Chapter 158: As Long As the Son is Happy, His Mother is Sweeter than Preserved Fruits

This sentence made Xue'er utterly delighted.

At least her boss acknowledged her. Whether she could hook this handsome guy depended on her own abilities.

"General Manager, would you like to buy some sweet potatoes to take home? They are organically farmed, 35 yuan a bag," Lin Zhenghui said to her.

"Did you grow them yourself?" Shangguan Ranyan turned around and asked her biological son.

"Yes, I grew them," Lin Zhenghui nodded.

"I'll take them all!"

"All of them? Great, great. Xinyao, Meifeng, come and give us a hand to put them in the car for the General Manager."

The large bus outside the parking lot was still waiting for her.

Now the driver also came over to help load the sweet potatoes into the vehicle, along with taro and white radishes.

"Wait a second, I'll catch a few chickens for you to take back," Lin Zhenghui ran toward the chicken coop.