard from his speaker. He wonders what's taking her a while to answer his question. Arashi leaned to the chair that he's currently sitting on. His left hand aims for the cup of coffee to his left, and as he was about to take a sip, Ann replied to his question.

"I- I'm sorry for my outburst earlier… I went out of bounds this morning." she said with a guilty tone coming out of her mouth. The captain's eyes slightly widen, he didn't expect an apology after he himself almost ignored an order from her. He places the cup back on the table next to him. "No problem, Miss Edifier. I understand, it is your first day here after all. The determination you had in the middle of the tension, was admirable." Arashi replied, with his expressionless tone.

Hearing the compliment by the captain, she instantly blushes without hesitation. Immediately, she looked around the room, making sure no one was in there with her. Especially Nathalie, since she knows she'll be teased by her.

Ann is currently in her dormitory with Nathalie as her roommate. As she's an Edifier for the Specter Unit, she's been given the approval to bring the PASCOD ear device to her room, so she can answer any emergency calls from the Paladins. The girl pats her chest slowly, relieved that her reaction wasn't caught red handed.

She's currently sitting on her bed while having a conversation with Arashi. Ann then stands up and moves to her working desk. She took out her notebook, along with a black pen, and started to scribble some notes on the blank page. As she was writing, a knock on the door was heard. Suddenly, she remembered that Nathalie invited her to go to a local bakery together.

The female Edifier spoke, "I'M COMING! Sorry, captain. I have an appointment with a friend of mine." Unfazed, Arashi nods, though only the four Paladins can see his movements. "Don't worry. Go ahead, good work today." He said nonchalantly as he moved his head to the sight of a window, showing the starry stars decorating the dark sky.

A smile was carved on her face, she chuckled softly. Hearing that, Arashi wonders if he said anything that made her laugh.

"… Did I say something funny?" Arashi said with his eyes still locked on the dark sky.

"No, no. After all the rumors I heard about you, I didn't know you were this caring about others, even to an Edifier like me." She said softly while still having a smile on her face.

Not knowing how to respond, he stayed silent. The boy then reminds her regarding her meeting with the friend she mentioned earlier, changing the topic.

Remembering the promise with Nathalie, she chuckled. "Oh right, thanks for the reminder captain. Also…" She stopped for a few seconds.

"… Also?" He repeated the words.

"Take care, your life and the other members are more precious than any mission. Good night, captain. Sweet dreams!" Ann said as she grins, with her teeth showing. Immediately, she ends the call and prepares herself to go out with Nathalie in a few minutes.

Unable to respond to her wishes, the boy leaves a light sigh. Rika then stares at the captain; she leans to Devon who was sitting next to her. "I've never seen him talking so much. Especially that reaction of his." Slowly, Devon nods, agreeing to what her friend is saying.

Carl, who was sitting next to Xander, stayed quiet while looking at Arashi, who was staring outside the window. As Xander moves his gaze to Carl, he taps his shoulder while carving a thin smile.

Arashi's eyes continued to lock on the window.

"… Goodnight, Miss Edifier."

Minutes have passed since the call. The time for their meeting is finally approaching. They promised to meet outside of the Royal Academy. A girl was waiting alone outside of the building which was an academy for Edifiers.

She's wearing a grey coat, with a white sweater along with brown boots. Her hair is tied up in a ponytail stance. Not to mention, the glasses she's wearing due to her slightly bad eyesight. She is currently using her tablet, looking at her previous research regarding Atraxes and Mimics.

Suddenly, she heard someone calling her name, which wasn't that far from where she was standing. The girl turns behind her, her face immediately brightens up as a star shining on the dark sky. "Took you long enough!" She said while placing the tablet back on her handbag.

The person who was calling out her name was none other than Ann Shiro. She stopped in front of her, while panting and taking a breath. "Sorry, Nathalie. I was talking with my unit members… Phew I shouldn't have run after a shower." Ann said while still on her knees, gathering back her stamina.

Nathalie Kiesler. As mentioned before, she was Ann's neighbour and childhood friend, of course they became friends after Ann met Arashi and Kazuya. Her sword skills are comparable to Ann's, though she decided to continue her career as an Edifier Scientist to research more about Atraxes and Mimics.

Ever since Arashi passed, Nathalie has been spending time with Ann more than when they were children. She'll often asks Kazuya's permission whenever she wants to spend some time with Ann, since she knows about them being supervise by the high rank Edifiers in the academy. Without hesitation, Kazuya would always allow them to go out together, if Ann finishes her work.

"Oh, I see that you're doing alright with them. If I'm correct, Kazuya won't be joining you for the next mission, right?" Nathalie asked.

Slowly, Ann nods. "Yeah, as you know Kazuya has his own unit, the only reason he's here with me in the Specter Unit was because I'm still new and was ordered by the Commanding Edifier. About the Paladins… Yeah, I feel connected to them, even though it's only been a day." She said with a chuckle, along with a smile on her face.

Nathalie made a smirking face towards Ann's words. Realizing her reaction, Ann became a bit hesitant, and asked. "What…?"

"Hm, nothing. I'm glad you're doing alright, that's all. Anyways, enough with the delay, let's go to the bakery already, I'm hungry!" Nathalie replied with a chuckle as she held Ann's arms lightly.

The female Edifier's face lightens up. She nods excitedly.

"Alright, let's go then!"