Chapter 315: Past Life Memories

A significant event had erupted on the battlefield of the Da Guang Empire!

General Jin Chan, astonishingly, led his 1.5 million troops to defect to Marquis Zhong Shan, volunteering to be absorbed into Zhong Shan's command. He willingly accepted a subordinate position under Zhong Shan's leadership!

This news spread like wildfire, leaving many in a state of disbelief.

What could this mean?

The successes of Jin Chan's forces were on par with Zhong Shan's achievements, yet he suddenly chose to be incorporated into Zhong Shan's command willingly? Rumor had it that Jin Chan himself had initiated the request.

Various factions, grasping at the information they had, were baffled by the situation.

On the battlefield of the Da Guang Empire, the primary defense was led by Grand Marshal Xiao Wang.

With Jin Chan's defection, only three Da Luo forces remained on the offensive: Shui Jing's, Xiang Bu's, and Zhong Shan's.

The battlefield was constantly changing, but this was too abrupt.

In Shui Jing's stronghold:

Mr. Shui Jing held the letter, frowning in deep thought. The two rows of generals before him were also furrowing their brows.

"Grand Marshal, what is going on?" one of the generals asked, confused.

"Focus on your own duties; don't worry about the rest for now!" Mr. Shui Jing commanded.

"Understood!" The generals, though puzzled, nodded in agreement.

In Xiao Wang's camp, inside a large hall:

Xiao Wang frowned as he looked at the letter.

There was both good news and bad news.

The good news was that only three forces remained attacking the Da Guang Empire, allowing for more focused defenses. The bad news was that none of the enemy forces had diminished; in fact, Jin Chan's troops had joined Zhong Shan's already formidable army.

In Baihuang City, within the City Lord's residence:

Zhong Shan sat behind his command desk, while Jin Chan stood among the ranks of the generals, officially as a subordinate but, in reality, monitoring Zhong Shan.

A year's time wouldn't be difficult for Zhong Shan to endure.

Since he couldn't besiege cities, he focused on reorganizing and training his troops, integrating Jin Chan's forces, and feigning preparations for an assault.

"Grand Marshal, according to intelligence reports, a large number of powerful individuals have appeared within Da Guang's territory. Among them, there are no fewer than twenty known experts of the Huangji level," Zhao Chuan reported.

"Strong individuals gathering?" Zhong Shan frowned slightly.

"They are here for the 'Sin Demon'!" Jin Chan shook his head with a smile.

"The Sin Demon? To eliminate it and accumulate merits?" Zhong Shan asked.

"Indeed!" Jin Chan replied.

"Then why don't you go after the Sin Demon?" Zhong Shan asked, looking at Jin Chan.

"The Sin Demon has become increasingly cunning. It can't be found easily; pursuing it would be a waste of effort," Jin Chan said with a smile.

"Can't be found?" Zhong Shan frowned slightly. Last time he saw a sky full of blood clouds, it was a huge target.

"Now, the Sin Demon can not only fly but also burrow underground, making it very hard to locate," Jin Chan explained.

"Has the Mighty Celestial Dragon gone out searching for it?" Zhong Shan nodded in understanding.

"Yes, it's a thorn in his heart," Jin Chan sighed.

Eight months later!

Jin Chan was still standing in the main hall of Baihuang City.

Suddenly, Jin Chan's eyes widened. A strong wind seemed to emanate from his side.

His robes fluttered as if caught in an invisible gust. Jin Chan's pupils turned golden in an instant. An overwhelming aura radiated outwards, forcing the generals to step back quickly. Ah Da immediately flew to Zhong Shan's side, pulling him to a safer distance.

The powerful aura surged forth from the central hall.


The central hall was violently blasted open. The generals were all taken aback, unsure of what had happened to Jinchan. Only Zhongshan stood calmly in a distant pavilion, watching coldly.

In the blink of an eye, Da Wei Tianlong swiftly flew in from outside the city, arriving atop the floating island of the Lord's Manor in no time.

As the debris and smoke cleared, Jinchan's figure slowly emerged. His appearance remained unchanged, except for a golden halo suddenly appearing behind his head—a halo of great virtue!

Jinchan's expression was indifferent, an aloofness befitting a superior being, as he coldly glanced at the generals. Their faces froze in fear; clearly, his gaze was terrifying.

Zhongshan had long recognized Jinchan's strength and intentionally avoided meeting his eyes.

"Congratulations, Venerable One!" Da Wei Tianlong offered his congratulations.

"Hmm." Jinchan nodded.

Step by step, Jinchan walked slowly towards Zhongshan.

"Eight months? That's a quarter shorter than a year. Such intense killing intent!" Jinchan exclaimed.

"I greet Jinchan Buddha." Zhongshan spoke softly.

Although Jinchan had regained memories from his past life, his full strength had not yet returned. However, with memories restored, full power would soon follow.

"Venerable One, now that you've recovered, where is the Nier Mo?" Da Wei Tianlong urgently asked.

"Nier Mo? Don't concern yourself with Nier Mo. Come with me back to the Pure Land of Bliss, and I will grant you Buddhahood." Jinchan spoke.

"No, Venerable One. Nier Mo has become a demon in my heart. If this demon is not eliminated, it will foster inner demons. Even if I attain Buddhahood in the future, I will struggle." Da Wei Tianlong anxiously pleaded.

