Chapter 392: Emerging Dominance

A horde of Demon Nightmare savages charged forward, but Zhong Shan showed no fear. His eyes glinted with a cold, fierce light as he gripped his blade tightly.


Zhong Shan's strikes were merciless, his blade slicing cleanly through the Golden Core stage savages and their mounts. His vertical slashes split the Demon Nightmares in two, leaving the savages who couldn't dodge in time cut in half. For those who managed to leap away, Zhong Shan twisted his body, his footwork swift and precise, delivering an upward slash that cleaved them apart, blood spraying everywhere.

Zhong Shan's attacks were brutal and relentless. He met the savages' cruelty with even greater ferocity. While a simple strike to a vital point could end a fight, Zhong Shan chose to decimate his foes with sheer violence, leaving no room for survival.

Slash, slash, slash!

Wherever Zhong Shan went, blood and flesh flew through the air, and the ground became littered with corpses.

The savages seemed unafraid, continuing to rush at him, though the Demon Nightmares showed signs of fear.

Zhong Shan didn't resort to his thunderous techniques, relying solely on his blade, slashing, slashing, and slashing!

He moved like a whirlwind of death, his eyes turning blood-red, driven by a relentless urge to kill, kill, and kill!

In his wake, corpses flew through the air, as if caught in a massive meat grinder, quickly and brutally reaping the savages' lives.

In contrast, Jian Ao's combat style was much more elegant. With each sword stroke, a green lotus of sword energy would bloom, taking the lives of many savages in a single sweep. Seeing Zhong Shan's ferocious battle from afar, Jian Ao couldn't help but be taken aback. This man was a madman!

On the distant mountain peak, Mr. Corpse and Chujie frowned as they observed the scene.

"Zhong Shan? He's harboring an immense rage," Chujie noted, taking a deep breath.

"Oh?" Mr. Corpse turned to look at Chujie.

"From his violent swordsmanship, it's clear that his rage has been growing over the years. It's even stronger than it was over twenty years ago. It's remarkable that he's been able to suppress it for so long," Chujie sighed.

"Over twenty years ago?" Mr. Corpse frowned.

"Yes. Back then, I could see it. Whether in his swordsmanship or blade techniques, there was always a suppressed, overwhelming rage. This kind of invisible fury indicates a deep-seated obsession, likely born from an immense hatred—hatred so vast it's beyond our comprehension. To suppress such violent hatred purely through willpower is not something an ordinary person can do. And in every battle, he chooses this brutally reckless fighting style to release his pent-up rage," Chujie explained.

"How can you be so sure?" Mr. Corpse asked, frowning.

"I used to be like that. But I wasn't as obsessed as him; my hatred wasn't as deep, and I didn't have his formidable will to suppress it within me. While this rage can sometimes cloud his judgment, it more often enhances his dominance. Haven't you noticed how Zhong Shan has become increasingly imposing? Perhaps, the young master has indeed met his strongest rival," Chujie said with a sudden smile.

"Personal experience, no wonder you can see it," Mr. Corpse sighed softly.

"Personal experience is part of it. The other part is that I know of someone who was also filled with such hatred and violent rage," Chujie said, taking a deep breath.

"And what happened to him?" Mr. Corpse asked calmly.

"He stirred up a bloodstorm across Shenzhou for his personal vendetta, annihilated an entire race, and slaughtered billions. His fury was unmatched," Chujie replied.

As Zhong Shan continued his rampage through the town, his blade cut down one savage after another. His movements were fluid yet savage, embodying a primal ferocity that seemed to grow stronger with each kill. Jian Ao, witnessing this from the other side of the town, acknowledged the sheer power and determination in Zhong Shan's every strike.

Both men carved a path of destruction through the Demon Nightmare Legion, their contest of speed and lethality painting the town red with blood. As the battle raged on, the sinister leader of the Demon Nightmare Legion continued to clutch the green crystal, its eerie glow growing stronger as it absorbed more souls.

Despite the chaos and carnage, Zhong Shan's mind was singularly focused on one thing: winning the contest and unleashing the full extent of his wrath.

"Annihilate an entire race?" Mr. Corpse remarked.

"If you don't believe me, you can research his background. His name is 'Xuanyuan,'" Chujie responded with a faint smile.

"No need. I've encountered people like him before," Mr. Corpse shook his head.

"You have?" Chujie looked at Mr. Corpse in surprise.

Mr. Corpse nodded, saying no more. Both turned their gaze back to the battlefield.

Down below, Zhong Shan was like a meat grinder, making the savage brutes appear almost civilized by comparison. Yet these savages, with their '幺' tattoos, seemed utterly fearless as they continued to charge at Zhong Shan, their eyes fixated on his heart.

To the Golden Core stage savages, Zhong Shan was an impenetrable wall. Soon, it was the Nascent Soul stage savages' turn.


The Nascent Soul savages, riding their Demon Nightmares, brandished their blades and charged at Zhong Shan. The combined force of man and beast made their strikes immensely powerful, with massive black energy-infused sword auras slashing toward Zhong Shan.

Nascent Soul stage? Zhong Shan, a fierce warrior, wouldn't be deterred by opponents of the same level. His eyes widened as he unleashed a powerful strike, sending hundreds of immense sword auras crashing down on the battlefield like celestial blades.


A colossal explosion erupted, reducing a section of the town to ruins. The four Nascent Soul savages charging at Zhong Shan were obliterated instantly.

