Chapter 1 The Young and Beautiful Sister-in-Law

Chapter 1


Just as Yuan'er reached for the bathing towel intending to wipe down her soaking wet body, she looked down and noticed a piece of clothing that had dropped, a black lace-trimmed panty.

She picked up the underwear she was about to change into and casually threw the dirty clothes into the laundry basket.

Then she wiped herself down and put on a pink silk camisole slip nightdress.

"Lin Zhenghui, bath time!" Yuan'er's customary voice echoed from the bathroom.

Every day after she finished her bath, she would call for him to take his bath!

"Coming!" Lin Zhenghui, who was watching TV with his pajamas in hand, heard Yuan'er's voice and hurried over.

His response was swift, as if on demand.

Just as he entered the bathroom, he happened to see Yuan'er's back as she bent over to pick up the laundry basket.

It was only for an instant, but Lin Zhenghui's eyes involuntarily caught sight of the legendary "white tiger," silently crouching between the valleys.

Yuan'er was unaware that the moment she bent over, her round, snowy buttocks were already exposed to Lin Zhenghui's gaze below.

She was even less aware that the usually slow and deliberate Lin Zhenghui would appear at the bathroom doorway in an instant, his eyes firmly fixed on her.

"So white..." Lin Zhenghui couldn't help but murmur to himself.

He thought, "I never imagined my sister-in-law would own a 'white tiger.' I wonder if my brother ever fed it cucumbers?"

"What's so white? Are you asking for a beating, even flirting with your sister-in-law?" Yuan'er, holding the laundry basket, turned around to see him standing at the door, leering at her.

"Sister-in-law, it's been almost a year since my brother passed away. Have you ever thought about remarrying?"

Lin Zhenghui stared intently at Yuan'er's camisole dress, which did nothing to hide her graceful and enticing curves. The mountain peaks rose high above the dress, her silky smooth legs were slender and well-shaped, her waist was delicate and barely enough to fill a hand.

He murmured, "Worthy of being the flower of eight villages and ten li, I really wonder how my brother met her?"

Her surname was Nangong, and her name, Yuan'er, 25 years old, two years his senior.

"Who would marry me, an unlucky woman? Now, in the entire county, who doesn't know they say I cursed my parents to death, married into the Lin Family, and then my husband and mother-in-law died!"

As Yuan'er said this, her delicate features clouded with sorrow, her eyes filled with deep melancholy, making Lin Zhenghui's heart heavy.

As she described, it seemed the entire county's villagers spoke of how she had cursed her parents to death since childhood and that on the day she married into the Lin Family, her husband died in an accident while returning relatives home.

Then Lin Zhenghui's mother, overwhelmed by emotion, suffered a fatal heart attack, and two family members died on the day of the wedding.

"Sister-in-law, what era is this? Still believing in such things? If you don't mind, marry me. I'm not afraid of being cursed to death by you."

Lin Zhenghui thought of how his brother, not knowing how much he had drunk during his wedding banquet, had driven relatives home and fallen into a ravine.

Fortunately, no relatives were in the car. Otherwise, it would have been a harm to self and others.

"Enough, stop joking around with your sister-in-law and go take your bath." Nangong Yuan'er gave him a glare, thinking she had only this one little brother-in-law left.

"Sister-in-law, I'm serious!"

Lin Zhenghui gazed at her curvaceous body, her full 36D breasts standing firm beneath the thin clothing, faintly trembling with her breaths, the shape of her nipples slightly discernible.

In his mind, he couldn't help but recall the scene he had just witnessed, that snowy white mound with a crimson crevice looking as though a volcano was about to erupt.

The uncontrollable lust within him caused his hands to stretch out and embrace his enchanting sister-in-law's waist...

"Ah!? Lin Zhenghui, what do you think you're doing? If you continue like this, I'm going to get angry!" Nangong Yuan'er frowned deeply, her beautiful eyes sparking with fury as she glared at the man two years her junior.

"I, I can't hold back, Yuan'er, you're too beautiful, marry me." Lin Zhenghui, stunned by her grating voice and fiery stare, originally intended to climb her 36D peaks, but had to stop midway.

"Let go, if you keep this up, I won't talk to you, and I won't cook for you anymore." Nangong Yuan'er gave his strong arm a pinch with her small hand.

"Yuan'er, I mean it, I like you!" Lin Zhenghui didn't believe in superstitions.

It wasn't her fault that his brother died in a drunk-driving accident.

And it certainly wasn't her fault that his mother was born with a congenital heart defect.

But everyone believed she had caused the deaths of her husband and mother-in-law, and she silently bore all the blame, spending many nights washing her face with tears.

"..." Nangong Yuan'er trembled at his words.

But thinking of what the geomancer from the county said, she stepped away with her delicate feet, clutching the clothes in the laundry basket, and quickly ran out of the bathroom.

Leaving Lin Zhenghui standing there, dumbfounded, he looked down at his brother, which had pitched a big tent, nearly tearing through the quilt.

"Brother, oh brother, so you like the white tiger as well, huh? Settle down, take it easy!" Lin Zhenghui drenched his hot brother with a cold shower.

Unable to shake the image of those snowy mounds from his mind, he murmured, "I wonder if Yuan'er will be mad at me. Brother, what should we do? It's all because you got excited."

"..." His brother had nothing to say.

Lin Zhenghui, looking at his magnificent brother, murmured, "I was raised by Mom, not born from her, so it's not really crossing the line, right? Yeah, yeah, the Lin Family's water shouldn't flow into someone else's field. For you, brother, I'm all in."

After the bath.

Lin Zhenghui was wearing a pair of boxer shorts, but the big tent in front was still there, vehemently insisting on not settling down.

"Ah, brother, you're making me look bad," Lin Zhenghui said as he glanced at the unrelenting brother, and then at Yuan'er's room.

Seeing the door to Yuan'er's room half-open, the soft light filtering through the crack like guiding his way forward.

Lin Zhenghui's father had passed away when he was very young.

In earlier years, his elder brother had made some money in agriculture and built a 120 square meter two-story house in the village, beautifully furnished on the second floor.

"Yuan'er..." Lin Zhenghui entered the room, wanting to apologize to Yuan'er.

Instead, he saw her putting on her underwear, facing him.

Beneath those pristine ridges, a fathomless valley stood motionless before him, turning Lin Zhenghui's mind blank.

"Lin Zhenghui, why didn't you knock on the door!" Yuan'er's cheeks instantly flushed to her jade neck as she hurriedly put her lace-trimmed panties back on and straightened her clothes.

"Yuan'er, that..." Lin Zhenghui felt his brother protesting.

Yuan'er glared at him fiercely, thinking about how he had seen that she was destined to be a 'white tiger', and anger rose in her heart, "What is it?"

"Yuan'er, there's something wrong with me, can you help me out?" Lin Zhenghui looked at her innocently.

It was clear that she was changing inside, yet the door wasn't locked, which allowed him to see once more her mysterious and beautiful, charming 'white tiger'.

Seeing it twice in one night would set any man ablaze.

"Wrong?" Yuan'er glanced at the tent pitched high on his boxer shorts below his sculpted abs, her cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red.

"Yes, it's wrong, it won't go down, Yuan'er, you have to help me, if something happens to me, it will be your fault, you have to take responsibility!"

Lin Zhenghui now felt like he had taken several Aikexi pills, with a sense of impending explosion, terribly uncomfortable.

"My fault? What's that got to do with me?"