Chapter 427: Arrival at Li Huo Holy Capital

"Marquis Shao Fei, you are truly impressive. You managed to fend off all the pursuers with just thirty thousand soldiers. I am in awe," Zhong Shan said with a smile to the dust-covered Shao Fei, who had just caught up.

Shao Fei gave a bitter smile. "Duke Zhong, could it be that you were the one who spread the rumor?"

"What rumor?" Zhong Shan feigned ignorance.

"The Elixir of Immortality!" Shao Fei said.

Looking at Shao Fei, Zhong Shan smiled faintly. "What do you think?"

Shao Fei stared at Zhong Shan, a hint of uncertainty flashing in his eyes.

"Could I see this Elixir of Immortality?" Shao Fei cautiously asked.

"Do you believe in the Elixir of Immortality? If such a thing existed, Marquis, you wouldn't be dealing with small fry; you'd be facing the rulers of the four Holy Lands and the three great Heavenly Dynasties," Zhong Shan said with a smile.

Taking a deep breath, Shao Fei nodded. "So, what kind of treasure did Duke Zhong obtain?"

"There are too many eyes here. When we reach Li Huo Holy Capital, there will be a time for you to see," Zhong Shan replied with a smile.

Shao Fei, catching Zhong Shan's implication, realized that even though he had driven away many pursuers, there might still be those hidden in the shadows whom he couldn't detect. If there were such individuals, their cultivation must be terrifyingly high.

Nodding, Shao Fei decided not to ask further. The priority now was to safely escort Zhong Shan's army to Li Huo Holy Capital.

"Marquis Shao Fei, may I ask you something?" Zhong Shan said.

"Please, Duke Zhong, ask away. I will answer to the best of my ability," Shao Fei replied.

"In the Da Li Heavenly Dynasty, have you heard of Marquis Xiaoyao?" Zhong Shan asked.

"Marquis Xiaoyao?" Shao Fei's pupils constricted.

"What is it?" Zhong Shan asked, puzzled.

"Why do you ask about him, Duke Zhong?" Shao Fei asked.

"It's nothing much. I beat him up in the Great Jin Dynasty, and as we're about to enter Li Huo Holy Capital, I wanted to know more about his identity," Zhong Shan said.

"Beat him up? How?" Shao Fei asked, filled with astonishment.

"He insulted a friend of mine, so I made him kneel and apologize in front of my friend," Zhong Shan said.

"Kneel? Apologize?" Shao Fei looked at Zhong Shan in shock, speechless for a long moment.

"What is it?" Zhong Shan asked, his expression serious.

"How much do you know about Marquis Xiaoyao?" Shao Fei swallowed, clearly shaken by Zhong Shan's bold actions.

"I had someone investigate. Marquis Xiaoyao, Nie Kuang, is the sixth-generation great-grandson of the Da Li Emperor. He's highly favored and influential within the Da Li Heavenly Dynasty. I don't know why," Zhong Shan said.

Looking at Zhong Shan, Shao Fei swallowed again and shook his head with a strange expression. "Duke Zhong, your visit to the Da Li Heavenly Dynasty is sure to be very eventful."


"Marquis Xiaoyao, Nie Kuang, isn't just highly favored. Most people don't know this, but I've heard some things. The emperor's affection for him is comparable to that for the six crown princes. Do you know why?" Shao Fei asked.

"Why?" Zhong Shan frowned.

"Before the Da Li Heavenly Dynasty was established, the emperor's parents died, leaving only an older brother to raise him. Later, the emperor's brother sacrificed his life in battle to protect the young emperor," Shao Fei explained.

Zhong Shan's mouth opened slightly in surprise.

"Nie Kuang's previous life was the emperor's brother!" Shao Fei revealed.

"Huh?" Everyone was taken aback, their gazes all turning to Zhong Shan.

Nie Kuang? This background was terrifying!

While the others were shocked, Zhong Shan's expression turned solemn, his eyes filled with determination. Nie Kuang might be the emperor's brother reincarnated, but for Bei Qingsi, he would do it all over again if necessary.

The army continued its journey, and after another three months, they were finally approaching Li Huo Holy Capital.

"Duke Zhong, there's one more day's journey left. Let's let the army rest here for now. I have some business to attend to," Shao Fei suggested.

"Very well," Zhong Shan nodded.

The army halted, and Shao Fei flew towards a nearby valley. He returned shortly, carrying a seven- or eight-year-old girl, his expression dark and somber.

Everyone was slightly taken aback. How did he manage to come back with a little girl after such a short time?

The little girl was very cute and didn't seem afraid of strangers. Her big eyes blinked as she looked at everyone.

Shao Fei, seeing everyone's curiosity, landed and explained, "This is my daughter."

"Father, who are these people?" the little girl asked Shao Fei.

Everyone looked at Shao Fei with a peculiar expression.

"Marquis Shao Fei, you've settled down and even have a daughter. Congratulations!" Zhong Shan sincerely congratulated him.

"Thank you, Duke Zhong," Shao Fei replied, shaking his head with a sigh and a smile.

"Father, why did it take you so long to come get me? I've been waiting forever," the little girl scolded Shao Fei in a very mature manner.

Shao Fei gave a wry smile, shaking his head apologetically towards everyone.

