Chapter 91 This Iron Buddy is a Bit Dirty

Two minutes left.

Lin Zhenghui's shooting speed increased more and more, seemingly firing once every second, with each shot hitting the mark.

However, Lin Wan'er found that one little hand wasn't enough to cover her mouth; she had to use both hands, tightly pressing over her mouth, her brows furrowed deeply.

"Mmm!?" Lin Wan'er felt Lin Zhenghui holding her from behind, his body convulsing as if he had a stroke.

"Xuewei is hurrying me, can you get back by yourself?" Lin Zhenghui asked, gasping like a deflated balloon.

Days of accumulation released in one go sent his soul soaring to the heavens.

"Did you do it inside again?" Lin Wan'er felt a warm flow inside her mouth and asked.

"What now?" Lin Zhenghui gently withdrew his "brother" from her hidden sanctuary and asked.

"It's fine, I'll go back first, you better hurry over there, perhaps Guan Xiaohui really needs you for something," Lin Wan'er said, pulling her skirt back down.