Chapter 434: A Wind Rises

The Flaming Hall. Upon the Imperial Court.

The courtiers on both sides of the hall murmured amongst themselves, casting curious glances at the four individuals standing in the center. This was perhaps the most sensational event of the year, if not the century.

Who were these four people? What contributions had they made to the Great Li Celestial Dynasty? And what were they offering in exchange for Princess Ling'er?

Zhong Shan presented the elixir of immortality, which the Emperor himself had confirmed could extend life by at least a thousand years. Not only were the courtiers enticed, but even the Emperor himself was surely tempted. A thousand years of life! The life span of a Celestial Emperor was only ten thousand years. After ten thousand years, if they couldn't ascend to immortality, they would turn to dust. An additional thousand years, a tenth of their life span, perhaps more—how could the Emperor refuse?

Zhao Tiansha represented the Grand Cheng Empire. Acquiring a whole empire would significantly expand the Great Li Celestial Dynasty's influence and bring boundless fortune. This, in turn, would strengthen the Celestial Dynasty, broadening the Emperor's dominion and providing immense benefits. Could the Emperor afford to pass this up?

Then there was Xiaoyao Hou, the Emperor's reincarnated elder brother. It could be said that without Xiaoyao Hou's previous incarnation, there would be no Emperor today. He had raised the Emperor, even sacrificing his own life to save him when they were young. How could the Emperor disregard such profound kinship?

Lastly, there was Shaofei Hou, a recently risen star in the Great Li Celestial Dynasty, akin to Zhong Shan of the Grand Luo Celestial Dynasty. Shaofei Hou's intellect was formidable, having recently led the Great Li army to destroy an empire single-handedly. His military achievements were astounding. He, too, sought marriage with Princess Ling'er. The Emperor, known for his fair rewards and punishments, would consider Shaofei Hou's request carefully.

The courtiers wore expressions of intrigue. These four men were remarkable, but Princess Ling'er was evidently even more extraordinary to have captivated them so deeply.

How would the Emperor decide? It was a tough choice. If only a woman could marry four husbands. But, of course, that was impossible.

Nie Fancheng glanced at the four, his initial frown replaced with a mischievous smile.

"Great Li Emperor, please grant my request," Zhong Shan stepped forward and said.

"Great Li Emperor, please grant my request," Zhao Tiansha followed suit.

"Emperor, please grant my request," Xiaoyao Hou added.

"Emperor, please grant my request," Shaofei Hou concluded.

The four men stood firm, none willing to back down.

The courtiers were now thoroughly entertained, watching the spectacle unfold. How would the Emperor decide? It was an incredibly difficult choice.

"Princess Ling'er is, after all, a princess of the Great Li Celestial Dynasty," Nie Fancheng began.

The hall fell silent as everyone listened intently.

"A Celestial Princess has the right to choose her own partner," Nie Fancheng continued.

True, but it depended on who issued the order. While others might not interfere with a princess's choice, the Emperor was different. In the Great Li Celestial Dynasty, all rules were his to make. He could strip a princess of her title or marry her off as he pleased. He was the law, the heaven.

"You four are all outstanding talents. However, there is only one Princess Ling'er. To decide who will marry her, we must consider both your abilities and the princess's feelings," the Emperor declared.

The four men frowned slightly.

"I will give you four months. Each of you will undergo two tests: a literary test and a martial test. The literary test will be a battle of wit, and the martial test a battle of arms. The most outstanding among you will be granted the marriage," Nie Fancheng announced.

With this declaration, the matter was settled. The courtiers were once again in awe of the Emperor's wisdom. If Zhong Shan won, Zhao Tiansha's failure would be his own. At most, he could marry another princess. Xiaoyao Hou and Shaofei Hou would have to accept the outcome. If Zhao Tiansha won, Zhong Shan's failure would be his own. The Emperor could always find other means to acquire the elixir of immortality.

"Then may I ask, Great Li Emperor, who will be the judge after the literary and martial trials?" Zhong Shan inquired.

Indeed, while the martial trial could be fair, the literary trial could be subjective. After all, there was no absolute standard in literary talent.

"Princess Ling'er will be the judge," Nie Fancheng declared.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" the four responded in unison.

"Great Li Emperor, I have just arrived from the Grand Cheng Empire and have never met Princess Ling'er. Could I meet her first?" Zhao Tiansha immediately requested.

Upon hearing this, Zhong Shan frowned. The period of memory sealed not only included his relationship with Ling'er but also Ling'er's deep admiration for Tiansha before that memory.

"Emperor, there are some misunderstandings between Ling'er and me. I also hope to clear these misunderstandings and meet with her more," Nie Kuang quickly added.

The courtiers exchanged glances, feeling speechless. Some misunderstandings? Nie Kuang's reputation was well known—it wasn't just a misunderstanding but rather a very poor impression.