"Where is your mother?" Shao Fei asked.

"Mother left a month ago. I thought you'd come soon, but I've been waiting for so long. Really!" the girl complained.

"What have you been eating?" Shao Fei frowned.

"I've been cooking for myself! I haven't even made lunch yet," the girl said.

Looking at his daughter, Shao Fei's expression fluctuated between relief and concern.

"Father will have someone make you the best food," Shao Fei said immediately.

"Great, I'm starving. Unlike you, Father, I can't go without food. Hurry up!" the girl smiled happily.

Shao Fei quickly arranged for a few subordinates to take the girl to get some food.

"Her name is Bing Bing," Shao Fei introduced with a smile.

"Didn't her mother take care of her?" Zhong Shan asked, puzzled.

"I don't have a wife," Shao Fei replied, shaking his head.

"Uh, what about her mother?" Zhong Shan asked, still confused.

"My former wife. Unfortunately, our relationship broke down," Shao Fei said with a bitter smile.

Shao Fei spoke openly, and Zhong Shan tactfully refrained from asking further. A broken relationship? In modern terms, it seemed they had divorced. Asking more would be inappropriate.

After resting for a while, the army resumed their march towards Li Huo Holy Capital.

Even from a distance, it was clear that countless people had come out to welcome them. No, it seemed they were waiting for them.

Someone had apparently spread the news inside Li Huo Holy Capital.

"Zhong Shan is here!"

With a loud shout, the people on several streets in Li Huo Holy Capital suddenly froze as if under a spell, their expressions turning extremely complex.

Zhong Shan is here! Has the Elixir of Immortality arrived as well?

The news spread like wildfire, quickly reaching every corner of Li Huo Holy Capital. In no time, nearly half the city's population seemed frozen in place, overwhelmed by the news.

The tantalizing prospect of the Elixir of Immortality!

Months ago, when the rumor of the Elixir of Immortality first emerged, countless people from various cities had flocked to Li Huo Holy Capital. The influx of people swelled the city's original population of fifty million, making it feel overcrowded.

Now, Li Huo Holy Capital, both inside and out, housed over a hundred million people, most eager to catch a glimpse of the Elixir of Immortality. If they could get their hands on it, all the better.

The entire city seethed with activity, not hidden currents but openly visible waves of excitement and tension.

As news of Zhong Shan's arrival spread, a massive crowd surged towards the city's outskirts, where Zhong Shan's envoy was approaching. The black mass of people rushing out made the city feel momentarily emptier.

From a distance, Zhong Shan's army could see Li Huo Holy Capital.

The grand city stood like an ancient holy capital, its skies filled with auspicious clouds and radiant light. The sea of clouds depicted countless officials and dignitaries, exuding an aura of supreme power and majesty.

As Zhong Shan marveled at the grandeur of the heavenly dynasty, a black swarm resembling a plague of locusts appeared in the distance, flying towards them.

"Form ranks!" Marquis Shao Fei commanded loudly.

"Roar~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" The army immediately assumed a defensive stance.

The approaching figures, moving at incredible speed, arrived on flying swords, clouds, or riding the wind, eager to reach Zhong Shan's envoy. However, as they neared, hesitation set in.

Although tens of thousands of individuals had rushed over, each group consisted of only a few people. Confronted with the organized and formidable sight of a million-strong army, their boldness waned.

"Who among you is Zhong Shan?" one of the newcomers shouted.

From within the army, Zhong Shan observed coldly, ignoring the question. They were mere nuisances.

"I've seen his portrait. It's him!" someone suddenly pointed at Zhong Shan.

That single point seemed to spark a divine realization. Every strong figure's gaze instantly locked onto Zhong Shan, filled with a fervent desire that made Zhong Shan feel like the Tang Monk, surrounded by demons craving his flesh.

"Archers, nock your arrows!" Shui Wuhen commanded.


Countless powerful arrows were drawn, creating an atmosphere of lethal intent that permeated the area.

Though the newcomers numbered only around ten thousand, they were faced with hundreds of thousands of arrows, causing many to recoil.

But more and more people were arriving from afar, adding to the swelling crowd. Shao Fei's expression grew increasingly peculiar.

"Father, are these people here to welcome us? There are so many!" Shao Fei's daughter, Bing Bing, exclaimed in wonder.

"Welcome?" Shao Fei's eyes were filled with irony.

Meanwhile, from another direction, a large contingent of soldiers arrived.

"By the emperor's command, we welcome the envoys from the Da Luo Heavenly Dynasty. We await Marquis Shao Fei's orders to escort the envoys to the 'Nanming Tribute Palace'!" the leading general announced.

"Duke Zhong, please," Shao Fei said, accepting the order and extending another invitation to Zhong Shan.

"Thank you," Zhong Shan nodded with a smile.

With that, Zhong Shan's army, escorted by Shao Fei and his forces, continued towards the ancient holy capital. Those with lower cultivation, who had come to watch, dared not approach. They could only stand on either side, watching Zhong Shan with hungry eyes, reminiscent of demons eyeing the flesh of the Tang Monk.

All along the route, Shao Fei couldn't help but marvel at the sheer scale of the spectacle. The grand reception was indeed overwhelming.

(Continued in the next chapter)