Chapter 21: Might not be able to go to the cornfield tonight, what should I do?

In a county hospital.

A surgeon was cleaning Lin Zhenghui's wound, administering tetanus and anti-inflammatory injections.

"Thankfully, no blood vessels were injured." The surgeon stitched up Lin Zhenghui's wound with eight stitches and said, "Try to keep the wound dry to avoid infection and inflammation, and change the dressing every three days."

"Thank you, doctor!" Yuan'er watched the doctor treat the wound on Lin Zhenghui's arm, which was over ten centimeters long, and felt an unpleasant sensation in her heart.

"I'll prescribe some topical disinfectant and Yunnan Baiyao powder for you to change the dressing at home. Come back in a week to have the stitches removed," the doctor told him as he bandaged the wound.

"Okay, thank you, doctor."

Lin Zhenghui now looked as if he had a broken arm, with a white gauze wrapped around his neck.

The doctor said he couldn't do heavy work, for fear of bleeding from the wound.