Chapter 325: Zhong Shan's Tsunami

The Heaven's Collapse Plan! To annihilate the Great Yu Dynasty within five years?

Everyone in the study room's pupils constricted in shock. Five years? Such boldness! The Heaven's Collapse Plan?

All eyes were fixed on Zhong Shan's right hand, holding an unassuming jade slip.

Curiosity! Extreme curiosity. The Heaven's Collapse Plan! Such audacity, such courage, such grandeur!

Everyone had their own opinions about Zhong Shan, but if what he said was true, then this plan was terrifying indeed.

Five years, within five years? The Great Yu Dynasty still had 150 cities. Five years meant conquering thirty cities a year, a city every twelve days, without interruption!

"Heaven's Collapse Plan!" The Great Profound King did not look at the jade slip but instead gazed at Zhong Shan, his eyes radiating a sharp intensity.

Zhong Shan placed the jade slip on the Great Profound King's desk and then stepped back, waiting silently.

The Great Profound King picked up the jade slip and, with a sweep of his divine sense, his eyebrows rose. He began to analyze it carefully.

In the study, the eight strategists were fixated on the Great Profound King, hoping he would declare the plan absurd, thus restoring their confidence over Zhong Shan.

The Great Profound King remained silent for a full hour.

Everyone watched as he furrowed his brow, deeply analyzing. It was becoming clear that this so-called "Heaven's Collapse Plan" might indeed have merit.

But what kind of Heaven's Collapse Plan could conquer the Great Yu Dynasty within five years?

If the Heaven's Collapse Plan was feasible, and could take down an empire in five years, then could it topple a celestial dynasty in fifty years? This thought made the strategists look at Zhong Shan with a mix of fear and awe.

An hour later, the Great Profound King set down the jade slip and stared intensely at Zhong Shan. "According to your Heaven's Collapse Plan, what do you need?"

"The Great Yu battlefield must fully cooperate, and the celestial dynasty must fund five billion top-grade spirit stones!" Zhong Shan declared.

Five billion top-grade spirit stones? Everyone was stunned. What would he need such a vast sum for? Could it be that this so-called Heaven's Collapse Plan involved buying off the officials of the Great Yu Dynasty? Was he planning to drown them in money?

The strategists exchanged bewildered glances and then turned their eyes back to the Great Profound King.

"Can you guarantee success in five years?" The Great Profound King asked in a low voice.

"Five years at most. It could be done in as little as four years," Zhong Shan assured confidently.

Four years? Ridiculous! Some of the strategists began to suspect Zhong Shan planned to buy off Great Yu officials with money.

"Is five billion top-grade spirit stones enough?" The Great Profound King asked in a grave tone.

The strategists were astonished. Five billion? Was he really going to hand over five billion for him to squander?

"The figures are all in the plan, Your Majesty. Five billion is just enough. In five years, I will return ten billion top-grade spirit stones to the celestial dynasty!" Zhong Shan declared with certainty.

"What?" The strategists looked at Zhong Shan in amazement.

They realized that Zhong Shan's plan was definitely not about bribing officials. Five billion top-grade spirit stones, and he would return ten billion in five years?

"Return to the Radiant City and make preparations. I will report this to the Emperor immediately and await his approval!" The Great Profound King said.

"Yes, Your Majesty. The value of this Heaven's Collapse Plan should be evident. It can only be used once, and it must not be leaked in the slightest. Even letting the name slip could lead to failure. I hope Your Majesty will maintain strict confidentiality," Zhong Shan said respectfully.

"Rest assured!" The Great Profound King replied.

"Then I take my leave," Zhong Shan said, giving a formal bow before exiting the study.

Zhongshan left the room in an air of quiet resolve. All eyes in the room turned to the Great Xu King.

"Today's events—you have seen nothing, heard nothing," commanded the Great Xu King to his assembled strategists.

"Understood!" they responded in unison.

"You may leave," the Great Xu King continued.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The strategists swiftly made their exit, leaving only the chief strategist behind in the dimly lit study.

"Your Highness," the chief strategist addressed the Great Xu King.

Handing over a jade slip, the Great Xu King said, "Take a look at this. Is it feasible?"

The chief strategist took the jade slip with both hands, his expression serious as he began to study it closely. The Great Xu King waited patiently, observing the strategist's face grow increasingly tense with concentration. Half an hour passed before the strategist finally relaxed his grip on the jade slip, closing his eyes in deep thought. After a moment of silence, he exhaled deeply.

"Well?" inquired the Great Xu King.

"Incredible! This is an incredible plan. If executed, the Da Yu Empire will never recover. It's exceedingly potent. Should it succeed, the Da Yu Empire won't just be left in ruins; it would render every city on the brink of collapse. It's a ruthless plan, though not as bloody as slaughtering millions on the battlefield, yet far more terrifying in its impact. Once the storm sweeps through, Da Yu is doomed!" The chief strategist took a deep breath, clearly astounded.

"Do you truly believe so?" The Great Xu King fixed his gaze on the chief strategist.

"Indeed, Your Majesty. This Zhongshan, his vision is exceptionally sharp. He has pinpointed a critical weakness not only in the Da Yu Empire but potentially in all the dynasties of Shenzhou. This opportunity is a one-time chance. Once the 'Heaven's Collapse' plan is executed, it cannot be repeated. That's why Zhongshan is so cautious. Other than the Emperor, no fourth person must see this jade slip. I believe Zhongshan's plan is feasible," the chief strategist responded with admiration.

