Chapter 142: Brothers, will you help with this plea?

Lin Zhuangguo asked Lin Zhenghui to be a sperm donor for him, which didn't surprise Lin Zhenghui at all.

Because Guan Xiaohui had discussed it with him that morning, and even demonstrated how she ate a squash in front of Lin Zhenghui with her plump, ruddy, little mouth.

Those peach-red, beautiful lips, Lin Zhenghui had long wanted to touch a few times, but he didn't!

"No way, absolutely not, I can discuss other things, but not this," Lin Zhenghui immediately sat up and refused Lin Zhuangguo's request.

"You're the only one who can help me now, only by doing this can I keep her by my side!" Lin Zhuangguo knew he would reject his request.

"Are you willing to let her sleep with me? Are you content with that? Aren't you afraid your hair will turn green?" Lin Zhenghui barraged him with questions.