Chapter 329: Stir the Water

In just a short span of time, the room became chaotic.

Ji Yang was still watching the intense confrontation between the nanny and Bao Geishan, yet he hadn't noticed that Jiang Fei had already come up beside him, wrapping her entire body around him.

This wasn't good!

It was only then that Ji Yang snapped back to reality and quickly looked towards the direction of the camera.

It had to be said that the opposition had arranged this meticulously, the camera targeted right at the bed, now clearly capturing Ji Yang in its view.

Looking up, he saw two burly women, one of whom was already walking towards him.

Ji Yang was speechless; Bao Geishan obviously kept the beautiful women for himself and paired Ji Yang with these two.

It was apparent that, aside from himself, everyone under the influence of the drugs was in a state of dazed Divine Sense, completely out of their minds.