Chapter 140 She Really Can Pretend

After hanging up the call with that so-called high school classmate,

Lin Zhenghui directly opened the high school classmates' group chat to find over 900 messages, along with many pictures and videos.

He had been better off not looking.

Once he did, Lin Zhenghui was so startled he nearly couldn't hold onto his phone.

The car worth 110 million yuan, Lin Zhenghui only spent 500,000 yuan to buy it for a spin, and it had been wrecked by that bastard Jiang Jincheng.

That information sent shivers down his spine.

He really couldn't fathom why Xue'er would be willing to give him a car worth over 100 million yuan. Could it be that she liked him?

"Awesome, awesome, haha, so freaking awesome..." Lin Zhenghui, watching the video that followed, couldn't help but burst out with delight.

Lin Wan'er felt just as thrilled, her body convulsing in pleasure, consecutively climaxing, with saliva dripping from her sensual lips.