Zhong Shan's attack was overwhelming. Dissatisfied, he swung his blade again, filling the sky with frenzied blade shadows, turning the surroundings into a storm of deadly force.

Where Zhong Shan passed, the savages weren't merely killed—they were obliterated by his relentless blade.

Nascent Soul stage? Even formidable Consolidation stage opponents had fallen to Zhong Shan. These savages were no match.

Zhong Shan's target was the savage leader with the strange crystal. He charged directly at him.

The savages seemed utterly fearless, almost mindlessly so, as if a primal instinct drove them to greedily eye Zhong Shan's heart, undeterred by the sight of his explosive power.

Zhong Shan always acted with purpose. Even in this competition with Jian Ao, he aimed to capture the leader.

On the northern side, Jian Ao's killing was more graceful. After witnessing Zhong Shan's brutal efficiency, he refrained from using his most powerful sword techniques, instead methodically dispatching his enemies with elegant swordsmanship.

From a distance, Jian Ao's sword aura, resembling a lotus, would pierce vital points with pinpoint precision. His swordsmanship was so exquisite that even the simplest strike became a marvel, achieving unimaginable results.

Gradually, the two continued to slaughter nearly half of the Demon Nightmare savages.

Yet these savages were peculiar—they felt no fear, no pain, as if their emotions had been stripped away, leaving them with an unwavering resolve.

Mr. Corpse and Chujie began to fly toward the battlefield, observing the unfolding carnage.

As they approached, Chujie noticed Mr. Corpse's unusual behavior—he was collecting corpses.

Collecting corpses?

Mr. Corpse sifted through the heaps of bodies, selecting suitable ones and storing them away. Chujie found this behavior baffling. Could it be that Mr. Corpse had a morbid fascination with corpses?

Inside the flag formation, the surviving townsfolk watched the scene outside. Initially relieved at their apparent rescue, their expressions turned to horror as they witnessed Zhong Shan's brutal slaughter. Some even retched at the sight of Demon Nightmares and savages being blown apart by Zhong Shan's strikes.

Zhong Shan's method of combat was so violent and explosive that even the people he saved recoiled in fear. His blade left no room for survival, turning the battlefield into a gruesome spectacle.

As Zhong Shan closed in on the savage leader, the latter finally took notice, his eyes narrowing with a mix of malevolence and anticipation. Zhong Shan's approach signaled the end of the leader's heinous deeds.

In the midst of the battlefield's eerie silence, a man and a woman stood far to the east of the town, seemingly drawn by the same overwhelming aura of resentment that had lured Zhong Shan. The pair stood halfway up a mountainside, frowning as they observed the center of the conflict.

The man wore a blue robe, his deep blue hair cascading down his shoulders. With fair skin and finely chiseled features, he was incredibly handsome. His slightly enchanting peach blossom eyes made him the bane of countless young women, capable of making many hearts flutter with just a single glance.

"Why are we hiding in these woods, Nian Youyou?" the man asked.

The woman was none other than Nian Youyou, who had parted ways with Zhong Shan some time ago.

"I saw something interesting," Nian Youyou said, her gaze fixed on Zhong Shan in the distance, a smile playing on her lips.

"Oh?" The man looked towards the battlefield as well.

"It is quite intriguing," he said, a wicked smile creeping across his face.

"What do you think of the two men on the battlefield?" Nian Youyou turned to ask him.

"The one with the blade is a butcher, brutish and crude. The other, however, is quite interesting. His swordsmanship is rather delightful," the blue-haired man replied with a sly grin.

"Oh? I find that butcher quite fascinating," Nian Youyou said, her eyes locked onto Zhong Shan with a playful smile.

"You?" The blue-haired man looked at her with mild curiosity.

"Yes, how about we split them up later? You follow the one with the sword, and I'll follow the butcher?" Nian Youyou suggested, twirling a whip in her hand.

"You want us to separate?" The blue-haired man looked slightly surprised.

"What? Are you planning to pursue me instead of Bei Qingsi?" Nian Youyou teased.

The blue-haired man stepped back slightly, saying, "Others might not know you as well as I do, but I'm fully aware of who you are—a 'Blood Widow Queen.' I'd rather not become your prey!"

"Senior Brother, you're so heartless!" Nian Youyou said, feigning a pitiful expression.

With a wicked smile, the blue-haired man replied, "If it weren't for Bei Qingsi, I might have considered it. Thorny roses are indeed more flavorful, but I'm past seeking mere thrills. I have greater goals. There's still an icy mountain in the Longevity Realm waiting for me to melt."

"Bei Qingsi? Well, good luck with that, Senior Brother. But you really shouldn't underestimate that 'butcher,'" Nian Youyou said, her tone teasing.

Indeed, the blue-haired man underestimated Zhong Shan based solely on appearances. Little did he know that the woman he relentlessly pursued, Bei Qingsi, already had someone in her heart, and that person was the very 'butcher' he dismissed.

The blue-haired man sensed there was more to Nian Youyou's words, but he couldn't grasp the full meaning. He could only glance at Nian Youyou and then cast a deeper look at Zhong Shan in the distance.

Zhong Shan, with his overwhelming aura of violence, was drenched in blood and showed no concern for cleanliness. To the blue-haired man, Zhong Shan was indeed crude and brutish. He cast a cold glance at Zhong Shan before turning his attention back to Jian Ao.

(To be continued)