"Zhongshan's plan is feasible?" The Great Xu King eyed the chief strategist intently.

"Yes. Although this is merely a plan, it clearly demonstrates the intricacy of its design. Every step is interconnected, and not a single mistake can be afforded. Even the slightest deviation, such as a misplaced spirit stone, could result in a catastrophic failure. This is why Zhongshan entrusted you with it, Your Majesty. Because no one else could immediately implement this plan. The 'Heaven's Collapse' is extremely unconventional. Understanding it is one thing; executing it flawlessly without years of experience is impossible. In the ancient capital, one might find people who could follow the plan, but they aren't loyal to you," the chief strategist explained.

"Prepare yourself; we are returning to the ancient capital immediately," the Great Xu King ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The chief strategist responded promptly.

After leaving the Great Xu City, Zhongshan, accompanied by Ah Da and Zhi Huo, hurriedly made his way to Radiant City, traveling at breakneck speed. One month later, they arrived in Radiant City.

As expected, Princess Qianyou's wisdom had thwarted Xiao Wang's attempts to probe her defenses.

In the City Lord's mansion of Radiant City, within a secluded pavilion, only Zhongshan and Princess Qianyou sat facing each other, sipping tea.

"These past few months, I owe you a great deal," Zhongshan said to Princess Qianyou.

"It's nothing. I naturally took care of what you asked," Princess Qianyou replied with a serene smile.

Princess Qianyou didn't boast, didn't express pride, nor did she feign modesty. Her straightforward words were profoundly touching.

"How did things go in the Great Xu City?" Princess Qianyou inquired.

"Very well. If everything goes as planned, the imperial edict will arrive in no more than four months," Zhongshan replied.

"Are you that confident? Can you really overthrow the Da Yu Empire in five years? The last time, with the twelve cities by the sea, it was thanks to the dragon clan's involvement. This time, without their help, what if things spiral out of control?" Princess Qianyou expressed her concern.

"Spiral out of control? Don't worry. In Wushuang City, I've already sent people to collect the necessary statistics. Success is certain. When have you ever seen me fail?" Zhongshan said with unwavering confidence.

"Do you have another external ally?" Princess Qianyou asked, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"No, it's not that. I've discovered a blind spot, something overlooked by everyone. It's a weakness that no one on the vast land of Shenzhou has paid attention to, but where I come from, it's been studied for a long time. This blind spot could lead to the complete collapse of an imperial dynasty," Zhongshan declared with absolute confidence.

"Oh, where you come from? You mean Tianlang Island?" Princess Qianyou inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Zhongshan glanced at Qianyou and smiled faintly without providing a direct answer.

"What are you planning to do?" Princess Qianyou pressed on.

"I'm planning to unleash a tsunami on the Da Yu Empire, a massive tsunami that will sweep across the entire dynasty," Zhongshan responded with unwavering certainty.

"A tsunami?" Princess Qianyou's eyes widened slightly, a hint of confusion mingled with intrigue. It was clear that the tsunami Zhongshan referred to wasn't a literal deluge of seawater inundating the twelve coastal cities but rather a metaphor for something far more devastating.

"Yes, the condition I proposed to the Great Xu King was that the Da Yu Empire's battlefield would be under my complete command. The army must cooperate fully with my plans, and Da Luo must support me by issuing certain orders. Additionally, I require five hundred million top-grade spirit stones to orchestrate this tsunami," Zhongshan explained, a smile playing on his lips.

"Five hundred million?" Princess Qianyou's eyes widened in shock.

Although Princess Qianyou was accustomed to wealth and had seen plenty of spirit stones, five hundred million top-grade spirit stones was an astronomical figure.

Five hundred million top-grade spirit stones equal fifty billion mid-grade spirit stones or five hundred billion low-grade spirit stones. That's an immense amount!

"What exactly are you planning?" Princess Qianyou couldn't comprehend the scale of Zhongshan's scheme.

"I intend to create a super financial tsunami that will sweep through the Da Yu Empire. The financial systems that the world's dynasties disregard will utterly devastate Da Yu, obliterating it completely," Zhongshan declared with unshakable self-assurance.

Seeing the absolute conviction in Zhongshan's demeanor, a strange feeling overcame Princess Qianyou. For some reason, she found herself momentarily entranced by the sheer audacity of his ambition.

In the Da Yu Empire, within the bustling commercial district of Sky City, the capital of the empire, a modest storefront belonging to the Daren Trading Association carried on its usual business. In a secluded hall at the back of the store, the Crown Prince of the Great Zheng Dynasty, Zhong Zheng, sat alone. A cup of tea rested on a small table beside him, and no one was permitted to disturb him. In his hand, he held a letter, which he read carefully.

After reading for a while, Zhong Zheng took a deep breath. With a sudden motion, he crushed the letter, reducing it to fragments, effectively destroying all evidence.

"Over four years ago, for the sake of your plan, I couldn't attend your centennial celebration, godfather. Six years of preparation, and now, is it finally time to set it all in motion?" Zhong Zheng murmured, a sense of reverence and anticipation evident in his voice.