Staring at Da Wei Tianlong, Jinchan shook his head and said, "This matter is beyond my control. I don't know where Nier Mo is."

Upon seeing Jinchan, Da Wei Tianlong grew increasingly anxious and frustrated. He continued, "Venerable One, originally it was set for a year's time. Now with four months left, please try your best to find him for me. If you can't, I will have no regrets."

Da Wei Tianlong's plea was earnest.

However, Jinchan shook his head. "Given the current state of the Pure Land of Bliss, I understand better than ever that time is precious. I will return immediately. If you choose not to come, find Nier Mo on your own. Once matters in the Pure Land of Bliss are settled, I will make a special effort to locate Nier Mo for you. If I cannot find him, I will still grant you Buddhahood."

Jinchan refused to go!

Seeing Jinchan's stubbornness, Da Wei Tianlong, who had always shown great restraint, was now deeply conflicted. He stared, unable to unleash his anger, having protected Jinchan for many years without complaint or regret, even sacrificing opportunities to find Nier Mo. Now, with only four months left before the agreed time, Jinchan refused to help. How could Da Wei Tianlong not be infuriated?


Da Wei Tianlong roared out the pent-up frustration in his chest, transforming his form into a colossal golden dragon, soaring into the sky.

The dragon, Da Wei Tianlong, was indeed a true golden dragon.

The golden dragon ascended skyward without a word of farewell, clearly driven to extreme fury. As it ascended, the defensive formation of Baihuang City exploded with a flurry of lightning.

Countless thunderbolts relentlessly pounded down towards Da Wei Tianlong. They seemed to form a vast net, enveloping the colossal dragon at its center, swiftly twisting and striking as if to grind it into nothingness.


The sky was filled with frenzied lightning, violently assaulting the golden dragon. The dragon was engulfed by countless thunderbolts, horrifyingly scorched by the thunder and fire.

At this moment, everyone in the city looked up in awe. It was terrifying, as if it were the end of the world, with the heavens and earth collapsing.

The terrifying formation caused even Ah Da and Zhihuo by Zhongshan's side to break out in a cold sweat. Clearly, neither of them had the courage to confront the city's defensive array head-on.


The endless thunderbolts exploded and dispersed, and the colossal 500-meter-long golden dragon burst through the formation with a thunderous roar, flying far away!

Zhongshan took a deep breath. "Da Wei Tianlong! So powerful!"

Watching Da Wei Tianlong fly away, Jinchan's expression remained unchanged, showing no hint of fear. Even so, Da Wei Tianlong's strength did not match that of Jinchan's recovered memories.

"Dongfang Hou is startled!" Jinchan smiled slightly, looking at Zhongshan.

Watching Jinchan, Zhongshan frowned slightly. Why was he still behaving like this?

"No matter." Zhongshan shook his head with a smile.

"I wonder what Xianren Can Nian told you back then?" Jinchan smiled and asked Zhongshan.

Xianren Can Nian? Bao'er? The immortal who looked exactly like Bao'er? No wonder Jinchan treated him so politely.

"He didn't say much, just gave me a rose." Zhongshan replied.

Jinchan smiled faintly at Zhongshan's response and didn't ask further. With a turn of his hand, he took out a small round token resembling a roulette wheel.

"Now that you know her, you are also qualified to enter the Pure Land of Bliss. Ten years later, at the 'Great Extinction Ceremony' in the Pure Land of Bliss, I hope you can attend." Jinchan handed over the token.

"Thank you very much!" Zhongshan accepted the token, a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes.

"For allowing me to recover my memories so quickly this time, I thank you, Jinchan. These extra four months will allow me to accomplish many things. Thank you!" Jinchan said.

"You're welcome. I've also accepted your great army!" Zhongshan replied immediately.

"Hehe, when I say thank you, it's something that must be said. This 'Purple Cotton Kasaya' has been with me for many years. Through my magical refinement, it can ward off all evils, be invulnerable to water and fire, and withstand swords and blades. In this battlefield within the scope of the Nier Mo's activity, as long as you wear this Kasaya, not even Nier Mo can approach you within three yards." Jinchan handed over a Kasaya.

The Kasaya was the same one Jinchan wore when Zhongshan last saw Xianren Can Nian.

Looking at Jinchan, Zhongshan's heart trembled slightly. Immediately, he said, "Thank you!"

Zhongshan naturally accepted the Kasaya with a smile.

With a slight smile, Jinchan nodded to everyone. Then, with a light step, he disappeared! Disappeared mysteriously.

Memory had returned, and so had the realm. Due to his powerful realm, Jinchan could now perform spells that even some Nascent Soul stage cultivators couldn't master.

Everyone looked at where Jinchan had disappeared, each taking a deep breath. A strong person—within such a short time, he had become so strong?

Zhongshan looked at the Kasaya in his hand, a faint smirk appearing on his face. Jinchan had sent him a Kasaya to thank him? From the moment Zhongshan refused Da Wei Tianlong, he had already concluded that Jinchan was not as kind-hearted as he appeared. Sending him a Kasaya? If it weren't for his acquaintance with that immortal, Jinchan probably wouldn't have spared him a glance. Sending him a Kasaya meant there was definitely an ulterior motive.