Ji Yang looked at everyone and said, "Wushu Village used to be my responsibility, and now there are not too many things to handle. I no longer need to manage that village; it only requires some coordination. Zhan Yongtao is not very familiar with the situation here, and the office work is also heavy, so he will take charge of coordinating the work for Wushu Village."
Everyone looked at Ji Yang, surprised that he would delegate the task to an outsider, which showed that Ji Yang was not the kind of leader who shirks responsibility.
"Mayor Huang has always been in charge of Shitou Village. The project at Peach Blossom Source will continue to be followed up by Secretary Huang. Additionally, Changshi Village can be developed into the Stone Forest, and Comrade Qian Huixian will be responsible for the follow-up there and can interact with Shitou Village."
Qian Huixian nodded and said, "I will work hard."