Chapter 125: Who Cares Who She Is, Just Take What You Need

When Lin Zhenghui locked the office door and turned around,

he saw Han Yue'er, the icy beauty and CEO, approaching him step by step, her hands unbuttoning her garment one button at a time.

Exposed was a delicate bra, tightly holding two small snowy white cantaloupes.

With each step they trembled like jelly, shaking...

"Yue'er, what are you doing..." Lin Zhenghui even saw her tiny hands unzip her skirt, letting it fall to her beautiful feet.

A pair of white lace panties tightly hugged her little mound, with a faint dark shadow imprinted on top.

Up her slender legs, black stockings were tightly encased, held in place by a garter belt from her waist.

Pretty or not, enchanting or not, one could tell by Lin Zhenghui's brother pitching a big tent in his trousers.

Often, no words are needed, a look is enough.

Last time, in the changing room, she couldn't coax Lin Zhenghui here.

This time, she wouldn't let this excellent little farmer slip away.