"The partner for Ling'er will surely be among you four. I permit you to pursue Princess Ling'er, but you must not overstep any boundaries before the trials. I will issue a decree that Ling'er meets with each of you once every five days, and she will always have a chaperone," Nie Fancheng stated firmly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" the four replied in unison.

Nie Fancheng nodded with satisfaction.

The courtiers turned their attention to Zhong Shan, anticipating he would present the elixir of immortality. However, Zhong Shan stepped back to stand beside Lin Xiao, remaining silent and feigning ignorance.

Nie Fancheng glanced at Zhong Shan, a faint, inscrutable smile appearing on his face. "Dismissed!" he announced.

"Dismissed!" echoed the eunuch.

At the South Ming Tribute Palace

"Marshal, this is the majesty of a Celestial Dynasty? Such grandeur!" Lin Xiao marveled in recollection.

"And what of it?" Zhong Shan replied.

Lin Xiao nodded in agreement. Indeed, it was of little consequence. He had complete faith that the Great Zheng Imperial Dynasty would one day reach such heights.

"Marshal, today's situation seems rather troublesome," Mr. Shi remarked, frowning.

"Literary and martial trials—who can outmatch the Marshal? The Marshal is the Grand Scholar of the Grand Luo Celestial Dynasty. A single 'Man Jiang Hong' poem astounded the heavens. As for martial prowess, who can rival the Marshal?" Shui Wuhen exclaimed.

"No, the real issue is Zhao Tiansha! If I am not mistaken, Zhao Tiansha is the same person who was the second senior disciple of the Kaiyang Sect?" Lin Xiao asked, frowning.

"Indeed, it is him," Zhong Shan confirmed with a nod.

"Then that's problematic. According to what the Marshal previously mentioned, Princess Ling'er's memory stops at the point where she admired Tiansha. She has forgotten the Marshal and still admires Tiansha. This is troubling," Lin Xiao said.

"No matter, I have my ways," Zhong Shan replied, thinking for a moment. He then turned his gaze to the silent Blazing Fire Wolf General.

"M-Marshal?" Blazing Fire asked, looking uneasy.

"Blazing Fire, how is your task of wooing Qinghong coming along?" Zhong Shan asked.

"Um, it's going okay," Blazing Fire replied awkwardly, looking at Zhong Shan with some trepidation as if fearing reprimand.

"Not good enough. If you continue to 'go okay,' my plan will be ruined. It seems relying solely on you in the short term isn't enough. From now on, Lin Xiao and Liu Wushuang, you will assist Blazing Fire with strategies. Ensure that within a month, Blazing Fire wins over Qinghong," Zhong Shan ordered.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao and Liu Wushuang immediately replied.

Blazing Fire, however, felt extremely frustrated. Nevertheless, there was no alternative—he had no one but himself to blame for his lack of progress.

"Marshal, now that the elixir of immortality has been confirmed, shall we proceed?" Mr. Shi suddenly smiled.

Indeed, it had been confirmed by the Great Li Emperor Nie Fancheng himself. Could there be any doubt? This revelation would undoubtedly spread throughout the entire city of Li Huo, causing an uproar.

The elixir of immortality!

"Yes, proceed according to the plan," Zhong Shan said, his eyes gleaming with determination.

"Understood!" Mr. Shi immediately responded.

"Shui Wuhen, lead the 800,000-strong Zhong family army and fully cooperate with Mr. Shi," Zhong Shan added.

"Yes!" Shui Wuhen, though slightly puzzled, quickly nodded in agreement.

The discussions in the court inevitably leaked out. Countless eyes were watching this assembly.

The elixir of immortality possessed by the Grand Luo envoy Zhong Shan had been authenticated by the Emperor himself. There was no falsehood, and it was undoubtedly genuine, as verified before the entire court.

This was monumental. Previously, people had only held a curiosity and longing, hoping the elixir was real. Now, with its authenticity confirmed by the Emperor, who would dare to doubt?

"Is there really an elixir of immortality in this world?" A voice echoed in a Li Huo city tavern.

"Of course! The Emperor himself confirmed it. The Emperor is among the most powerful beings, nearly touching the realm of immortals. Would he lie? The elixir of immortality! Those in the court are truly fortunate. Just a whiff grants thirty more years of life. I wish I had that chance."

"Dream on! Zhong Shan is using it to bargain for Princess Ling'er. Ultimately, it will belong to the Emperor."

"Bah, it's not decided yet. Four people are vying for the princess, including the formidable Suicidal Prince, the talented Young Marquis, and the wasteful prince ready to trade an empire for her."

"If I could just see it, just take one whiff, I'd give up ten years of my life."

"Spit! Ten years? A whiff grants thirty more years. Keep dreaming, kid!"

The entire city of Li Huo was in an uproar. The news was spreading not just within the city but also radiating outward at a terrifying speed, reaching distant cities.

The elixir of immortality, the most potent sacred medicine in the world, was real. Li Huo city was about to become a whirlwind of chaos.