Chapter 79: The School Belle Can Do the Splits

The final battle took place in the shower.

Lin Zhenghui was left a bit unsatisfied, if it weren't for the injury on his hand.

He could have shown Lin Wan'er what a koala hug really feels like.

But overall, it was a perfect ending to their encounter.

Because this time, Lin Wan'er was very cooperative, seemingly unleashing all her special moves.

"How was it? Happy? Was it exhilarating?" Lin Wan'er drove the electric bike extra slowly as she took Lin Zhenghui back to the village.

"I had no idea that our high school beauty could do the splits like that. That move was awesome," Lin Zhenghui said, resting on her shoulder.

"I took a dance class in college as a hobby," Lin Wan'er said, thinking back to each of Lin Zhenghui's moves that nearly made her heart jump out.

She thought to herself, "Are guys made of iron? How can they go several rounds in such a short span of time? It killed me; I'm numb and can't feel anything."