Chapter 67 Sister-in-law, Come Quick, He's Drunk

Lin Zhuangguo didn't hide anything from his brother Lin Zhenghui and said, "What else could it be, the last injury, it damaged the vital part."

"It damaged the vital part?" Lin Zhenghui continued to feign ignorance and asked.

"Ah, that's fate. So, your loss isn't really significant, you can earn it back within a year or two of working, but health can't be bought with money, understand?" Lin Zhuangguo poured himself a full glass of alcohol and drank it alone.

"Can it be cured?"

Lin Zhenghui's eyes stealthily scanned Lin Zhuangguo's neck, noticing that his Adam's apple seemed much smaller than a man's should be.

Seeing him down several drinks in quick succession, that look of helpless, bitter laughter on his face, Guan Xiaohui must have given him a hard time.

"It's hard to say..." Lin Zhuangguo shook his head.

He didn't talk to Lin Zhenghui about his issues with Guan Xiaohui.

Even if he had, there'd be nothing he could help with.