Chapter 148: It's Not Bad to Have an Easy Life

Lin Zhenghui's hand encountered a warm and tender smoothness, finding not a single piece of clothing over it.

He had thought his sister-in-law was wearing the special little panties he had bought her a while ago.

But what his hand touched was nothing but smoothness.

There was also a silken touch from within the crevice, as if telling Lin Zhenghui that her "little white tiger" had always been waiting for him to feed it.

"It's convenient for you, isn't that good?" Nangong Yuan'er took his porky hand out and continued cleaning up the dining table.

Nangong Yuan'er was no fool.

In the past few days, she had noticed Lin Wan'er's particularly close behavior towards Lin Zhenghui, and also Han Yue'er, the lady boss.

The last one was Xue'er from this big company.

As for Xuewei and Guan Xiaohui, these two widows, she knew they wanted to hook her little uncle-in-law, hoping Lin Zhenghui would moisten their channels.